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[Stargate SG-1 RPG] Part III - The Enemy of my Friend . . .


I aim to misbehave
Myrrdin’s Ha’tak
P7X - 912
More than two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

Lorelai was pleased to note that her computer had ‘checked out’ and even after everything it had been through, it was still functioning properly.

Lorelai said:
Her dark eyes narrowed and one thin eyebrow climbed her forehead. "Until recently?" She echoed. "Has something happened to Lord Myrrdin?"

“Lord Myrrdin is fine, and in fact is currently scanning the town below with our sensors to determine if the vermin have departed the area, for the most part,” Artorius explained with a humble smile. “The ability to prolong my life, a gift from Lord Myrrdin, was actually not contingent on Lord Myrrdin himself . . . but perhaps I should not speak of it at this point.”

Servants began filing into the room, bearing the equipment and uniform parts that were cleaned. Last to enter the room was Myrrdin himself, small smile on his face, sword at his side.

“Tauri,” Myrrdin said by way of announcement, “The town below appears mostly cleared of the insects and it would be a good time – if you wish – to return to the surface to look for your friends. I caution you not to get you hopes up, but to be prepared that you may be alone in your mission to . . . ‘find your missing people’.”

Servants scurried to get each person the appropriate equipment. In addition, there was a decent sized cloth sack for each person as well. Looking within, the team saw bread, cheeses, wrapped meats, fruit . . . enough fresh food for the next several days.

“I have already sent an escort ahead to the surface,” Myrrdin continued, “to prepare your way, and deal with any stray insects that may be draw to the flesh of the new arrivals. Do not worry . . . I will have they removed once you are safe.”

Moving to Rylee, Myrrdin handed her a small metal box, perhaps no more than eight inches on a side. “Within is a communications device, should you choose to contact me. Merely hold the sphere in your hand and concentrate on me, and I will be able to talk with you – be cautioned that it make take a few minutes for me to respond, depending on the time.”

Moving to Artorius, Myrrdin added, “Artorius, if you wish . . . and the Tauri allow . . . you may accompany them on their quest to find their missing companions. Feel free to take whatever personal equipment you feel to help on their mission.”

OOC: Fisher, Fallon, Ilianov, Nguyen. (Myrrdin is speaking English, thick though it is with Scottish accent)

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Rogue Warrior
Lt. Commander Craig Durant

Under the Government Building
P7X – 912
Almost two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

"Great," Durant mumbled to himself. "A quest. Maybe we can find a few hobbits to join us."

He gathered his gear and followed Medraut as he lead them through the facility. The thought that more than likely Adreev and the others were gone could not be shaken. From all indications, Durant did not see how they could have survived on this world without a very powerful ally. One more reason to get home and dish out some payback to these damn Old Ones.

Durant got the most specific directions he could, it did not sound like the trip would be fun and he didn't want the group getting lost. "How many of these items are there anyway? Are we gonna be running all over on a scavenger hunt while Earth gets taken over? And what about the 'bugs of death,' how are we supposed to deal with those while we are out in the wild?" He knew his questions were direct but assumed that Jeremiah was softening them up. He didn't have time to worry about asking the right questions the right ways.

kid A

First Post
Andreev Ilianov

Myrrdin’s Ha’tak
P7X - 912
More than two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

As the young attendant finished lacing his sandals, Andreev nodded his thanks to her, as well as to Iseult, and returned his attention to the conversation at hand. He listened carefully to the words Artorius spoke, allowing his comrades to voice their questions and weighing the answers quietly from the table. Andreev felt as though he wanted to trust Artorius, but something held him back. Although Artorius and Myrrdin had been more than gracious to them during their time on the vessel, something about the situation, about Lord Myrrdin himself, did not seem quite right.

Almost as soon as his thoughts had strayed to their mysterious benefactor, Myrrdin appeared in the doorway of the room. He looked kingly, and almost pleased. At his entrance, Andreev stood to show his respect and thanks, and listened to Myrrdin's words. He still did not feel comfortable with Artorius accompanying them to the planet surface. "I do not believe it will be necessary to send an escort, Lord Myrrdin. You have been most generous with your resources and while we thank you graciously for your assistance, we would feel it too much to ask for you to leave us with additional support. Please accept our sincerest gratitude, and we will be on our way."
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Myrrdin’s Ha’tak
P7X - 912
More than two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

Lucas started to gather together his gear, checking his weapons over in case Myrrdin’s men hadn't found all of the insects. He frowned as Andreev turned down the offer of Artorius' help, but kept quiet, knowing that it was Andreev's decision to make.

Shrugging on his backpack, he turned back to the group.

"Well, I'm ready to go. Are we using that..." Here Lucas made a whooshing sound, moving his hands to simulate the ring transporter. "thing to get back to the surface?"

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Myrrdin’s Ha’tak
P7X - 912
More than two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

She accepts the communication device with a quiet “thank you,” feeling the weight of it in her hands. She was a little nervous about carrying such a device, as it has already been established that she knew the least about technology. However, Myrrdin’s instructions sounded simple enough.

She is a little disappointed when Andreev refuses Artorius’ assistance, which shows in a slight frown. Of course, it was not simply because Artorius was pretty to look at. Artorius probably knew the layout of the city better than they did, which might have made the search for their companions easier. But, Andreev was the leader…. “Myrrdin, thank you for everything,” she added quietly.


I aim to misbehave
Myrrdin’s Ha’tak
P7X - 912
More than two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

Andreev said:
"I do not believe it will be necessary to send an escort, Lord Myrrdin. You have been most generous with your resources and while we thank you graciously for your assistance, we would feel it too much to ask for you to leave us with additional support. Please accept our sincerest gratitude, and we will be on our way."

