Special Conversion Thread: Dragonets!


At will:

Direction Sense: Know Direction
Detect Life: Detect Humans, Plants, Animals

Antithapy/Sympathy: How about a minor form of it once per day where the target gets a -2 penalty to Skill Checks and Saving throws while in 30' of the caster.

Aren't there some creatures that can view in a 360 radius? What of their abilities? Beholders?

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Monster Junkie
You guys should really check out psionics if you find the time, particularly if you stick with 3.5. I've found the psionics system to be far superior to the spellcasting system, and plan to use it as my base magic system in future campaigns. :D

BOZ did some research awhile back and found...

3.5 Conversions of Psionic Powers from Complete Psionics Handbook

All-Round Vision - Ubiquitous Vision
Danger Sense - Danger Sense
Poison Sense - ? (probably detect poison)
Radial Navigation - Anchored Navigation

Attraction - Attraction
Aversion - Aversion
Contact - ? (it does mention mind blank, though, which is a spell)
False Sensory Input - False Sensory Input
Life Detection - ? (although detect hostile intent could be appropriate)


Spell Resistance:
10+HD+CHA Bonus=10+3+2=15

Sense Motive

When familiar/companion/henchemen mode:
At will: Telepathy as the spell with bonded person.


If opponent is bigger then them, flee using teleport or blink. If they are close to size or bonded person is with them then they attack using Breath weapon, swooping attack (I swear there's an ability called swoop), and spells. Ranged primary then up close if threatened.

CR 4: 3 hit dice, spell resistance, psionic like powers. I'm leaning toward this being a 3 or a 4 for just difficulty at getting to it alone. It's not that tough and can be killed easily but a small group may find it a challenge.

LA: 3 For the same reason above. this thing has a slew of abilities with flight, size, magic powers that it would be brutal as a 7th level PC.


Extradimensional Explorer
Shade said:
You guys should really check out psionics if you find the time, particularly if you stick with 3.5. I've found the psionics system to be far superior to the spellcasting system, and plan to use it as my base magic system in future campaigns. :D

Definitely plan on it. :) Actually, I'm familiar with the base rules for psionics, but I just don't know the powers. Don't know all the spells that well, either, actually. :eek: I guess that's why I missed Know Direction as an at will SLA for the non-psionic version. Also, should we do an Su version of attraction/aversion for the non-psionic version?


freyar said:
Definitely plan on it. :) Actually, I'm familiar with the base rules for psionics, but I just don't know the powers. Don't know all the spells that well, either, actually. :eek: I guess that's why I missed Know Direction as an at will SLA for the non-psionic version. Also, should we do an Su version of attraction/aversion for the non-psionic version?

I've had only 1 encounter with psionics and it's never been fun. I just prefere spells. Sure, make those abilities Supernatural to help balance out it's power regime.


Extradimensional Explorer
Let's try this:

Attraction (Su): Three times a day, a pavilion dragon can cause a single target to be attracted to some object or creature for one hour. If the target fails a DC X Will save, it will take reasonable steps to find or get close to the object of its attraction. It will not, however, take suicidal actions or act on its attraction during combat. If the pavilion dragon chooses to make itself the object of attraction, it gains a +4 bonus on all Charisma-based checks against an affected target. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Aversion (Su): Three times a day, a pavilion dragon can cause a single target to feel a strong aversion to some object, creature, or action for one hour. If the target fails a DC X Will save, it will take reasonable steps to avoid the object of its aversion. If an object or creature, the victim will attempt to stay 30 feet away; if an action, the victim will avoid performing that action. If the victim has to approach the object of its aversion or perform that specific action, it takes a -2 penalty to all relevant checks. The save DC is Charisma-based.


Monster Junkie
Lookin' good.

You're close on the formula for save DCs, Leopold, but it's actually 10 + half HD + relevant ability modifier, so 13 in this case.

Much like the mind flayer and other monsters that have a "psionics-lite" version as well as a true psionics version, I think we can relegate some of the powers that don't have spell equivalencies to the psionic variant.


Extradimensional Explorer
These are looking pretty good. For the psionic version, I guess we should mention dropping the Su attraction/aversion and SLAs (or how to modify them). The psionic powers line should look like:

Typical Psion Powers Known (power points x, save DC x + power level): 1st—attraction, aversion; 2nd— detect hostile intent; 3rd— ubiquitous vision, danger sense, false sensory input.

The other powers seem to be too high level for a 6th level manifester or else don't appear in the SRD powers list.

Voidrunner's Codex

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