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Star Wars: The Silent Trinity


Derrich, Human Male

Derrich gives Alyssa a considered glance as she mentions having customised her weapons. That might be one way to spend the time in hyperspace.

He snorts at Kluurz's rather droll description of his particular talents.

"All right. Thats good. We all know a little about ships. Lets divide this into three areas for initial inspection: the hull; the guts; and the lockers and cabins. I'll get the ships data onto datapads so we can compare whats there with whats supposed to be. If you're not sure if something is as its supposed to be, mark it up for inspection. We can sort out who does what when we know whats what.

"I still think a droid is a good idea. An R2 astronav unit might be useful. I don't know my arse from my elbow when it comes to navigation. The rebels are bound to have a room full of them somewhere on this cruiser.

ooc: assuming that there is a skill or feat along those lines. Derrich doesn't seem to have anything like that (@.@) We are on some sort of cruiser/battleship right?

"We also have Lt Gigger's credit chip. Sorting out a shopping list might be an idea. Personally, I think we owe to the man to spend til it melts."

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"Hmm, well now that you mention it I do have some experience with astrogate navigation," Kluurz mentions off-hand, "but a droid would be plenty more trustworthy than this."

He taps the side of his head, indicating its contents.

"But if we have to go without, I reckon I could handle it alright..." Kluurz shrugs.
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Derrich, Human Male

"Well you'd probably do a damn sight better than this." Derrich taps the side of his skull.

"How in hell I managed to survive not being able to navigate as far as the bathroom I'll never understand. Something else to add to my "to do while in hyper space list".

"You got any ideas as to what you wish to spend Giggers money on."

Derrich turns to Alyssa.

"You are planning on leaving us a few credits, aren't you?"

ooc: Anyone got a price list. How far does 7k go?


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Alyssa Kerrigan

Alyssa turns to Derrich flashing a broad smile.

“Well, I'll spend it on a pretty dress of course, what did you think?”

“No, really, I think it was meant to cover our expenses, which does include said dress, colored contacts and maybe some bribes, I'll also need a less obvious comlink, and that's exactly why I asked for it, too. So for now, I'd rather not spend anything of it. If we don't need the full amount, we'll just divide the remainder by three. Does that sound good enough for you?”

“Anyways, while I was on that ship I told you about earlier, the other crewmembers showed me how to use the nav computer, so I could help out with that, too, if needed.”

OOC: Astrogate is the skill for navigation. No idea, why Derrich doesn't have that, really... as a pilot of his expertise, he should know at least a bit about navigation... *shrug*

I do have an equipment list (one full book, actually), standard stuff ranges from a handful of credits (i.e. power pack, glow rod) over a couple hundreds (i.e. blaster pistol, comlink) to a few thousand credits (i.e. mastercraft blaster rifle, holorecorder). An R2 astromech droid costs 4,500 credits.

BTW, before you go overboard with customization, you should know, that it costs some money (parts needed), a few hundred credits for each custom change done (50% of base weapon price, half of that in raw materials, if you do the mods yourself (quite doable, really)).


Derrich, Human Male.

"So we have inspection then follow-up. I think we should do that while here. I don't think we will run into anything really big, as the rebel techs have already given the boat the one over. But it doesn't hurt to have their workshop handy.

"We should also look to get a droid from here as well. And Alyssa, I'd like to talk to you about boosting the stun power on my blaster. I should be able to get the parts I need from here and do the work en route.

"Shopping when we get there? On route? Cayla, if there is anything you want, you should let us know.

"And if there is nothing else, lets get started. Take comm links with you."

ooc: Hopefully the inspection and repair will give us a full inventory of the ship and parts, as well as allow us to find any potential problems or anything nasty.

Do you want to sketch out an initial shopping list ooc. I was just thinking of what we could do to speed things up when Dralon returns. Anything else come to mind?

Anyone have an idea of how many cabins and how much cargo space this boat has?
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First Post
"What would I need, eh?" Kluurz trails off, then looks at his gloves, "Hehe. Well, off to make sure everything at least looks like it should."

Kluurz slips on his commlink headset and gets down to business.


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Alyssa Kerrigan

Alyssa helps searching the transport for anything suspicious or interesting.

OOC: I don't think we can do a shopping list yet, as we do not know much about our destination.

About the YT-1300 (Found that via google. It's from the d6 Star Wars obviously, but the specifications won't have changed too much. Other than that, just watch the original trilogy. :p)


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(OOC: Big Post)

As the three of you set out through the ship, each takes a different section. All seems pretty normal in the ship, considering it being Curly's, except for the Black Hatch for one, and something Derrich finds while searching in the Food Room.

As Derrich searches through the compartments, he finds behind the plates a pure black safe with a Massive C on it, made from Platinum. Fidgeting with it a bit, the safe pops open, revealing it's contents. Inside are a credit chip, a few documents, a particularly illegal looking pistol, and a small round key, the same shape as something Derrich saw on the Black Door in the bottom of the ship.

Cayla playfully runs around the ship, taking much delight on jumping onto Kluurz' back.


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Alyssa Kerrigan

Alyssa watches with joy that Cayla seems to lighten up some. After having searched her part, she comes back to report, that there was nothing noteworthy to be found.


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Kluurz is caught off-guard as a living mass collides with his back, but is relieved to find it's Cayla.

"Hey there Cayla, come to help Uncle Kluurz check the ship, eh?" he asks amiably.

Kluurz hoists Cayla up onto his shoulders and lets her sit there as he checks this and that, frequently seeking her inexpert advice on trivial matters. He eventually meanders his way back to the others with Cayla in tow and reports his uneventful search.

Voidrunner's Codex

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