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Starcraft and d20 Future


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Do Zealots and Ghosts have psionics?

I actually thought most of the Ghosts' abilities were due to the gear it carried - cloak, lockdown, etc.

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The Protoss

Here's the initial writeup. Feedback is more than welcome. Please keep in mind that I've done everything in my power to keep the Protoss at +0 LA. Write now I believe the balance is pretty good, but I am concerned about the flavor. The Dex penalty fits, and yet the base Protoss unit dual wields (Zealots), making every dual-wielding Zealot incredibly exceptional compared to the rest of their race. Anyway, enough of my rambling. I'd be happy to hear some of your thoughts.

Created by the enigmatic Xel’naga, the Protoss are a powerful race known for their strength, speed, and innate psionic ability. With the subtle assistance of the Xel’Naga, Protoss technology advanced by great leaps and bounds. Much of their technology is powered and maintained by their psionic abilities. A serious and devoted race, the Protoss have organized themselves into a complex caste system; many adhere to the Khala with rigid consistency. Their home planet of Aiur is a lush, forested world on the far reaches of the galaxy. Their architecture is not overly elaborate

Personality: First and foremost, the Protoss are rigid adherents to their duty. Once he has undertaken a task, the average Protoss will see it through to its completion or the end of his life, whichever comes first. Typically they are highly thoughtful and introspective as well. In combat they are fierce warriors, unrelenting and vicious. The average zealot warrior with twin psiblades is a frightening sight on the battlefield.

Physical Description: Protoss are very large humanoids. The average Protoss male stands approximately 6-1/2 feet tall. Their frames lithe and fluid, but by no means fragile, typically weighing in between 200 and 250 lb. The most startling feature about the Protoss is their lack of mouths and ears. Instead they have long, loose nerve endings extending from the backs of their skulls, which they use to project their telepath. The have three fingers and an opposable thumb, as well as a two knee joints, one of which is inverted.

Relations: The Protoss are divided as a race, and even they do not always get along with one another. The Judicators are typically the leaders of the Protoss people, and while the Templar typically listen to their elders, their have been those who have gone against the will of the Khala. Most Protoss have a mild distaste for Terrans, believing them to be wild and uncivilized. However, individual Terrans have proven their valor in the past, and many of the more traveled Protoss are willing to let them prove their worth. They abhor the Zerg and will do what they can to have them terminated on sight.

Religion: Though not a religion in the original sense, the Protoss adhere to the Path of Ascension quite strictly. The Khala is drawn from ancient Protoss lore. It is said that a Protoss known only as Khas tapped into the power of a Xel’Naga Khadarin crystal. With this power he rediscovered the Protoss latent psionic potential. The Path of Ascension is a caste system, divided into three groups: the judicators, who serve primarily as the elders and statesmen of the people, the Khalai—who embody the majority of the Protoss people—and the Templars, the fierce warriors and defenders of Aiur, who follow the discipline of the Khala to ever increasing paths of psionic power.

Language: The Protoss language is based largely on telepathy, received and sent by their head tales. This language can be received and understand by most any sentient beings. Though they have no ears to hear the typical vocal language, the Protoss use their empathy and telepathy to understand the foreign languages of other people.

Adventurers: The typical Protoss adventurer explores because of a strong sense of wanderlust or inquisitiveness. The Protoss are a curious people, and they enjoy travel as much as the next person. Some might explore for religious reasons, understanding the paths of the Khala not only through meditation but exploration as well. Their encounters with the Xel’Naga may have made some Protoss into caretakers, searching the stars for species to nurture or dominate. Some Protoss might even be exiles, wandering the galaxy because they are no longer welcome on their home planet.

Racial Traits
• +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity: Protoss are incredibly strong, but are not particularly agile.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Protoss have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Protoss base speed is 40 feet.
• Low-light vision.
• Naturally Psionic: Protoss gain the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat. (see the Expanded Psionics Handbook, p. 52)
• Limited Telepathy: Protoss can communicate telepathically with any other Protoss within 50 feet. Protoss must still learn the languages of other sentient creatures in order to understand their thoughts. Other creatures must still learn the Protoss language to understand what is projected into their thoughts.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Protoss
• Bonus Languages: Any

Edit: Because a lot of you are insisting that Protoss are size large, I've considered that in my racial stat block. Here as an ability I took from the half-giant racial write-up (with a few changes for personal taste) that should make up for some of the Large issues. I personally want them to be as playable as possible, and in my experience players do not like LA. So here's the adjustment if you'd like to make it. This is much closer to the flavor of "Large" protoss, but is not quite worth a +1 LA.

• Powerful Build: The physical stature of protoss lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a protoss is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the protoss is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A protoss is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole). However, the protoss’s space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size.
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First Post
Very good writeup, Jay. I honestly thought that Protoss would see a Con reduction and a boost to one or two mental stats, but I haven't played Starcraft in a while, and forgot how melee was their forté. I'll work on the Dragoon next... still having some issues working out the Siege Tank's Mjolnir weapon.

