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I got the Khorvaire reference Colonel! Good one. :D

Here's a couple:

Ard's Panacherie

Barbarians for Dummies

Leadership Secrets of Vecna

The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Planeshifters

Swarming to the Oldies, by Richard Summons


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OK, cool... There's a big thread on this topic over at right now (many thanks to those who compiled this information). Here's the scoop....

--- Agrippa, Professor. Scrying and the Nature of Visions
--- Allandar. Allandar's Travelogue - "a Gazetteer for supernatural events"
--- Ansgar. Den Bjaergekesjer - Nova Vaasan epic poem
--- Ansgar. Fare imod de Aften - Nova Vaasan epic poem
--- Ansgar. Haldor og Gudrun - Nova Vaasan epic poem, greatest of Vaasi literature
--- Ancient Tales of the Vistani
--- Barclay. Sight Unseen: The Theory of Ethereal Resonance
--- Galbraith, Madeline. Dust of Empires - History book on dead cultures
--- Gleam, Hans and Jakob. Tome of Terror - Illustrated fairy tales from the Core
--- Goucus, Erryl. The Third Horseman - Darkonian book on military history
--- Harriet, M. Claude. The Scrawls - Short story, may also be name of book
--- Milhavet, Inard. Struggle and Victory in the Animal Kingdom - Naturalist text
--- de Penible, Francois. The Forgotten Sensations - Dementlieuse book
--- Raluca, Petre. The Exile and the Return - Barovian history, on the Terg invasion
--- Rivtoff, Sir Armand "Ironhand". The Beast of Ehrendton - Novel on demonic cult
--- Sedgwick, Arthur. The Life of Alanik Ray - Book of accounts of mysteries
--- Sedgwick, Arthur. The Casebook of Alanik Ray - Book of accounts of mysteries
--- Terelleian, Archmage Jacktin. Transpossession: A Guide to Phenomena
--- von Manheim, Dr. Viktor. Manifestations of Mental Dementia, Their Causes and Treatment
--- von Sarr, Cletus. The Hammer of Light - Oft erroneous guide to fighting undead (
--- von Zarovich, Strahd. Tome of Strahd, The - Propaganda-fill autobiography
--- Wyan of Viktal. Malleus Umbricum - also called Hammer of Shades, The, often incorrect text on fey creatures and fighting them
--- Zeitsgraeng. The Silberkudexa - Historical book on the Silver Falcon Kingdom
--- Bestiary of Artak - Includes info on hungry dead among other monsters
--- Catalogue of the World Entire - The Core as of 711BC
--- Journey of Phillipe the Shining
--- Litany of the Ellefolk
--- Madrigorian, The - Writings on the morality of evil in 16 volumes
--- Marcusen Manuscript - Court record, describing Seelie and Unseelie courts
--- Raiment of Clarity by the Iron Crown - Cursed necromantic text
--- Romance from Beyond the Grave: A Love Beyond Death - trashy novel
--- Romance from Beyond the Grave: The Dead Travel Fast - trashy novel
--- Sources de Puissance - Arcane text
--- Tainted Writings of Blackcomb, The - Arcane text
--- Van Richten, Rudolph. Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead
--- Van Richten, Rudolph. Van Richten's Guide to the Created
--- Van Richten, Rudolph. Van Richten's Guide to Fiends
--- Van Richten, Rudolph. Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts
--- Van Richten, Rudolph. Van Richten's Guide to the Lich
--- Van Richten, Rudolph. Van Richten's Guide to Vampires - Printed 735BC
--- Van Richten, Rudolph. Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani - Printed 742BC
--- Van Richten, Rudolph. Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts
--- Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium, Volume 1 - compiled by Gennifer and Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove
--- Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium, Volume 3 - compiled by Gennifer and Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove
--- Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium, Volume 3 - compiled by Gennifer and Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove; contains Van Richten's unfinished guide to witches and hags
--- Weathermay-Foxgrove, Gennifer and Laurie. Van Richten's Arsenal - guide of monster hunting techniques
--- Weathermay-Foxgrove, Gennifer and Laurie. Van Richten's Guide to the Walking Dead
--- Weathermay-Foxgrove, Gennifer and Laurie. Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey
--- Weathermay-Foxgrove, Gennifer and Laurie. Van Richten's Guide to the Mists
--- Waning of Leybria and Others, The - Fall of the Silver Falcon Kingdom
--- Nathan the Atheist. The Case for Atheists in the Misty Land
--- Book of Ezra, First - Revelation of Ezra to Yakov Dilisnya, 666BC
--- Book of Ezra, Second - Revelation of Ezra to Felix Wachter, 699BC
--- Book of Ezra, Third - Revelation of Ezra to Joan Secousse, 709BC
--- Book of Ezra, Fourth - Revelation of Ezra to Teodorus Raines, 751BC
--- Doctrinae - Holy text of the Faith of the Overseer
--- The Tales of Ages - Holy text and history of the Halan faith
--- The Truth of Iron - First holy text of the Church of the Lawgiver
--- The Fetters of Bronze - Second holy text of the Church of the Lawgiver
--- The Black Trials - Third holy text of the Church of the Lawgiver
--- Crimson Faith - Fourth holy text of the Church of the Lawgiver
--- The Book of Stone - Fifth holy text of the Church of the Lawgiver
--- Vessels of Mercy, The - Holy text of the Echansons/Cupbearers heresy
