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Elocin said:
At this point I woudl possibly meet some of the other members of the group, or on my way to the halfling village I meet them on the road and they explain to me what is on the note or whichever idea Tyrlaan has.
Well, I'm not sure if the idea floats as well with your adjusted background. I was originally going to "prey" upon the whole feeling like an outsider thing you had going. I suppose its still there, but feeling alienated because everyone you were close to is dead vs. feeling alienated because of what/who you are are pretty different.

At any rate, the original plan was this: At some point, on the road or in Sharn, you meet a stranger. There's something different about him - the way he carries himself and the cloak he is wrapped mark him as out of the ordinary. He moves with a...soft...pace, slowly, but not in a way that connotes weakness or old age. The stranger notices you, pauses, and raises his head just enough that you can glimpse his face beneath the hood of his cloak. His stare is not the usual kind though. You sense no tension, no fear. In fact, it is almost the opposite, as if you are a welcome sight. His eyes still locked upon you, he slowly and slightly raises his arms outward and upward, with palms bared. "Well met traveler. It is good to see a child of nature. What is the calling in your heart that has lead you to this place?"

*If you want to RP this, then we can stop it here and see where it goes. Otherwise I was going to propose the following, which frankly may be asssuming too much...*

After some conversation, Takis feels that you are "out of place" in the world. Not truly connected with civilization, but not truly one with nature either. Takis explains to you about his order, the Gatekeepers, and then his personal quest - to seek out those beasts and beings that are unnatural and aliens to our world so balance can be restored. He speaks to you of the dire importance of this quest and the need for more to realize their connection to nature and their responsibility to it. He looks to you and sees a child of nature that, for whatever reason, has somehow become disjoined. And what better way, he suggests, to root yourself in your true nature than to fight for the very thing to which you owe your existence?

Let me know what you think.

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From reading your background, I'm getting the sense that Xarut is almost looking for something to happen. Looking for something big to come along. Not necessarily a cause, but something "big." Assuming I'm not off the mark, I could see Takis telling you about his plans and it perhaps striking a chord.

What do you think?


Ulytash - Human Paladin of Freedom

 [b]Name:[/b] Ulytash
[b]Class:[/b] Paladin of Freedom
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Size:[/b] Medium
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Good
[b]Deity:[/b] [i]il-Yannah[/i], The Great Light

[b]Str:[/b] 14 +2 (6p.)	 [b]Level:[/b] 2         [b]XP:[/b] XXXX
[b]Dex:[/b] 14 +2 (6p.)	 [b]BAB:[/b] +2          [b]HP:[/b] 24 (2d10+4)
[b]Con:[/b] 14 +2 (6p.)	 [b]Grapple:[/b] +4	  [b]Dmg Red:[/b] XX/XXXX
[b]Int:[/b] 12 +1 (4p.)	 [b]Speed:[/b] 20'	  [b]Spell Res:[/b] --
[b]Wis:[/b] 12 +1 (4p.)	 [b]Init:[/b] +[b]2         Spell Save:[/b] --
[b]Cha:[/b] 14 +2 (6p.)	 [b]ACP:[/b] -6          [b]Spell Fail:[/b] --%

		 [b]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/b]
[b]Armor:[/b]		  10	+4    +0    +2    +0    +0   +0     16
[b]Touch:[/b] 12	  [b]Flatfooted:[/b] 16

            [b]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
[b]Fort:[/b]        3     +2    +2    +7
[b]Ref:[/b]         0     +2    +2    +4
[b]Will:[/b]        0     +1    +2    +3

[b]Action Points:[/b] 9

[b]Weapon                        Attack    Damage    Critical      Range[/b]
MW Deep Crystal Greatsword     +5       2d6+3	  19-20x2 (1pp, +2d6 dmg)
Morningstar                    +4       1d8+2        20x2       -- ft.
Dagger                         +4       1d4+2     19-20x2       10 ft.
Shortbow                       +4       1d6          20x3       60 ft.

