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[Spaceship Zero] Q-Ship (actually updated 19 May 2007)

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First Post
Capellan said:
The robot's words signal the start of the battle, and S'Ondra immediately rushes to the fray, stabbing the creature twice with her heat lance. Sticky white sap sprays from the wounds, spattering on her face like something that probably should have been censored.

Okay, now. That's just wrong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong

Keep up the great work, Cappellan!


Herder of monkies
Ab-so-lute-ly fabulous.

I'm laying on my stomach on the living room rug, chin in my hands, eyes wide and reflecting the flickering old black-and-white as I patiently await the next episode to air.


"Total Escape" - Part 4

"I'll sneak down and scout." S'Ondra points toward the camp, "The guards look pretty occupied."

"Scouting is a good idea." Fury agrees, "But maybe Archie should go. His builder-bot body is very small: the guards -" he considers his next words carefully "- are even less likely to spot him than they are you."

"On ze ozzer hand, if they did spot Archie, zey would know immediately zat somezink strange was going on." Gustav muses, with a surprisingly strong grasp of reality. "It vould be best if anyone zey spotted appeared to be an uneducated savage. Perhaps you should go instead, Captain."

"I will go." S'Ondra insists. She strikes a determined pose, her bosom thrust out majestically. "It is my people are imprisoned."

"Zen I will go with you, leibchen." A determined pose is somehow not as inspiring when the Doctor does it.

"Is that wise, Doc? You're really more of a boffin than a scout."

"Do not fret, Captain. I am sure S'Ondra will be able to keep me from exposing myself."

"We both have a great deal of practise." Archie concurs.

"Besides," Gustav continues "zere could be electronic sensors and ozzer technological devices to spot intruders around ze camp. I vill be needed to disable such things."

Fury can see when he's beaten,

"Fine, but stay out of sight, both of you."

The camera remains with the Captain and Archie as they watch their two companions scramble down the embankment and begin to scurry across the field that surrounds the Targ camp. Even crouched over as they run, the two stick out like sore thumbs on the flat and empty plain, but BBC aliens are notoriously inattentive, and they make it to the only cover in sight - a small clump of bushes - without the alarm being raised.

There is renewed activity in the camp as S'Ondra and Gustav settle into their hiding place. Two Targ carry a huge black cauldron from the corrugated iron building, then a third Targ bangs on the side with a ladle. Dozens of Venusians begin to assemble in response to the dull clang, and soon they are trooping past the cauldron in a line, each getting a ladle of yellowish gruel slopped into their cupped hands. Most shove their faces into their hands as they walk away, slurping up whatever strange food it is they have been served with as fast as they can.

"Gnyah! They didn't even wash their hands!" Archie's body vibrates with horror at the unhygienic display. "Don't they know how many diseases they could catch?"

"Don't burn out your circuits, old boy." Fury cautions, then suddenly groans in distress, "Damn it!"

Six black-suited Targ come marching into the scene from the right of shot, following a dusty dirt track across the field. Within moments, they will be in the perfect position to spot Gustav and the Princess.

"Turn around, S'Ondra ." Fury grits his teeth, as if mentally trying to warn the Princess of her peril, "Turn around."

The Captain's attempt at telepathy fails: one of the Targ soldiers suddenly calls out and points, and the six aliens rush forward and surround S'Ondra and Gustav before the two can even rise to their feet. Finding themselves covered by half a dozen readied disruptors, the pair raise their hands and slowly stand.

"Damnation!" Fury swears again, pounding his fist on the dirt.

The camera swoops down to the field as the Captain expresses his impotent fury, coming to rest on the defiant S'Ondra and Gustav.

"How you escape?" one of the Targ demands in pidgin Venusian, poking his disruptor toward the Princess.

"Escape?" S'Ondra looks blank.

"You inside. Now outside! How?"

"Zey zink you are your duplicate from zis reality, leibchen." Gustav mutters out of the corner of his mouth, earning a barked command for "Silence!" from the Targ.

"Not escape." S'Ondra glowers, "Seek sister here."

"Seek sister?" The Targ prods her toward the camp gates, "Then good luck. You meet sister now."

And with that, Gustav and S'Ondra are herded at gunpoint into Targ captivity.

If you aren't a player in Q-Ship, don't forget to add your input to this thread! (Players should stay out. Out, I say!)


"Total Escape" - Part 5

Fury curses as he watches his companions' capture, fists clenched impotently. Being impotent is a major cause of concern for him.

"There is nothing we can do at the current time, Captain." Archie attempts to mollify Fury's anger. "The Targ will be on heightened alert now. We must wait for a better opportunity."

"I know, Archie." Fury never takes his eyes off the distant figure of the Princess, "But it doesn’t make me feel any better."

It's likely that S'Ondra herself isn't too thrilled with events either, as she and her foster father are frog-marched into the camp, their hands on their heads.

"Stop here." The leader of the patrol points at a dusty spot of ground. The two captives do as instructed, still covered by five disruptors as the patrol leader continues to walk forward. He comes to a halt before a tall Targ with elaborate insignia on his shoulders and executes a smart salute.

"Two new prisoners, Commandant. One of them appears identical to an existing inmate."

Watching the Targ conversation, Gustav whispers out of the corner of his mouth,

"Can you understand zem, leibchen?"

"Of course. It's not like I slept through your lectures on their language." S'Ondra answers primly, then adds under her breath. "Not all of them, anyway."

