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I'd be tempted to simulate this either by creating a subrace or creating some regional feats for Sparta.
If a subrace: +2 con, -2 cha
They're tough from their training but don't tend to relate to people as well outside of the strict discipline of their society.
No human bonus feat, no bonus skill points. Spartan upbringing doesn't engender the flexibility and curiousity of most human upbringings.
Stability: +4 to resist trip attacks. Resisting a shield charge is an important element in Spartan training.
Weapon Familiarity: Spartan longspear (EWP: 1-handed longspear)
Racial Proficiencies: Tower Shield, longspear, shortspear, trident, shortsword
Skill bonusses: +2 concentration, +2 to all skill checks involving extended exertion (swimming, climbing, etc).
Saving throw bonus: +2 fort saves against subdual damage from forced marches, cold, fatigue, or exhaustion, +2 against mind effecting effects.
Human Blood: Magical effects treat Spartans as humans.
For a simpler solution, you could create a couple regional feats that all Spartans take:
Spartan Weapons Training: Tower Shield proficiency, shortsword, spear, longspear, trident, javalin proficiency.
Spartan Endurance: 1/2 strength endurance, +2 to saves against mind effecting effects.
You could represent the murder of "defective children" by placing a lower cap on stats. Any character with less than an 8 in any stat is killed--reroll them if rolling; if using point buy, you're set. For NPCs, simply use the non-elite statblock for all NPCs that would normally get the 11-10-11-10-11-10 statblock and give all of them at least one fighter level.
For clerics and wizards from such a culture, I would suggest that they all multiclass with fighter to represent early training before their special gifts manifested. Spellsword and Eldritch Knight will be much more common than single-classed wizards. Similarly, Warpriests, etc will be more common than single-classed clerics. Alternatively, you could give them the Spartan Training feats and focus their studies on battle magic. Perhaps all Spartan clerics take the war domain and all spartan Wizards specialize in Evocation of Transmutation, eschewing either Illusion, Enchantment, or Necromancy.
If a subrace: +2 con, -2 cha
They're tough from their training but don't tend to relate to people as well outside of the strict discipline of their society.
No human bonus feat, no bonus skill points. Spartan upbringing doesn't engender the flexibility and curiousity of most human upbringings.
Stability: +4 to resist trip attacks. Resisting a shield charge is an important element in Spartan training.
Weapon Familiarity: Spartan longspear (EWP: 1-handed longspear)
Racial Proficiencies: Tower Shield, longspear, shortspear, trident, shortsword
Skill bonusses: +2 concentration, +2 to all skill checks involving extended exertion (swimming, climbing, etc).
Saving throw bonus: +2 fort saves against subdual damage from forced marches, cold, fatigue, or exhaustion, +2 against mind effecting effects.
Human Blood: Magical effects treat Spartans as humans.
For a simpler solution, you could create a couple regional feats that all Spartans take:
Spartan Weapons Training: Tower Shield proficiency, shortsword, spear, longspear, trident, javalin proficiency.
Spartan Endurance: 1/2 strength endurance, +2 to saves against mind effecting effects.
You could represent the murder of "defective children" by placing a lower cap on stats. Any character with less than an 8 in any stat is killed--reroll them if rolling; if using point buy, you're set. For NPCs, simply use the non-elite statblock for all NPCs that would normally get the 11-10-11-10-11-10 statblock and give all of them at least one fighter level.
For clerics and wizards from such a culture, I would suggest that they all multiclass with fighter to represent early training before their special gifts manifested. Spellsword and Eldritch Knight will be much more common than single-classed wizards. Similarly, Warpriests, etc will be more common than single-classed clerics. Alternatively, you could give them the Spartan Training feats and focus their studies on battle magic. Perhaps all Spartan clerics take the war domain and all spartan Wizards specialize in Evocation of Transmutation, eschewing either Illusion, Enchantment, or Necromancy.
MaxKaladin said:I'm trying to set up a group on my world that has a training program for their youth similar to the brutal conditions under which the Spartans raised their children.
Assuming someone had basically been through having all "defective" children killed at birth and 14 years of Boot Camp from ages 7 to 21...
* Would you give them any kind of bonuses and penalties to stats?
* Any other special abilities?
* What class would they be? Prestige class, fighter and/or warrior NPC class?
* What level do you think they would be?
* Assuming some of their number were seperated out about halfway through to be trained as clerics, wizards or sorcerers, how would that change your answers to those questions?