Aust Diamondew

First Post
Protoss should be a pretty powerful race proably be 1 or 2 ECL. Just look at a protoss zealot compared to a terran marine, the Zealot has more than double the HP!

Protoss also look pretty tall usually and I think they are around 9-10 ft tall from what I've read. That means they're large size (meaning that they should proably get at least +8 to strenght!) on the other hand protoss are also generally pretty frail looking meaning that despite their height they could be considered medium sized.

I think protoss are also as a whole smarter than the average terran. Maybe give them +2 intellegence and possibly +2 wisdom.

I'll write up what I think a protoss should get as racial benefits later after I think about it some more.

And I think the dragoon would be best represented by a template


First Post
Aust Diamondew said:
Protoss should be a pretty powerful race proably be 1 or 2 ECL. Just look at a protoss zealot compared to a terran marine, the Zealot has more than double the HP!

Again, part of my goal was to create a race that did not have a level adjustment. While I agree that Protoss units are typically much more powerful than Terran equivalents, I believe that can be expressed through class levels rather than racial power. I think Zealots are far more devoted to fighting than Marines, on average.

Aust Diamondew said:
Protoss also look pretty tall usually and I think they are around 9-10 ft tall from what I've read. That means they're large size (meaning that they should proably get at least +8 to strenght!) on the other hand protoss are also generally pretty frail looking meaning that despite their height they could be considered medium sized.

While the Protoss are tall, I do not think they are large. Probably anywhere from 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 feet.

Aust Diamondew said:
I think protoss are also as a whole smarter than the average terran. Maybe give them +2 intellegence and possibly +2 wisdom.

My friend and I debated this for a while, and we both agree that Protoss should not get mental stat boosts. Their evolution was considerably coaxed by the Xel'Naga. This coupled with their long lives makes them better able to develop advanced technology (think of how many experiments get screwed b/c a scientist dies in the middle of research). The Protoss lifespan is what gives them ample time to develop the kind of technology they've created.

Aust Diamondew said:
And I think the dragoon would be best represented by a template

That's an interesting idea. I was considering the Dragoon to be a four-legged permanent mecha. Most zealots would never choose to become a Dragoon, but some zealots are crazier than others. A template might be really interesting though.

Edit: I'll have the terran wraith write-up later this evening. I've also started working on the zealot class, which may see the light of day tomorrow or saturday.
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First Post
There are some things I wanted to address in this thread before I put up the Wraith write-up. For starters, thanks to everyone who's been supportive of this thread. I'm glad to see the Starcraft fans are out there, and I really hope you provide your input. The Starcraft military world is rife with material to rake, and I would love to see write-ups for mechs, vehicles, NPCs, and so forth. If this thread gets your imagination going, don't wait for me or someone else to put something up. Write up your stat blocks and throw down in this thread. That's what it's for: a discussion of Starcraft in d20 Future.

As for all the licensing stuff, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I have no intention of creating a pdf. This is just a thread on a message board for free trade of ideas. I do not believe we'll be violating any copyrights in this way. If popularity for this thread grows, awesome. The more input, the better. The copyright issue is not an issue at the moment. :)

And now, without further adieu:

Wa-12 Wraith Stealth Fighter

Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Defense: 19
Flat-footed Defense: 13
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 8d20 (160 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +8
Pilot’s Class Bonus: +7
Pilot’s Dex Modifier: +6
Gunner’s Attack Bonus: +8/+3
Size: Gargantuan (–4 size)
Tactical Speed: 3,500 ft. (7 sq.)
Length: 36 feet
Weight: 39,000 lb.
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 1 (ace +12)
Passenger Capacity: 1
Cargo Capacity: 1,700 lb.
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base Purchase DC: 48
Restriction: Military (+3)

Attack: 2 fire-linked Lasers +6/+1 (9d8) or
2 fire-linked CHE Missile Launchers +6/+1 (9d12)
Attack of Opportunity: None

Engines: Ion thrusters
Armor: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Stealth screen
Sensors: Class III sensor array, targeting system
Communications: Laser transceiver, radio transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked lasers (range incr. 3,000 ft.), 2 fire-linked
CHE missile launchers
Grappling Systems: None


First Post
MoonZar, thanks for the heads-up. To support the idea of psionics, I infered that Ghost cloaking was much like the Dark Templars': powered by psionic energy. A lot of technology in Starcraft is integrated with Psi. I hadn't seen the Wizards thread, so hopefully that will be really helpful. After a cursory glance I don't know if I agree with some of their interpretations (Goliaths are way too big and Protoss have a whopping +3 LA), but it will be an excellent reference. I'll be stealing liberally from equipment, I'm sure.

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