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[Spots Filled] Curse of the Cold Sun (Pathfinder, Eberron, RHoD)


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Interested. Not settled on concept yet.

I do love Pathfinder sorcerors though...but I also love warforged...

Hee. I'll crunch and plot.

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There is no printed rule that says you can't take levels in both ninja and rogue, but its your world your DMship.

Seeing how all the others are also going the ranged combat approach, I was thinking of a different concept. Seeing as its Eberron and Pathfinder, how does a goblin artificer strike you? I could just use the standard pathfinder item creation rules to make the system a whole lot easier, and agree to only make items that already exist in print.
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I knew there was something I forgot! For the artificer what I've usually done is drop the craft pool since it no longer plays a roll in the Pathfinder crafting system and replace it with the Alchemist's bomb ability. You can then take a discovery relating to bombs at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.


First Post
sounds good to me :area:

Does anyone remember off the top of their heads which book has the the expanded craft construct rules with the spark shooting bird and the basher bot? I can't find it for the life of me, but have a perfectly clear picture of the drawings in my mind.
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There is no printed rule that says you can't take levels in both ninja and rogue, but its your world your DMship.

Actually yes it is:
Ultimate combat page 8: Alternate Classes
These are standalone classes whose basic ideas are very close to established base classes, yet whose required alterations would be too expansive for an archetype. In this case, that’s the samurai and the ninja—specifically Asian-themed classes that have long and unique histories, as well as great cultural cachet, but which are similar in concept to the established cavalier and rogue, respectively. An alternate class operates exactly as a base class, save that a character who takes a level in an alternate class can never take a level in its associated class—a samurai cannot also be a cavalier, and vice versa. The antipaladin from Advanced Player’s Guide is also an alternate class.

As for the book, I have no idea. I only know of the construct things from XPH and some of the Eberron books but I doubt it is the ones you're after.


I worked on an artificer conversion quite a while ago that made things a little different from the bomb ability. I may have cribbed the basic idea from someone else's conversion of the ability.

Basically you could do something like call the ability "Blast Rod" instead of "Bomb" and have it do a close rage (25 ft + 5 ft/level) ranged touch for 1d6+Int Fire damage, 3+Int/day, with damage increase on the same schedule as bomb.

I thought artificers might have a Dicovery-like "Invention" list as well with a couple of changes and additions from the alchemist's. I think a schedule like 2nd, 6th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th may be better, so that once they stop gaining crafting feats there is still extra to look forward to.

Acid Blast, like Acid Bomb
Blinding Blast, like Blinding Bomb
Concussive Blast, like Concussive Bomb
Confusing Blast, like Confusing Bomb
Dispelling Blast, like Dispelling Bomb
Enhance Potion
Enhance Scroll, like Cypermage
Explosive Blast, like Explosive Bomb, but 5' radius. 
Extend Potion
Extend Scroll, like Cyphermage
Extend Wand  (min. lvl 6)
Fast Blast, like Fast Bomb
Force Blast, like Force Bomb
Frost Blast, like Frost Bomb
Improved Blasting Rod, damage dice increases by 1 step (1d6 to 1d8, 1d4 to 1d6, et cetera)
Madness Blast, like Madness Bomb
Master's Ego, +6 saves vs. being dominated by intelligent items
Power Substitution, may substitute a use of Blast Rod for a wand, rod, or staff charge
Shock Blast, like Shock Bomb
Staff-Like Wand (min. lvl 12), like Wizard Arcane Discovery
Sunlight Blast, like Sunlight Bomb
Wand Dancer (Dex 13, min. lvl 6, does not need to meet other regular requirements), Feat (also works with Blast Rod)


First Post
Okay here's a draft of Boom-boom Ryder.