[b]Languages:[/b] Common, Riedran, Quor

[b]Abilities:[/b] Human Bonus Feat and Skill Points; Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite
Evil 1/day, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands

[b]Feats:[/b] Wild Talent (1st level regional), Psionic Weapon (1st level), Heroic
Spirit (human bonus)

[b]Skill Points:[/b] 24        [b]Max Ranks:[/b] 5/2.5
[b]Skills                 Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
Concentration           5    +2	          +7
Knowledge (religion)    4    +1	          +5
Bluff                   5    +2	          +7
Sense Motive            4    +1	          +5
Craft (weaponsmith)     4    +1	          +5
Speak Language          1    --	          --

[b]Equipment:                      Cost    Weight[/b]
MW Deep Crystal Greatsword      783gp    8lb *crafted by himself
Scale Mail                       50gp   40lb
Morningstar                       8gp    6lb
Dagger                            2gp    1lb
Shortbow                         30gp    2lb
20 Arrows                         1gp    3lb
Backpack                          2gp    2lb
Bedroll                           1sp    5lb
Flint and Steel                   1gp    -lb
Whetstone                         2cp    1lb
Waterskin                         1gp    4lb
Trail Rations -4 days             2gp    4lb
Hooded Lantern                    7gp    2lb
Flasks of Oil -10                 1gp   10lb
Artisan’s Tools                   5gp    5lb
Adventurer’s Outfit               -gp    -lb

[b]Total Weight:[/b] 93lb      [b]Money:[/b] 6gp 8sp 8cp

                [b]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/b]
[b]Max Weight:[/b]      58   116   175   350   875

[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Height:[/b] 6’1”
[b]Weight:[/b] 165lb
[b]Eyes:[/b] One Steel Grey, One Sky Blue
[b]Hair:[/b] Blue Grey
[b]Skin:[/b] Slightly Tanned

Uly, “ewely”, as many call him, strikes a sharp image. He is of slightly below average height, but his body is well toned with a youth of labor at the forge. His blue grey hair is falls loosely past his shoulders, the bangs drifting in out from in front of his face. He wears a suit of scale mail with large pauldrons covering his shoulders. A dagger is sheathed point skyward over the right side of his chest. At his hip swings a morningstar from a leather loop. The hilt to a greatsword reaches over his left shoulder, finely worked yet functional, it’s scabbard unadorned black leather. A shortbow is slung along with a quiver of arrows against the side of a travel-worn backpack.

The Picture I based the description on

Background: XXXX
Last edited:


Checked on the regional feats for Groswen and it looks like I needed to make a change. Removed Urban Tracking and went with Favored in House. Works better with the background I came up with anyways. She should be all finished now.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Looks good tyrlaan and Erekose13. APPROVED & APPROVED.

Ferrix: Paladin looks good. Now you just need a background. I assume that you don't want the Kalashar's power points in exchange for the Human's skill points? Did you still want to play a psi-flavored version of the paladin of freedom?

So now we're just waiting on final backgrounds from: Elocin, Ferrix, DEFCON1, & Tailspinner. Once those are submitted I'll go over them, select the 6 characters (the other 4 being alternates), make some final tweaks to my story outline, and start the game.

The Rogue's Gallery is now open for APPROVED characters.


I've made the needed adjusted ments to Mortachi and hope you'll approve him now.

I would like to make some connections with the other players. Isn't anyone interested in being friends with Mortachi. Don't let the scythe and cowl thing bother you, he's really a nice guy, really!

Anyway, Xael, Mortachi could have met Xarut at the undying court and then become reaquainted after they arrived in Sharn or they could have even traveled there together if you like.

Elocin, Mortachi spent some time on the plains and they could have met before he went to Sharn. Again they could renew there aquaintance in Sharn.

Just some thoughts. Any takers? Anyone else?


Lobo, made some adjustments... added the beginnings of his background... and had to fix my feats. The Breland Regional feat was Favored In House (which is what I didn't want Rezzin to be) so I used it for the Least Dragonmark feat instead. Also, because I had forgotten the exotic weapon prof. for the spiked chain, I took that at 3rd level, which means I won't be getting Improved Disarm until 5th... just fyi.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Tor L'Tha: I don't have my book with me, but you should double check to see if the Talenta boomerang is an exotic weapon.

Also, can anyone with a 3.5 PHB tell me if Use Magic Device is an exclusive skill? I was under the impression that it was but I don't see anything about exclusive skills in the SRD... was that concept done away with in the transition from 3.0 -> 3.5?


Lobo Lurker said:
Also, can anyone with a 3.5 PHB tell me if Use Magic Device is an exclusive skill? I was under the impression that it was but I don't see anything about exclusive skills in the SRD... was that concept done away with in the transition from 3.0 -> 3.5?

Yup, no such thing as exclusive skills in 3.5

Voidrunner's Codex

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