"Show me the prisoners." The Commandant follows the patrol leader over to Gustav and the Princess, and examines them closely, "I see what you mean, Sub-Commander." He snaps his fingers and points to a pair of nearby guards. "You! Go and fetch the Chief Scientist. You! Fetch the prisoner that looks like this one." He gestures at S'Ondra.

As the guards hurry to obey, the Commandant steps back and surveys the two prisoners, "Healthy looking specimens, Sub-Commander. We should get plenty of work out of these two."

"Here's the prisoner you requested, sir." The first of the guards returns, dragging Savage S'Ondra by the arm. She shuffles in his wake, head lolling and eyes vacant.

"What's wrong with her?" the Princess hisses to Gustav, as she looks at her counterpart with concern.

"I zink she may be drugged." The Doctor mutters back, his voice low, "At least, I hope zat is ze case. Ze alternative is zat zey have operated on her mind in some way -" he breaks off, suddenly realising that such conjecture is probably not what S'Ondra wants to hear.

"You wished to see me, Commandant?" a rich contralto voice intercedes as a new Targ arrives in the scene. This is evidently the Chief Scientist ... and the skin-tight Targ bodysuits make it equally evident that the Chief Scientist is a She.

"Oh my." Gustav swallows, "Is it getting hot, here?"

The Commandant nods an answer to the Chief Scientist's question, then gestures at Gustav and S'Ondra.

"I wanted to show you these two new prisoners." He explains, "Notice that the one on the right appears identical to this other prisoner. This seems a remarkable genetic anomaly."

"Oh, not really." The Chief Scientist gives S'Ondra a dismissive flick of her hand, "The inefficient and disgusting biological processes these primitives use to breed are responsible for such aberrations. They occur approximately once in every two-hundred and fifty cases. Rare, but by no means remarkable." She pulls out a handheld device of some kind and points it at Gustav. The instrument makes a series of high-pitched clicking noises.

"This other prisoner, however, is an interesting specimen. I detect unusually high - though very erratic - brainwave patterns. With your permission, I'd like to have him brought to the lab for further study."

"Permission granted." The Commandant nods. "Do you require the other prisoner as well?"

"No. Her brain patterns are normal for the species. She can be added to the general populace."

S'Ondra glances around at the guards, subtly shifting her weight so that she can spring into action.

"Get ready, father." She mutters, "We're going to have to make a break for it."

"No, leibchen." The Doctor shakes his head almost imperceptibly, "Zere are too many of zem."

"But she's going to take you away and cut you up in her laboratory!"

"Zere will be ozzer tests, first." Gustav reassures her, speaking quickly as two guards move forward to escort him along behind the Chief Scientist, "Zere will be time for you or Archie or Captain Fury to rescue me before anything unpleasant happens to me, I am sure."

And then the camera is following Gustav as he is forcibly dragged away, the two guards each gripping one of his arms and walking fast enough that he stumbles and is forced to start half-jogging in order to keep his balance. They drag him into the busiest of the camp buildings, in and out of which a constant stream of Venusians are being herded. One of the guards pushes open the door with his free hand -


A massive screen dominates the far wall of the main room within the building. A swirling pattern of colours washes over the screen as a booming voice blasts out of loudspeakers, demanding obedience and loyalty to the new Targ order. Dozens of Venusians are crowded into the room, and Targ guards move amongst them, making sure that all the prisoners are watching the hypnotic patterns on the screen.

"This way." The Chief Scientist beckons the guards on past this room, and we enter a sterile, white-washed laboratory, full of gleaming chrome instruments. A large steel table, fitted with bulky vice-like manacles, dominates the room. "Secure him to the observation table, then adjust it to a sixty degree angle."

The guards swiftly manacle Gustav, then crank a winch that raises him into a near standing position. As they do so, the Chief Scientist runs her scanner up and down Gustav's body.

"Very good." She nods as the table is put into position. "You may leave now." The guards obviously hesitate, and she waves a hand dismissively. "He's hardly likely to be dangerous while he's manacled to the table, is he?"

The guards salute stiffly and withdraw. As the door closes behind them, the Chief Scientist enters a code on the keypad beside it. There is an audible clunk as the door's locks engage.

"I must say," she says in English as she turns toward Gustav and gestures with her scanner, "These results show your intellect to be quiet staggering. Of course, they'd have to be, for you to survive your planet's devastation."

"I don't know vhat you mean!" Gustav protests.

"Really?" the Targ seems amused, "Then how did you understand me?" Gustav looks stricken as he realises his blunder, but the alien continues in a pleasant tone, "There would be no point denying it, of course. You might look like one of these unwashed natives, but your physical readings are quite different. And your brain patterns ..." she breaks off, "... well, let's just say that I've never seen such a big sine wave, before."

Gustav blinks.

"Tell me ..." the Chief Scientist stalks across the room, her voluptuous figure straining at her tight-fitting body suit, "... are you really the product of random physical breeding? It seems hard to believe that such primitive methods would provide such an extraordinary specimen."

"It is not random." Gustav protests, "Partnerships are chosen by mutual attraction."

"Mutual attraction? You mean a shared desire to mate?"

"Well, ja, but -"

"You will demonstrate this to me. Now."

The Chief Scientist reaches up to the collar of her body suit, and we fade to black to the accompaniment of a drawn out zzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppp.

If you aren't a player in Q-Ship, don't forget to add your input to this thread! (Players should stay out. Out, I say!)


First Post
This was the episode that made me decide to go into science; if an old, freaky-looking scientist like Gustav can get a hot alien chick, then that's the career for me!

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