Still Searching for "That" System

All of those are older versions of Fate. Fate Core drastically streamlined the game and in my opinion vastly improved it. The more recent Fate Condensed is leaner, meaner, and (again IMO) fixed what few problems Core had.

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The youngest are 14-16.
And I know what you're thinking - that's not too young to play RPGs.
It's always struck me as the prime demographic, TBH.
RPGs let you explore things about yourself in a way that's generally fairly safe...
(they can also teach you math!)
I would describe them (respectfully) as well below level in math ... like counting 8 + 3 on their fingers.
I am biting back the urge to say about kids these days what people the age I am now said about my generation when I was their age. ;)
Even "that wouldn't be a problem of a VTT" is skating dangerously close...

Seriously, tho, simple addition is all you need to play the vast majority of TTRPGs, even those that might be considered a lot more complex, and even those often credited as 'rules lite,' like 5e, still need it. Unless the game is demanding a lot more than that, I wouldn't discount it as 'hard to learn.'

Heck, at that age learning a new system is, if anything, easier. Old dogs and new tricks and all that....
And when we offer to help, they get offended. Or if I make a suggestion to write down their attack bonuses or frequent spell effects, they won't do it.
It's kinda frustrating.
I imagine it may be frustrating for them, too. Working through it every time is a way to learn that bit of the game, for instance so helpful shortcuts may just leave them confused about the basics? And, of course, those are prime 'rebellious' years.

D&D character sheets have generally had places to write all that down for your attacks &c, anyway... not spells, always, but still....

There are character builders that can print out a character sheet with all that already done. Try one of those maybe?
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HeroQuest the RPG might be worth looking into. Character generation is basically writing a description and background of your PC then using that to generate your stats. Uses a d20 with a simple level of success roll. Injury is handled more like states than actual hp. At its core it’s very simple.
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Don't know if I am to late to the party, but perhaps I can offer some insight as a 40+ year GM. Pick something...anything...and tell them this is it. It seems like you are spending too much time trying to please everyone, but making yourself miserable. Face it...not everyone wants the same thing. I believe if YOU are happy, your enthusiasm will catch on. Plus...anyone who really wants to game with you with stick around and compromise.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but I ran into the same problem some time ago. Everyone wanted something different, and I was moving from system to system, spending too much money and time trying to please everyone, but making my gaming, which was supposed to be fun, into a chore. Finally decided to do what made ME happy, and picked something (in my case, Castles & Crusades). It was simple and fast, easy to modify so that instead of changing systems I just altered the one or two little things I didn't like and used all the spare time I now had into developing stories and my game world. And guess what..I lost one player who basically could not accept that he didn't get his way.
I then sold/traded all my other systems...didn't need them distracting me, and used that cash to buy core rulebooks for those that stayed, and bought everything I would need for C&C. When the strong urge came up to get something new, I just bought more C&C books.
This is my suggestion to you. What system makes YOU happy...what do YOU enjoy and think you can sink into hard enough to stcik with and tinker with? THAT is your perfect system.
My 2 cents, and good luck. Let us know what you decide.


Don't know if I am to late to the party, but perhaps I can offer some insight as a 40+ year GM. Pick something...anything...and tell them this is it. It seems like you are spending too much time trying to please everyone, but making yourself miserable. Face it...not everyone wants the same thing. I believe if YOU are happy, your enthusiasm will catch on. Plus...anyone who really wants to game with you with stick around and compromise.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but I ran into the same problem some time ago. Everyone wanted something different, and I was moving from system to system, spending too much money and time trying to please everyone, but making my gaming, which was supposed to be fun, into a chore. Finally decided to do what made ME happy, and picked something (in my case, Castles & Crusades). It was simple and fast, easy to modify so that instead of changing systems I just altered the one or two little things I didn't like and used all the spare time I now had into developing stories and my game world. And guess what..I lost one player who basically could not accept that he didn't get his way.
I then sold/traded all my other systems...didn't need them distracting me, and used that cash to buy core rulebooks for those that stayed, and bought everything I would need for C&C. When the strong urge came up to get something new, I just bought more C&C books.
This is my suggestion to you. What system makes YOU happy...what do YOU enjoy and think you can sink into hard enough to stcik with and tinker with? THAT is your perfect system.
My 2 cents, and good luck. Let us know what you decide.

A fellow Charlottean?!

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