Special Conversion Thread: Dragonets!

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Extradimensional Explorer
Leopold said:
what's next?
Well, other than finishing the psionics part, we still need skills & feats, treasure, CR, and advancement (Shade usually does the LA based on Savage Species guidelines).

Skills: it gets 7 at 6 ranks each. Maybe Listen, Spot, Survival, Hide, Bluff, Move Silently, and Jump? I'm open to suggestions. Concentration might be good, at least for the psionic version. Maybe Sense Motive & Diplomacy, if we want to make these good social critters (I'd swap out Hide and Move Silently).

Feats: it gets 2. Alertness, Negotiator, or Ability Focus (attraction)?


Extradimensional Explorer
Looking back, I also see that we should add improved grab still. I'd give it a +4 or even +8 racial grapple bonus.


freyar said:
Well, other than finishing the psionics part, we still need skills & feats, treasure, CR, and advancement (Shade usually does the LA based on Savage Species guidelines).

I pegged it at a 3 for LA for my above reasons. I follow the SS as well as one that was done via a generator back in the day.

CR of 4 for it. It's tough for a party of 4 but not that tough.

Skills: it gets 7 at 6 ranks each. Maybe Listen, Spot, Survival, Hide, Bluff, Move Silently, and Jump? I'm open to suggestions. Concentration might be good, at least for the psionic version. Maybe Sense Motive & Diplomacy, if we want to make these good social critters (I'd swap out Hide and Move Silently).

take out Jump as it can fly. Give it Knowledge(local/region) as it's wise about stuff that goes in and around it's area. Diplomacy is suitable. Concentration is an over used skill.

Feats: it gets 2. Alertness, Negotiator, or Ability Focus (attraction)?

Alertness, Negotiator, Fly By Attack

Flyby Attack [General]

Fly speed.

When flying, the creature can take a move action (including a dive) and another standard action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.

Without this feat, the creature takes a standard action either before or after its move.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yeah, I usually like fly-by attack, but I don't see this as much of a melee critter. It only gets two feats, though, so do you want to drop Negotiator or Alertness?

For skills, we have then Listen, Spot, Survival, Bluff, Knowledge (local), Sense Motive, Diplomacy? We could split some skill ranks if we want other skills. I'd still consider Concentration for the psionic version.


Monster Junkie
Yeah, Concentration is nearly a "must have" for any creature that relies on spells or spell-like abilities. Otherwise, it gets smacked everytime it attempts to use the ability when threatened.

Looking at the similar faerie dragon and pseudodragon for some inspiration...

Faerie Dragon Skills: Bluff, Hide, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim +1
Faerie Dragon Feats: Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Pseudodragon Skills: Hide, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
Pseudodragon Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (B)


Alertness and Fly by Attack.

Reason I pegged fly by:

As a last resort, a pavilion dragon can attack with two claws as it swoops on opponents. These attacks each cause 1d4 points of damage. If both claw attacks hit, dragonets can carry off a creature of size T or S. They generally use this ability to carry off their prey. When faced with very small enemies like tasloi, however, they carry off their opponents to drop them from a great height

For Psionic side I'll go with concentration for it then. I just see the skill as being over applied and rarely used in combat.


Extradimensional Explorer
Alertness and Flyby Attack sound good to me. Are we set with the skills? Our list looks pretty similar to the faerie dragon, actually. Do we want to siphon off one rank off a few of the other skills to add Concentration or put a note to swap it for something (Diplomacy?) in the psionic section?


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Alertness and Flyby Attack sound good to me. Are we set with the skills? Our list looks pretty similar to the faerie dragon, actually. Do we want to siphon off one rank off a few of the other skills to add Concentration or put a note to swap it for something (Diplomacy?) in the psionic section?

We should siphon a few ranks for it, as it needs it on the non-psionic side as well (with its spell-like abilities).

Also, since it resides in the jungle, I'd replace Knowledge (local) with Knowledge (nature).


Monster Junkie
On second thought, since the faerie dragon doesn't have Concentration, but also has SLAs, I can see dropping it.

How does this look, after ability modifiers and synergy bonuses have been factored in?

Bluff +7, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Hide +11, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (nature) +6, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +9, Survival +2 (+4 in aboveground natural environments)

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