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Star Wars: How to seperate the Padawan from the Master


I am the mysterious professor.
are you going to have 2 masters? Back in the old republic it was a 1/1 master padawan relationship.

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Ya know, the Jedi are a cloistered order. Padawan's probably remain "young and naive" for quite a while. The war would speed things up... but I have trouble seeing things getting so desperate that even a 15 year old would be brought into the battle. Seeing to the young is a primary reason why so many Jedi Masters remain near the temple... such as Yoda.

15 means young, naive, not yet at full adult ability scores, ignored by other adults as inconsequential or a punk, and so on. Now, these things might be the idea... but playing that young should still be a net ability score penalty unless this kid is physically precocious.

These are just some more considerations to deal with. IMO a 15 year old padawan is doable, but every main argument against it should be accounted for.


First Post
how old was Obiwan in Episode 1 or Anakin in II? I really have no idea.

I plan on doing 2/1, but I haven't decided on what sort of special circumstances yet. Perhaps one of their masters died in combat, and the padawan was "adopted" unofficially until a new master could be arranged.

Look at it from a different point of view.

Essentially, the Master/Padawan relationship is father/son, mother/daughter, etc. Would a parent send a 15 year old into an extremely dangerous situation(i.e. war) without them? Not to mention at all, but that's not the point right now. The Jedi Masters are responsible for the Padawans until they reach the rank of Knight. Anakin was really a special case, considering how unique he was in the order, so we can't judge things by how much he got to do on his own.

Another thing to consider is the danger of sending a child out to fight when they are not yet fully trained. Anger could easily get the best of them, and it would be too easy to lose them to the Dark Side. I just don't see a child being allowed to go off without their Master, even during the Clone Wars, until they've at least grown up and mature.

Corsair said:
how old was Obiwan in Episode 1 or Anakin in II? I really have no idea.
Obi-Wan was 25 in TPM and already on the verge of knighthood, Anakin was taken as a Padawan at 9 and was 19 in AotC, and apparently gained knighthood somewhere around 20 or 21, and was denied Master rank at 22.


"Padawan, go do this while I do that."

I think that's the easiest way. So maybe the PCs are breaking into a huge separatist building. The Jedi Master is going to blow up the generator so the PCs can slip in through the sewers before the regular waste-disposal procedure sends a massive wall of boiling water their way.

And when the PCs hear a wall of water rushing towards them...

"The old man better have disabled that tractor beam, or this is going to be the shortest escape in history." (or whatever)

Basically, you're using the same technique that Lucas did in Star Wars. Have Obi-Wan off doing something else so that Luke, Han, Chewie, and Leia can do their own thing.

I would consider using a cut-scene when Order 66 comes along. I'd even let the Padawan's player run the Master during that scene, and the other players can run the Clone Troopers.


First Post
I think another tendency is I would have the Master busy doing *boring* things while the Padawan and friends go on a mission. Sneaking around flipping some switches while the 'PCs' do the exciting rescue in ANH is a great example. Maybe the Jedi has to go and mediate a land dispute, and sends his Padawan and friends to explore around the old ruins to see if they find anything interesting, or scout the area to see what exactly is going on. Your biggest danger is that the NPC overshadows the PCs. I'd use 'Here, you go fight a couple of droids while I battle General Grievous' very sparingly if at all.

I was thinking of a similar campaign, though I'd open the game with Order 66. Basically the Master gets ambushed by the clones, and rather than call his lightsaber to himself or knock the clones away, he uses his last couple of moments to send a vision to his Padawans, warning them of the Clones' treachery. This lets the PCs be ready for them, and has the Master sacrificing himself for the PCs. I was even thinking of having the old master be a former pupil of Qui-Gon Jinn (before Obi-Wan), who had recently taught him the secret of being a Force Ghost. That way the master can still be in the story, but can't directly aid the group.


I am the mysterious professor.
When do you plan to use Order 66? Your players are going to expect it. You might delay the use and maybe instead of having the troopers just blast him the back let him live awhile and be hunted. Just a thought.

I am making plans for a Star Wars game. I still don't know what time period but I'm sure there will be Jedi so I'm glad someone already started a thread about seperating the master and apprentice.


First Post
Aeson said:
When do you plan to use Order 66? Your players are going to expect it.

That is half the fun. The players KNOW its coming, but they don't know when. It's like a horror movie when the audience tenses up every time the hero opens a door, expecting the monster to be there. That anticipation is even more fun than the actual event.


GM: Ok, everyone roll spot checks.
jedi1: I got a 17
GM: You sense Commander Brackens giving a signal behind you, and the clone troopers who are escorting you raise their rifles...
jedi1: I quickdraw!
jedi2: I run for cover!
Scoundrel: I set for stun!

GM: Before you get a chance to react, the clone troopers open fire with a wall of blaster fire... just barely skimming over your head, the blasts pummel into a trio of battle droids which had been hiding in the wreckage to your left.

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