Level Up (A5E) State of the Archetypes - Feb 1, 2023


A5E Designer and third-party publisher

The current 3PP archetype count is as follows:

Artificer: 1
Adept: 4
Bard: 5
Berserker: 5
Cleric: 3
Druid: 3
Fighter: 4
Herald: 6
Marshal: 5
Ranger: 5
Rogue: 4
Savant: 0
Sorcerer: 3
Warlock: 6
Wizard: 6

Roll Them Bones:
Artificer: 0
Adept: 4
Bard: 1
Cleric: 2
Druid: 2
Fighter: 0
Herald: 4
Marshal: 2
Ranger: 1
Rogue: 0
Savant: 0
Sorcerer: 2
Warlock: 4
Wizard: 3

Artificer: 0
Adept: 1
Bard: 0
Cleric: 0
Druid: 0
Fighter: 0
Herald: 0
Marshal: 0
Ranger: 2
Rogue: 0
Savant: 0
Sorcerer: 0
Warlock: 1
Wizard: 0

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A5E Designer and third-party publisher
To the best of my knowledge, that's everyone so far.

One of these days I need to figure out what percentage of the total archetypes for A5E I've written. I wonder if I've crossed 50% yet? Some of the GPG and DDG ones were written by me.


@timespike Here we are! I did a bit more editing on the colors than usual, and also removed some of the abbreviations people found confusing:



A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Also: looks like everyone should take it easy on warlock archetypes for a while. 21? Wow!

Most Under-represented classes:
Artificer: 4
Savant: 6
Cleric, Sorcerer: 11
Berserker, Druid: 12

Everything else has 14 or more.
So to get the classes into parity, we'd need:
Adept: 3
Artificer: 17 (!!)
Bard: 7
Berserker: 9
Cleric: 10
Druid: 9
Fighter: 5
Herald: 5
Marshal: 5
Ranger: 4
Rogue: 6
Savant: 15
Sorcerer: 10
Warlock: 0
Wizard: 5

That's only 110 new archetypes total. Piece of cake, right? ;)
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Also: looks like everyone should take it easy on warlock archetypes for a while. 21? Wow!

Most Under-represented classes:
Artificer: 4
Savant: 6
Cleric, Sorcerer: 11
Berserker, Druid: 12

Everything else has 14 or more.
So to get the classes into parity, we'd need:
Adept: 3
Artificer: 17 (!!)
Bard: 7
Berserker: 9
Cleric: 10
Druid: 9
Fighter: 5
Herald: 5
Marshal: 5
Ranger: 4
Rogue: 6
Savant: 15
Sorcerer: 10
Warlock: 0
Wizard: 5

That's only 110 new archetypes total. Piece of cake, right? ;)
Just to make things a bit more interesting, consider this:


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
I mean, if we're going to look at O5E 3PP, the warlock will get way out of control. Red Opera, the Patronomicon and the Compendium of Forgotten Secrets: Awakening probably add around 30 new warlock subclasses just between the three of them.

But also: I very much do not consider WotC archetypes, especially after a) Roll them Bones did Heroes Old and New, which brings the flavor of a bunch of favorite ones forward and b) January, during which WotC became dead to me.

(YMMV, etc, I'm not looking to fight with or shame anyone)

Voidrunner's Codex

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