D&D (2024) Spells. What needs adjusted?


It would be a long list, but any spells that virtually never get taken should be buffed or removed. Conversely, any spell that seems mandatory probably needs a nerf.

There are too many damage spells that are all but indistinguishable, so that whichever one does slightly more damage gets taken most of the time and the rest just take up space.

Healing word should cost an action.

I agree that conjure spells tend to be a PITA and should be more restricted.

Find Familiar is too powerful; there should be significant consequences when a familiar dies (significant time to re-summon, like a week).

Banishment needed a nerf, but a saving throw every round makes it too weak for its level. Balance is needed.

Revivify should take ten minutes.

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Revert Leomund’s tiny hut to its previous edition self: an handy way to shelter yourself from the elements, NOT an unbreakable fortress.

All (or the most powerful) of control spells should have an hp threshold, kinda like sleep or the power words. If a target’s hp are above the spell’s threshold, they get a lessened control effect.

Spirit guardians needs to be looked at, it pumps out a lot of damage and a nice slowing effect to boot.

Shield should probably apply to a single attack, or last a single turn, at best.

Also agreeing on a lot of the suggestions from posters above.


All the Conjure spells, as well as animate object, need to not allow 8+ creatures. That slows the game down way too much. One summon is enough.

And they have been more or less replaced with Summon spells now, so just remove them.
Would you suggest temp hp for low CR creatures instead of more creatures? Is there a sweet spot that mirrors the extra attacks of fighters?


Phantom Steed is one for me. In previous editions it scaled with the ability to ignore difficult terrain and eventually fly. I think they rolled that into a generic high speed but it might be better to keep a lower base speed and have the spell scale in higher slots. Also the spell doesn't last long enough for overland travel. I can see why rituals need to be controlled but for a spell slot, I struggle to see what use it is. I have limited spells and I have only used the spell once since 5e started.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Druids have too many spells with concentration; casting a concentration spell then wading in combat in beast form only works for Moon Druid. If I want to play a spellcasting druid, I have to juggle concentration on most of my spells for pretty mediocre effects.

Spells with a casting time over 1 action should be Rituals, and Rituals should only be usable as Rituals that consume something, no spending of spell slots on them.

Damage spells should deal more: find a good compromise between fireball and the other damage spell.

The Wish spell is an artifact, not a spell every wizard should have on their spell list.

Some spells could be merged (cure/inflict wound, heal/harm) or one spell could be the upcasted version of another (lighting bolt -> chain lightning, Sleet storm -> Ice storm)

Would you suggest temp hp for low CR creatures instead of more creatures? Is there a sweet spot that mirrors the extra attacks of fighters?
If the summon spells from Tasha's are used instead, they get a scaling amount of HP so no temp HP required.
Those spells also do mirror the extra attacks of fighters pretty well.


Druids have too many spells with concentration; casting a concentration spell then wading in combat in beast form only works for Moon Druid. If I want to play a spellcasting druid, I have to juggle concentration on most of my spells for pretty mediocre effects.

Spells with a casting time over 1 action should be Rituals, and Rituals should only be usable as Rituals that consume something, no spending of spell slots on them.

Damage spells should deal more: find a good compromise between fireball and the other damage spell.

The Wish spell is an artifact, not a spell every wizard should have on their spell list.

Some spells could be merged (cure/inflict wound, heal/harm) or one spell could be the upcasted version of another (lighting bolt -> chain lightning, Sleet storm -> Ice storm)
I agree with most of these points except about damage. I think spell damage is mostly balanced okay in the sense that it is generally weak against single targets but certain spells are strong against multiple foes. I think it is important that every class has some weaknesses, and spell casters have a lot of flexibility. But their single target DPS should be significantly lower than classes like fighter or rogue who don't have all those options. Otherwise it just becomes the wizard show.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix

Voidrunner's Codex

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