Artorius’s face was at once both happy at hearing that he was to accompany the Tauri, and almost immediately fell at Andreev’s refusal. Instead, Artorius nodded stoically to the Russian and took a step backward, waving with his arm indicating that the team should precede him down the corridor.

Myrrdin, upon hearing Andreev’s decision, added, “Very well . . . I am not certain that was a wise decision, but it was one for you to make. I have stood aside for many decisions, even while I was on your home world for a time. One of the few ways to develop character is to make an important decision and learn from it. Artorius is aware of that . . . even I have made such decisions . . . but enough of that . . . Kay, have Perceval ready to transport up when we send the Tauri down.”

Lucas Fisher said:
"Well, I'm ready to go. Are we using that..." Here Lucas made a whooshing sound, moving his hands to simulate the ring transporter. "thing to get back to the surface?"

Artorius smiled and nodded in the affirmative, perhaps still not ready to speak. Myrrdin looked strangely at Lucas a moment . . . clearly looking at the name emblazoned on Lucas’ fatigues, but was interrupted in passing by Rylee Fallon.

Rylee Fallon said:
But, Andreev was the leader…. “Myrrdin, thank you for everything,” she added quietly.

“Do not speak of it,” Myrrdin replied. “It was no trouble . . . I only wish I could have helped more.”

Myrrdin walked the remaining distance to the debarkation room with Andreev in the lead. Myrrdin was all smiles along the walk, pointing out tiny points of interest to Andreev on the craft’s manufacture or flight capability. He indicated that the Tauri stand in the circle in the center of the room.

OOC: Fallon, Fisher, Ilianov, Nguyen


Myrrdin’s Ha’tak
P7X - 912
More than two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

Lucas glanced down uncertainly at the name-tag on the front of his fatigues, wondering what had drawn Myrrdin's attention.

"Are you certain about not taking Artorius with us?" He quietly asked Andreev. "He seemed happy at the idea of coming with us, and I'm sure we could use the help."

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Rylee paused long enough to carefully tuck the communication device into her backpack, before rushing to keep up with the rest of the group. She caught up with Artorius on the way to the debarkation room, wanting to ask him one more question before they took their leave, “Artorius, is that sword you carry really the sword of legend?” The others may not have cared that they were dealing with people from Arthurian legend, but Rylee found it really interesting. Of course, there was the possibility that they were lying, but it did not matter, since they would be taking their leave shortly.

kid A

First Post
Andreev Ilianov

Myrrdin walked the remaining distance to the debarkation room with Andreev in the lead. Myrrdin was all smiles along the walk, pointing out tiny points of interest to Andreev on the craft’s manufacture or flight capability. He indicated that the Tauri stand in the circle in the center of the room.

It did not escape Andreev's attention that everyone in the room seemed disappointed with his decision. Despite his unpopularity, however, he still did not completely trust Myrrdin and his men. Regardless of how he and his team had been treated since coming aboard the vessel, Andreev's mind still held fresh memories of his breifing at Nellis Air Force base. The Goa'uld had been stressed as the enemy, and he could not in good conscience allow his teammates to be compromised if he could avoid it. No, they would do what they could to find their teammates, and if necessary, contact Myrrdin for any further assistance.

"Again, Lord Myrrdin, you have our gratitude for your hospitality. And we shall contact you if the need arises. However, I believe that once..." he paused for a moment, "if we find our missing comrades, we will be sure to contact you again."

He followed Myrrdin out the door and through the ship, listening intently as Myrrdin pointed out many interesting features of the vessel. Andreev was fascinated, and hoped that some day he might get a chance to actually study the mechanics and engineering of a ship of this magnitude. As they filed into the debarkation room, Andreev walked to the center of the circle and awaited transport.


I aim to misbehave
Myrrdin’s Ha’tak
P7X - 912
More than two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

Rylee Fallon said:
“Artorius, is that sword you carry really the sword of legend?”

Artorius smiled warmly at the comment, then reddened ever so slightly. “No, I’m afraid it’s not. Myrrdin actually wears the sword, thought it is mine to bear. Were I to have traveled with you, I would have taken it with me. That is what Myrrdin meant by offering to take whatever equipment I felt necessary.”

Andreev Ilianov said:
"Again, Lord Myrrdin, you have our gratitude for your hospitality. And we shall contact you if the need arises. However, I believe that once..." he paused for a moment, "if we find our missing comrades, we will be sure to contact you again."

“May you learn from the decisions you make,” Myrrdin replied.

Once everyone was on the platform, Myrrdin gave the nod and three rings appeared and a light enveloped the group. For an instant, everyone had the impression that there were Jaffa on the ground where they were going to arrive. When their eyes cleared, the foursome was alone in a large square on the planet surface.

The square, which was well over a hundred yards on a size, had a single large statue of stone in the middle and several large four or five story buildings surrounded the courtyard itself. The statue was of a biped, mostly humanoid. The humanoid was heavily muscled and had many human features . . . though there was something odd about it. Either the sculptor was particularly bad . . . or the humanoid had thick broken skin, no ears, and extra skin covered the nose and eyes. Hair was apparent on the head and most exposed area but didn’t hide the broken skin. Clothing was sparse - a one piece covering its chest and pelvis. It appeared to be gesturing skyward with one six fingered hand with the other palm up and outstretched. The outstretch hand had nothing in it . . . and was also twenty feet off of the ground.

Lucas listened to his surroundings, hearing the buzz of the insects echoing off of the mountain walls, becoming more and more distant.

OOC: Fallon, Fisher, Ilianov, Nguyen.
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