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Still Taking Requests (Updated: 4/14 - The Destructor)


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Awsome work, im very impressed. I have a request as well. I have a party of 4 people (cleric, duskblade, rogue, and sorcerer) They are each level 20 so this would be a higher level group. I need an epic level monk that would be a challenge for those 4. Cleric is just focused on healing, duskblade is a 2h wielding beast, rogue is all about the crits (telling blow etc.), and sorcerer has high save dcs (his favorite spell avasculate). You can use any book you want, i have them all or can get my hands on them with ease. High fantasy, lots of magic so feel free to use any race/items you need.

thanks :)

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destriga said:
Awsome work, im very impressed. I have a request as well. I have a party of 4 people (cleric, duskblade, rogue, and sorcerer) They are each level 20 so this would be a higher level group. I need an epic level monk that would be a challenge for those 4. Cleric is just focused on healing, duskblade is a 2h wielding beast, rogue is all about the crits (telling blow etc.), and sorcerer has high save dcs (his favorite spell avasculate). You can use any book you want, i have them all or can get my hands on them with ease. High fantasy, lots of magic so feel free to use any race/items you need.

thanks :)

Be careful what you wish for. :]


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Shadeydm said:
I have a request :)

Kazdalur, male varag Scout 3/Swordsage 2: CR 6; Medium humanoid (goblinoid); HD 9d8+18; hp 62; Init +9; Spd 70 ft.; AC 24 (+3 Dex, +2 Wis, +4 natural, +5 armor) touch 15, flat-footed 24; BAB/Grap +6/+8; Atk +1 falchion +10 melee (2d4+4, 18-20/x2); Full Atk +1 falchion +10/+5 melee (2d4+4, 18-20/x2); S/R 5 ft./5 ft.; SA - discipline focus (desert wind), skirmish (+1d6, +1 AC); SQ - AC bonus, battle fortitude +1, darkvision 60 ft., fast movement, quick to act +1, scent, trackless step, trapfinding, uncanny dodge; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +14, Will +8; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Skills: Balance +13, Climb +10, Hide +11, Jump +19, Move Silently +19, Survival +5 (+9 when tracking by scent), Tumble +11.​
*A varag can always choose to Take 10 on a Move Silently check, even if rushed or threatened.​
Feats: Death Blow, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Rapid Assault, RunB, Spring AttackB, Weapon Focus (scimitar, light mace, light pick, falchion, spear)B.​
Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 5th)​
Stances - child of shadow*, step of the wind​
Strikes - charging minotaur*, clinging shadow strike, mighty throw, shadow blade technique​
Boosts - burning blade, sudden leap*​
Counters - counter charge*​
Disciplines: Desert Wind, Diamond Mind, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw.​
*Readied maneuver​
Skills: Varags have a +8 racial bonus on Move Silently checks and a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.​
Possessions: +1 chain shirt, +1 falchion, belt of improved carrying, bracers of resistance +1, choker of natural armor +1, gauntlets of ogre strength, potion of cure moderate wounds (2d8+3)​
Note: I used the fraction Base Attack Bonus and Base Save Bonus rules on pg. 73 of Unearthed Arcana. Also, it may seem weird putting a choker on a male, but Kazdalur only likes tight-fitting clothes.​

I hope it's what you want. I could have gone several other routes. Let me know if you'd like it different.
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Great job, thanks Justinsluder!

I must admit I am curious as to what other other builds you came up with. My original concept had an emphasis on high dexterity and the Shadow Hand Feat which grants Dex to damage while in a SH stance.

This build looks like it will be fun.


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The Cloak of the Many mk2
This patchwork cloak grants its wearer a variety of powers as listed below:
+2 resistance bonus to all saving throws.​
Maximized mirror image (8 images) at will. The wearer can only activate this ability when there are no images existing from a previous activation.​
Once per day, as a free action, the wearer can shroud themselves in a fog cloud effect which only lasts for 1 round. Once the fog dissipates the wear has a single simulacrum like duplicate of itself. The wearer and simulacrum can communicate telepathically with each other. While this ability is active, the wearer and simulacrum are part of a hive mind and gain the usual benefits of such a connection. For one to be flanked, all must be flanked. For one to be surprised, all must be surprised. Also, the simulacrum shares damage with the wearer as the shield other spell. This ability lasts for up to 13 minutes. The simulacrum is equipped with non-magical versions of the originals gear.​
CL 13th; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, fog cloud, major creation, mirror image, resistance, shield other, simulacrum, telepathic bond; Market Price 50,000 gp; Cost to Create 25,000 gp, 2,000 xp.

Here you go Thurbane, I hope this one is more along the lines of what you can use.


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Reveille said:
I know you're swamped with requests but I have to ask for this before I forget.

Unicorn Wand: base it off of the powers of the severed unicorn's horn from Legend.
I just saw the movie for the first time in I think 14 years and fell in love with it all over again.

Unicorn Horn Wand
Made from the severed horn of a unicorn this item of power has multiple abilities. The following abilities are usable at will:
Orb of Fire (ranged touch attack, 15d6 fire, 150 ft., Fort DC 30 or dazed 1 round)​
Once per day the wand can be used to restore life to a creature who has been dead no more than one week as the true resurrection spell.​
In addition to the above abilities the wand emanates a fimblewinter effect. If the wand travels outside the current area of effect it activates automatically unless it is be held as the area of effect is exited and the wielder make a successful Will save (DC 35).
CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.

Here you go Rev, it's the best I could do. I searched the net for info on the horns powers. I haven't been able to find an actual copy of the movie so I don't know EVERYTHING the horn could do in the movie. I'm sure there are things I missed so let me know what they are so I can add them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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