[sblock=Boom-Boom]Name: Zark "Boom-Boom" Ryder, A.K.A. Bazooka Zark
Class: Artificer
Race: Goblin (Humanoid, Goblinoid)
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral

Str: 08 -1 (10, -2R)                     Level: 5               XP: 15,000
Dex: 18 +4 (14, +4R)                     BAB: +3                HP: 39 (9+4d6+12)
Con: 14 +2 (14)                          CMB/CMD: -2/+12        Dmg Red: -/-
Int: 18 +4 (17, +1L)                  Speed: 30', 20'Fly (G) Spell Res: -
Wis: 07 -2 (07)                          Init: +4               Spell Save: -
Cha: 09 -1 (11, -2R)                     ACP: -1                Spell Fail: -

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +7    +3    +4    +1    +0   (+0)   25
Touch: 15          Flatfooted: 21

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      1    +2    +1    +4
Ref:                       1    +4    +1    +6
Will:                      4    -2    +1    +3

Weapon                  Attack     Damage     Critical   Range 
Bomb                     +10RT   3d6+4 Fire      X2       20
+1 Small Light Crossbow  +10       1d6+1      19-20/X2    80
+1 Large Light Crossbow  +10       2d6+1      19-20/X2    80

Languages: Common, Goblin, Elven, Draconic, Giant

Darkvision 60'
Artificer Knowledge
Item Creation
Disable Trap
Retain Essence
Infusions: 4/4/2
Bombs 9/9, Ref DC17 for splash

- Scribe Scroll (Bonus Artificer1)
1 Mounted Combat
- Brew Potion (Bonus Artificer2)
3 Extra Discovery (Vestigial Limb)
- Craft Wondrous Item (Bonus Artificer3)
- Extraordinary Artisan (Bonus Artificer4)
- Craft Homunculus (Bonus Artificer4)
5 Improved Homunculus
- Craft Magic Weapons and Armor (Bonus Artificer5)

(Magic) Hedge Magician (-5% Item creation cost) 
(Regional) Dusk Agent (buy materials 10% cheaper, sell materials for 10% more in home town)

Skill Points: 40       Max Ranks: 5
Skills                Total   Rank     CS   Ability  ACP  Misc
Acrobatics              04     0       0       4          +0
Appraise                00     0       0 C     4          +0
Bluff                   06     5       0      -1          +0
Climb                   -1     0       0      -1          +0
Craft (Smith)           14     5       3 C     4          +2
Diplomacy               04     0       0      -1          +0
Disable Device          14     5       3 C     4          +2
Disguise                00     0       0      -1          +0
Escape Artist           04     0       0 C     4          +0
Fly                     00     0       0       4          +0
Handle Animal           00     0       0      -1          +0
Heal                    00     0       0      -2          +0
Intimidate              00     0       0      -1          +0
Knowledge (Arcana)      14     2       3 C     4          +5
Knowledge (Dungeoneerng)       0       0       4          +0
Knowledge (Engineering) 14     2       3 C     4          +5
Knowledge (Geography)          0       0       4          +0
Knowledge (History)            0       0       4          +0
Knowledge (Local)              0       0       4          +0
Knowledge (Nature)             0       0       4          +0
Knowledge (Nobility)           0       0       4          +0
Knowledge (Planes)      14     2       3 C     4          +5
Knowledge (Religion)           0       0       4          +0
Linguistics                    0       0 C     4          +0
Perception              06     5       3 C    -2          +0
Perform                        0       0      -1          +0
Profession (Scribe)            0       0 C    -2          +0
Ride                    17     4       3 C     4          +6
Sense Motive                   0       0 C    -2          +0
Sleight of Hand                0       0       4          +0
Spellcraft              14     5       3 C     4          +2
Stealth                 18     5       3 C     4          +6
Survival                -2     0       0      -2          +0
Swim                    07     0       0      -1    -1    +0
Use Magic Device               0       0 C    -1          +0

Equipment:  (10,500g)              Cost   Weight  My creation cost
Flying Cannon Improved Homunculus (Arbelester)
+1 Small Light Crossbow          1,317g   2lbs      690g
- Quiver X20
+1 Large Light Crossbow          1,370g   8lbs      711g
- Quiver X20
3HD Homunculus                   5,250g           3,150g
Handy Haversack                  1,800g   2lbs
- MW Exotic Saddle                  72g

