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Star Wars: We Joined the Rebellion for This?!

OOC Thread
Character Thread

A month ago, the Rebel Alliance achieved its first true victory against the Galactic Empire by destroying the gigantic battle station, the Death Star. The victory, however, sparked a massive crackdown by the Empire. The Rebel base on the fourth moon of Yavin was evacuated immediately as an Imperial fleet attacked, and since then, the Alliance has been on the run.

In the Core Worlds, the control of the Empire is the same as it always was. Harsh, but in the background. Anyone speaking out against the Empire was quickly, and quietly, removed from sight. But in the rest of the galaxy, and especially the Outer Rim where the Alliance Fleet attmped to hide, the once small presence of the Empire was now out in the open and more oppressive than ever. Garrisons across the galaxy were doubled in size, at least, and whole cities were destroyed if there was any hint of Rebel activity.

This climate made it difficult for the Alliance to operate, but at the same time, was the catalyst for hundreds of defections. Many of these defectors were Imperials, having never truly seen what the Emperor was willing to do. One such informant was stationed somewhere on Tatooine. He was, apparently, high positioned as he had provided a great deal of sensitive information to the Rebellion, though his name and exact location was never known to keep his identity safe from the Empire.

However, according to information acquired by the Alliance, the informant has been found out by the Empire. They have not acted on the knowledge of this informant yet, but his last report states that it is likely they are simply trying to find his contacts within the Alliance. It is likely, though, that the Empire will simply deal with him before anymore vital information gets out.

In light of this, and the importance of the informant, he has elected to simply defect. Alliance High Command has agreed to help, and sent a team to find him and get him out alive. The problem is, of course, that his identity is still unknown, meaning that the team will have to actually figure out who he as well as making sure he stays alive and gets away safely.

Due to the heavy Imperial presence on Tatooine, coupled with a planet filled with bounty hunters, smugglers, and other scum of the galaxy who would gladly turn over Rebel agents for credits, the Alliance was not able to send the team in with any real support. Instead, they were sent undercover aboard a small transport in the guise of a merchant ship.

But the cover was blown, meaning that the local fleet quickly moved to intercept the ship. The pilot avoided the fleet with only a few shots taken, and managed to get down to the planet and safely land north of the Imperial capital of Bestine to drop the team off.

However, the pilot of the transport was not able to wait long. TIE Fighters had tracked the ship and the second the team was on the sand, the pilot got the ship back in the air and was gone, TIEs not far behind.

But that wasn't your concern anymore. Bestine was about a kilometer south, and even though it would be the best place to start looking for an Imperial defector, it was also where the largest Imperial garrison on the planet was located. They may not know that you were on the ground, as the ship had evaded the Imperials for long enough to make the drop safely, but the Empire rarely left much to chance.

Around you was Tatooine...rolling dunes with little place to hide and two suns high in the sky providing a little too much heat. In hindsight, it might have been better if the quick drop was made somewhere a little farther from Bestine, but there had been little time to stop as it was, and it was too late now to think about things like that.

The important part was that the team was on the ground and in the few short minutes since the transport had left, no ships beyond the TIEs has gone over. There was a chance that you hadn't been spotted.

Everyone:[sblock]Attached is a map of the planet for reference. Bestine is, roughly, near the center.[/sblock]


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Dire Lemming

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Issachar shades his eyes as he scans the barran landscape, taking in what little there is to see besides dirt, rocks, and sand. "Skywalker came from this dustball? Wow, I think I'm even more impressed. Hey Kel, what do you think?"
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First Post
With a quick motion, Cydarius switches on his Coolth backpack, breathing a sigh of relief as the self-cooling unit begins to pump. It may not provide as much relief from the heat as a full Coolth suit, but it was far better than no protection at all.

Raising a hand to guard against the glare of the twin suns, he eyes the horizon. Turning toward the rest of the team, he speaks in his low, baritone voice. "We should determine if there is a way into Bestin without being stopped by perimeter guards."

Brother Allard

First Post
Jate snaps up his hood and casts a concerned look at the sky.

His vocalizer crackles to life. "True, but we should find some cover first. It's a good bet the Imperials will send a patrol this way, and I don't think we don't want to be here when they come."


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"A wise suggestion, Jate," responds Cydarius to his companion as he continues to survey the rolling sand dunes and little else. "Of course, finding cover and hiding our tracks is not going to be a simple matter."


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"I agree that getting into shelter would be a very good idea," Varren says as he blinks his red eyes and shades them from the glaring suns. He eyes Cydarius' coolth unit enviously, wishing that he would have thought of purchasing one. "If what I've heard about deserts are correct, we really should wait until nightfall before continuing. Deserts cool down remarkably in the night. not to mention that it would be easier to avoid any Imperial attention when we do arrive in Bestine."


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Cydarius gives a small chuckle. "We could also walk into a Krayt Dragon lair while we stumble about in the darkness, and that would end our trip really quick."


First Post
Varren nods at Cydarius' comment, the visual image of one of Tatooine's monstrous lifeforms being discovered by them and then devouring all of them in one bit plays through his head. A brief thought on how a quick death by being eaten to death would be much better than dying in the Force-forsaken land of Tatooine is quickly suppressed. "That is very true, Cydarius," he instead replies. "But what if those TIEs circle around and decide to look for us?"


First Post
Cyd shrugs his shoulders. "Truth be told, there isn't much we can do. We don't have a vehicle, and the nearest city is Arnthout, 15 kilometers away. That is a long hike in this heat." The human again glances around at the horizon, noting only the rolling dunes of sand. "And I'm afraid I don't see anything that passes for shelter, either."


First Post
"There is always Bestine," Varren suggests, shrugging his shoulders. "It is only about a kilometer away. It may have an Imperial garrison, but right now it's our best hope for survival."

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