Special Conversion Thread: Finishing off the oozes

I guess the 8 skill points have already been distributed (looks like all 8 into Disguise). Shouldn't it get 3 more ranks? Maybe put them into Disguise as well?

Iron Will and Lightning Reflexes for 2 of the feats?

You're right, it should have 11 skill points, which would have been stuck in Disguise with all its other ranks. I'll correct the entry.

As for feats, it should have three. How about giving it a Mimic's Lightning Reflexes and Weapon Focus (slam) but substitute the Mimic's Alertness for Iron Will?

Most oozes don't have keen senses (no Alertness or ranks in Spot or Listen), relying on Blindsight instead.
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Since this has blindsight, also, and such bad saves, I think I'd prefer Iron Will to Alertness. Weapon Focus sounds good, though.

Since this has blindsight, also, and such bad saves, I think I'd prefer Iron Will to Alertness. Weapon Focus sounds good, though.

Sorry, that last sentence was badly phrased - I was suggesting giving it Iron Will instead of the Mimic's Alertness, but my intent ended up garbled.

Looks like we're agreed then, so I'll make the changes to the proposal.

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