+1 Mithral Breastplate           5,350g   7.5lbs  1,235g
+1 Heavy steel Shield            1,170g   7.5lbs    348g
+1 Stealthy Cloak of Resistance  1,045g   1lbs      337g
Adventurers Outfit                   1g   1lbs

(In HH)
MW Thieves Tools                   100g   1lbs       22g
MW Spellcraft Tool                  45g   1lbs
MW Atrisan Tools                    50g
- Rations X2                         2g   2lbs
- Waterskin                          1g   4lbs
- 61g

Total Weight: 17lbs

Improved Arbelester Large Light Crossbow
Tiny Construct (Medium Gun)
Hit Dice: 3d10 (15 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 10', 20' Fly (good)
Armor Class: 18 (10, +4 Dex, +2 natural, +0 armor, +2 size), touch 13, flat-footed 22
Base Attack: +2
Attack: Slam +3 Melee (1d4-1)
Full Attack: +10RT (2d6+1) 80'
Space/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 19, Con --, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 7
Skills: Acrobatics+14, Perception +10, Fly +10
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Gear: Handy Haversack, Exotic Riding Saddle
                           Lgt   Med     Hvy     Lift    Push
Max Weight:                13   14–26   27–40    120     200

Age: 6 
Height: 2'1"
Weight: 12lbs
Eyes: Yellow as his Teeth
Hair: Blond
Skin: Blue
This tiny blue goblin is quite below average in both height and weight. His beady yellow eyes match his crusty yellow teeth, and the tufts of yellow-blond hair that stick out over his ears almost perfectly. His custom armor and shield are tinted blue to match the medium sized cannon he rides through the air. Bangarang is an improved flying arbelester homunculus, built into a custom large crossbow cannon. Stylized as much of the artificer's work is with gears, crystals and steam pipes, all decked out with gold and silver filegree detailing. The cannon has a face with crystal eyes that scan the area for enemies and a pair of down angled wings that do more for the form of the cannon that the function of its flight.

Zark seems to careen through life's challenges rather than sitting back to see what happens. Nobody seems to get his over-analitical sense of humor, but it always makes him laugh. His savant level mastery of artificing leaves many wondering how he is even still alive, but his ingenious machinations speak for themselves on the battlefield. Boom-Boom, as he is affectionately known, likes to see people wide eyed with awe, though looks of horror, confusion, disgust and revulsion all look like awe to him.

Growing up in the capital of Qbarra gave this technosavy goblin a finger on the pulse of the nation's dealings and plugged him directly into close quarters with many of the movers and shakers of the country. His proclivities gained him audience with those his lowly station as a goblin would not have allowed contact. He used his conections to gather and combine rare materials and powerful magics far beyond the reach of a lesser techno-machina enthusiast would be capable of, which only help fuel the fire of his modest legend.

Having a natural affinity with machines and magical tools, Zark sought out the fabricator's guild long before he was even of an age to petition for admittance. He devoured knowledge and secret methodology that some vetrans were afraid to seek, learning the lost art of gunsmithing on the side as his studies of the more reliable magics proceeded unhindered. Once he learned the secrets of the homunculus, and finally crafted his trusty companion Bangarang, he figured it was time to see what the rest of the realm could teach him during the summer break from the guild. He still wants to learn the mysteries of the golem and the ring, though the call of becoming more familiar with the gunmaster's art has ruined more than a few fitful night's rest.

He is on his way to the ferry to deliver some design plans to a field agent of the fabricator's guild named Amblin. Supposedly this guild lieutenant is doing some ground-breaking work with dragonshards, and Boom-boom is eager to find out how much bigger the booms can get using this unstable mineral.
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I know I've been pretty quiet, but I'm making good progress on an Inquisitor and should have something worth posting tomorrow.

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