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Star Wars: Rebels with Style Part I


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Deurr nods at Kay and the pilot, and moves away to find Garret.

"Check that table." He says pointing out the table where the Kel Dor left the item. "Something fishy." He then taps his helmet. "Lia wants to talk with me."

Moving to somewhat more secluded spot in a corner he opens the channel back. "Anything else? I'll try to see it from here". With that he'll move to find a balcony and check if he can see the thing with binoculars.

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First Post
Before Lia closed the line, Istara looked up from her computer and added...

"Do you think it would help for me to come back to the ship? Or to send me a copy of your sensor readouts? It shouldn't be too long until I've done all I can from here." She asked.

The rest of the crew knew quite well what she could do with a sensor board, after all.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Sniper 6)

Without missing a beat Garret walks past Duerr and makes his way towards the table where the Keldor was; not too fast, not too slow, but with purpose - to snatch up whatever the Keldor has left behind. He keeps an eye on the hooded-one - the unnerving stare without-a-stare making him feel even more uncomfortable without a rifle by his side.


First Post

"You fly classified ships? Wow, you must be super important, like the next general or something." Kay bubbles happily, leaning into the pilot and taking his hand between her hands. "New ships are so wiz, I've always got to have the newest...they get me so hot...do you think you could tell me about it? We could go somewhere more private if you want, its just all so exciting." Kay tells the imperial pilot breathlessly, her eyes sparkling.

OOC: Persuasion +16, hopefully with some bonuses for him being drunk, and horny.

Nightclub Group:

OOC:[sblock]Kay gets a 6 on her roll, sadly. Will give a +2 bonus for the drunkenness, which brings the skill check up to a 24.[/sblock]

Despite his drunken state, the young pilot turned away from Kay and watched Deurr walk off, "At guy kina creeps me out...bodyguard or no."

He trailed off, but then his brain was reminded by his ears that Kay had, in fact, continued to speak. This registered in his mind and after downing more of his drink, he sighed and shook his head agian, "Really can't talk about it. 's high up important an I jus can't. But I still fly lotsa other ships like nothin' you could believe. Jus got a shipment of new TIE models to the base a few weeks back. They're amazin'. Fly like a dream, too..." he stopped to think, or at least something close to thinking, then smiled broadly, "Now that's somethin' I could get you in to see. I mean...if you wanted to..."

Deurr:[sblock]As there weren't any windows that you could find, the best way to get a view of the sky was to head outside. It wasn't hard to step out the entrance to the Blue Moon, and though you couldn't spot where the Kel Dor had gone, you were high enough up above most of the city to have a fairly good view even from the walkway you were on.

Seeing anything specific, even with electrobinoculars, was difficult. By now, Corulag's sun had completely set and there were lights all over the place, lining the walkways, the buildings, and traveling across the sky in the form of airspeeders and some ships. But you couldn't see much beyond the lights themselves, and looking towards the north, you couldn't seem to find anything too out of the ordinary when it came to air traffic.[/sblock]

Garret:[sblock]Before you even got close to the table, something in you told you there was a problem. You had no real explanation for the feeling, just that whatever you were heading towards was dangerous.

By the time you began to feel that way, you could see the object sitting there on the table. It was a palm-sized, flat object that could have easily been a larger credit chip or a datacard. That easily explained why it didn't seem to be noticed by anyone around, all of whom were absorbed in the shockball matches on the holoscreens, but at the same time didn't mesh well with why you were sure there was something wrong about it.[/sblock]

Apartment Group:

Istara's own comm beeped a moment after she'd spoken up and it was Sara's voice that followed, "Hang on a second, Istara...give me a moment to prepare the data and I'll send it your way. Personally, I think Sya's just looking for an excuse to fly, but it wouldn't hurt if you had a look at the data."

It took a couple of minutes, but soon the data was sent to Istara's equipment. Sara had sent the direct sensor logs as well as a few graphs that looked to have been hastily put together and compiled the more relevant information. The sensor data itself was a bit of a mess, which was to be expected, but upon an initial glance, you could see a simple graphical display of an unknown object in the sky making very sharp maneuvers in all directions that didn't seem possible at the speeds it was traveling, which were faster than any starfighter you'd seen before. And it was small, too. Smaller than a TIE Fighter. The fact that the sensors on the Vortex had detected it at all was amazing...it would have been hard to see without actively looking for it, even.

The graphs only reiterated much of the data, while adding some more curious information to the mix. It looked as if Sara had checked the speed of the ship with its relative size and calculated what those maneuvers should have done to both pilot and ship in atmospheric conditions. The ship itself should have been torn apart according to the readings unless it was made out of something Sara hadn't checked for and the pilot...even with an inertial compensator, no human could have stayed conscious through the quick changes in direction at those speeds. Most species, in fact, would have had a great deal of difficulty even reacting as fast as the data showed the pilot must have been.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Hmph. Too dark to get visual." Deurr says as he again opens the signal to Lia. He peers to the darkness for a while longer and returns inside if nothing happens, moving back closer to Kay, this time keeping some distance to give her more intimacy with the pilot.


First Post
"Only two things can really move that fast in a craft,", Lia says as she looks over the information, "and still survive in the aftermath. Droids or... her voice trails off for a second. "Force users."

"I'll have our ship keep a sensor eye on it. No doubt that this is only a test," she transmits to Deurr.


First Post
Kay gave a most un-Kay-like giggle at the pilot's crack about Deurr. Leaning in close so her breath ran along the pliot's cheek she whispered "He creeps me out too, but daddy wants to make sure no one'll bother me. You wouldn't believe the problems he causes when I'm trying to meet a guy to have some fun with."

As Deurr returns Kay slides out of her seat and drapes herself over the pilot's lap. "I undersstand...they must really trust...trust you if you get to know all kinds of secret stuff like...s'best fighter in the galacky. Maybe we could go somewhere quieter and you could tell me about what its like to be the galacky's best fiter pilot." the ex-cop encouraged the drunk pilot, sloshing her words around to sound as drunk as she was pretending to be.

"I've jussed the place. I'm staying in the...uh...uh, not sure, Garrett would know though. S' big, have a whole floor of the hotel to ourselves."


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Sniper 6)

Something was wrong and usually his instincts were pretty good. They had to be in order to not get himself killed on the field. The hooded and cloaked individual was really starting to creep Garret out, and the thought of something happening to him made him think of how pissed Sya would be if something did happen. He smiled to himself at how that conversation would go....

He looks carefully around, especially back to the hooded-one and where the Keldor left. His nerves and senses on edge expecting all hell to break loose in a moment. He approaches the table with the card/chip thingy and appears to just pass the table. He makes his best attempt to pick up the card without being noticed, and then makes his way back to Mistress Rima to let her know that it was time to go. As he makes his way back (assuming all works well) he tries to shake or figure out the 'that ominous feeling'.


Voidrunner's Codex

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