Level Up (A5E) State of the Archetypes - Feb 1, 2023



The Savants now have GPG archetypes (which is extra exciting to me, because I wrote them)! Now we just gotta get some Artificers in there…

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I had a couple of thoughts on that point. My two biggest ideas are a garment-centric artificer and a cook. The idea of a dungeon architect was also floated.
Yeah, magical tailors and cooks are all over in fairy tales.

The three main ideas (names provisionary) I have are:

Runescribe - an Artificer that inscribes divine sigils on to objects to imbue them with power.

Animist - primal Artificer that awakens the magical spirits in natural objects.

Cathector - Artificer that creates virtual objects out of pure incarnum orgone, and "hangs" them on attunement slots.
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As far as artificers go I would love
1: An updated to the Alchemist, Artilerist, and Armorer focusing on using your infusions.
2: Cook - Heck to be honest I would take a cook over an alchemist any day
3: Renegade mastermaker or a someone who focused on grafts and implants.


are you planning on adding a count for third party content?
I’ve done that in the past, but it’s a tad more difficult to keep up with, partially because I’d have to keep an eye on a lot more, and partially because I’d have to pay for a lot more in order to keep an eye on it, and I only have so much discretionary income.


I’ve done that in the past, but it’s a tad more difficult to keep up with, partially because I’d have to keep an eye on a lot more, and partially because I’d have to pay for a lot more in order to keep an eye on it, and I only have so much discretionary income.
that's fair,
I believe Purple Martin Games alone has brought out more than 50 subclasses

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