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[Spycraft] Delta Green: Rebirth (Dead Letter)


Davechan said:
Alex flashed a quick smile to the others as Pike went over to the smoking man. "So, have any of you done..." He paused, and gave a shrug "...this kind of thing before?"

"Alex, right?" Elz gives him a shrug. "I have plenty of covert ops experience from the military, but most of my strengths are in direct action, not sneaking about in alleys."

Elz looks about at the gathered operatives. This looks like a solid bunch, she thought. I will have to keep my eyes open to protect them. I don't notice anyone with a military bearing. They all look like spooks. Ah, well, it might do me some good to work with some civilians for a while. Help me polish my rough edges. She smiles at her own joke.

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Andrew D. Gable said:
Drake cuts the packing tape and tips the dog's head onto the table.

Elz is starting to wonder what she has gotten involved with. A living head of a dog? What's going on here?


First Post
Benjamin Pike

Pike moves over to the table. For a moment, he merely studies the head with a critical eye, before prodding it lightly with a pen, taking care to stay away from its jaws. Pike rubs his chin, looking thoughtful. Still looking at the head, he speaks, shooting questions at Drake, his tone clipped and professional. "Who was this delightful gift addressed to? Was it addressed by hand? Do we have any idea where it came from, or who sent it? Has the package been examined for fingerprints? Was there any explanation for this little treat included with it?"


Synchronicity said:
Pike moves over to the table. For a moment, he merely studies the head with a critical eye, before prodding it lightly with a pen, taking care to stay away from its jaws. Pike rubs his chin, looking thoughtful.

Elz approaches the table and takes a close look at the head. I don't think I'm going to be useful here, she thought. Nudging Pike, she says, "I'm going to watch the door outside. I'm not comfortable leaving our backs unprotected."

As long as Pike doesn't disagree, Elz heads out to her car, strapping on her two pistols in the privacy of the driver's seat. She carefully arranges her long jacket to cover the large weapons now on her thighs. Softly closing the car door, she heads towards the door, stopping on the dock.

OOC: Keep an eye on the area. Make any checks as you need, Spot check +7, Listen check +0.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Synchronicity said:
"Who was this delightful gift addressed to? Was it addressed by hand? Do we have any idea where it came from, or who sent it? Has the package been examined for fingerprints? Was there any explanation for this little treat included with it?"
Drake shakes his head. "No prints. The sender must've been wearing surgical gloves. Address was scrawled on in a large black pen." He takes a clipboard from Baldwin, who is in the corner staring in revulsion at the head. "Sent by a Thomas Iron Shirt who gave Blackfoot Indian Reservation as his only address. The package was addressed to a Fiona Lin-Wei, an activist and editor of a radical newsletter called the Ecotopian. This note was enclosed with the package." He pushes it across the table towards Pike. Like the address, it is scrawled by hand.

Dear Ms. Lin-Wei,
This abomination was the result of experiments conducted at the Amalgamated Bio-Carb chemical production facility on the Blackfoot Indian reservation, just north of Browning, Montana. From past experience I know you can be trusted to do everything in your power to expose this obscene perversion of science. My position here is precarious, so I must move cautiously. I will contact you soon.


First Post
Alex looked at the head quizzically, and keeping a safe distance, crouched down so his eyes were level with the table. "Hmmm, technically I suppose a severed head could be kept alive, if supplied with nutrients, oxygen and so forth, but that doesn't seem to be the case here..." Alex examined the head carefully, to see if there were signs of it being severed from a dog's neck, or whether it was a self-contained thing. "I've never seen anything like this before. It's... How did the head attack? Did it actually propel itself up, or did Rafferty touch it, and it grabbed onto him?"

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Alex notes that the head has clearly been severed. Ganglia are clearly visible, while the blood vessels have been sutured shut. "I'll answer this one," Baldwin says. "His hand must've contacted it. I think it was almost a reflex action, the bite I mean. This thing's life doesn't seem too well-preserved."

[sblock]You notice a tall, powerfully-built blond man in the alleyway behind the building. He is walking past and not stopping, but you notice he is glancing at the post office occasionally. He puts his hand at his belt and disappears around a corner. You also lost 2 Sanity when the dog's head was revealed.[/sblock]


First Post
Benjamin Pike

Concentrating on Drake and the head, Pike merely gives Elz a brief nod of acknowledgement as she leaves the room. "Alright. I take it the worker who found the head has been encouraged not to mention it to anyone? We'll need to get a scientific analysis of the head and the chemicals it's soaked in. Any of you able to do that, or do we need to call in outside help?" Pike looks around for responses to his question before continuing.

"Apart from analysing the head, I don't see there's much more we can do here; well, except looking into this 'Lin Wei' woman. Any volunteers? After we've concluded those avenues of investigation, pending further information it seems our best plan is to go to this reservation and investigate Amalgamated Bio-Carb quietly and discreetly. And before we get any deeper into this, I'd like a rundown of the skills you people possess - who can do chemical analysis, who does their best work digging up dirt on the internet, the works. Anyone think I've missed anything?"


Andrew D. Gable said:
[sblock]You notice a tall, powerfully-built blond man in the alleyway behind the building. He is walking past and not stopping, but you notice he is glancing at the post office occasionally. He puts his hand at his belt and disappears around a corner. You also lost 2 Sanity when the dog's head was revealed.[/sblock]

Elzbieta draws a pistol, keeping it tucked inside her jacket. Better check this out, she thinks. No point standing out here for nothing. She heads down the edge of the building towards the alley, keeping on the opposite side of where the man was last seen.

Voidrunner's Codex

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