--- Berdarik. The Soulless Crown - Kartakan epic tragedy
--- Vercezzo, Cezar. The Blind Gypsy - Borcan play
--- Vercezzo, Cezar. Lotharia - Borcan play
--- Vercezzo, Cezar. The Silent Child - Borcan play
--- Blood of Mazonn - Barovian epic ballad
--- Courage - Dementlieuse play about workhouses
--- Flight from the Balinoks - Barovian epic ballad
--- La Mort de Mon Coeur ("The Death of My Heart") - Dementlieuse opera
--- Pavel, Heir to the Sun - Ancient Barovian saga
--- S. The Doomsday Gazetteer, Vol. I - Descriptions of the lands of Barovia, Hazlan, Forlorn, and Kartakass
--- S. The Doomsday Gazetteer, Vol. II - Descriptions of the lands of Darkon, Necropolis, Lamordia, and Falkovnia
--- S. The Doomsday Gazetteer, Vol. III - Descriptions of the lands of Dementlieu, Mordent, and Richemulot
--- S. The Doomsday Gazetteer, Vol. IV - Descriptions of the lands of Borca, Invidia, Verbrek, Valachan, Sithicus
--- S. The Doomsday Gazetteer, Vol. V - Descriptions of the lands of Nova Vaasa, the Shadow Rift, Keening, and Tepest
--- Embalming, The Lost Art
--- Masonry and Woodworking
--- The Inner Soul
--- The Nature of the Soul: Portion or Totality of the Man?
--- Life or Death? A History of the Crown of Souls
--- The Cult of the Swamp God
--- The Mind of the Vampire - Treatise on vampire psychology
--- The Haedritic Manuscripts - by the Dweller in the Jacinth Chamber
--- Bilerius. The Gnomics of Bilerius - Bestiary of supernatural beings
--- Divers Meditations Upon the Higher Magicks - Arcane text
--- Great Composers
--- Form and Line in Music
--- Physical Properties of Sound Production
--- Musical Instrument Construction
--- Modes in Music
--- Poetry of the Masters
--- Sonnets
--- Assonance and Alliteration in Poetry
--- Advances in Anatomy
--- Vertebrate Biology
--- Sketching Nudes
--- Portfolio of Birds
--- Principles of Perspective
--- Art of Architecture
--- Treatise on Free Government
--- Decline of Feudal Holdings
--- Philosophy of Death
--- Study in Darkness
--- Poems of Baron Evensong
--- Imbuing Instruments With Magic
--- Alteration - spellbook
--- Evocation - spellbook
--- Corpus Libram - book on dissections
--- Gainful Decay - book on study and magical uses of rotting matters
--- History of Death in Thay - book on disasters and wars in the land of Thay
--- Machinations of Mortality - book on torture
--- The NecroCompanion - almanac with many articles, from moon and star charts predicting important events in Thay to sarcophagus jokes
--- Nightblood - an Auto-Necrography - autobiography of a lich
--- Catalogue of Undead
--- Death Magicks - guidebook on how to create magical objects that requires a living component
---Necromancy - spellbook
--- Venn, Marth. Speculations
--- Taynesbert. The Open Palm - Epic saga about Astonby of the Oaks
--- Kohl, Dr. Wilhelm. Foundations of Morality - Moral development in humans
--- Haas, Ansolm. The Isolation of Evil - Psychology text regarding nature of evil
--- Farringer, Dr. Ottelie. Illustrated Manual of Linguistic and Scriptal Aberrations Indicative of Psychopathology
--- Joonker, Ephraim and Greenleaf, Legothlin. Heightened Reality: The Sensory Powers of Sentient Non-Humans
--- Kelman, Daffyd. Comparative Toxicology: Pestilence, Poisons and Plague Between the Species
--- Terelleian, Archmage Jacktin. Wizards, Magic and Magical Items: A Primer for the Serious Scholar
--- Bluemenstin, Dr. Jacov. Philosophical Discourses Among Supernatural Beings: Higher Truths or Tribalism? - Considerations on ethical alignments
--- Grimfoot, Glental. Silent Speech: Mental Communications Among Supernatural Beings - On telepathy, etc.
--- Zartin the Red. Autobiography of a Wandering Mage
--- Kilday, Dr. Jethra. Desire - The Unconscious Guide
--- Tellurian, Dr. A.R.H. Premises of Magickal Study
--- The Waning of Aerdy - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- Rulers of the House of Rax - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- The Age of Sorrow - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- The Rain of Colorless Fire - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- The Battle of a Fortnight's Length - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- The Battle of Shamblefield - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- People of the Blemu Hills - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- Unique Creatures of the Adri Forest - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- Wee Folk of the Flinty Hills - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- My Travels Down the Teesar and Harp Rivers - Historical book about Flanaess in Oerth
--- Grave's Anatomy
--- The Polarization of Bi-Directional Current
--- Nucleic Acid and Cellular Structure
--- Observations on the Effects of Lightning Upon Living Tissue
--- Manual of Ivory Figurines - Sri Rajian text on constructing figurines of power
--- Life Among the Undead: Rules of the Game
--- The Nature of Blood: An Apprentice's Handbook
--- Mordenheim, Victor. Enigma Vitae
--- The Art of Kalimar Kandru
--- Barovia: Year 15 to the Present
--- Coats and Arms of the Von Zarovich Line
--- Legends from the Circle
--- Skin and Steel: A History of the Ba'al Verzi
--- Tales of the Night
--- Words of Wisdom
--- The Purification of Corrupt Flesh
--- The Lady and the Vamp
--- 101 Damnations
--- Creeping Beauty
--- Sergei von Daragor's Tales of Terror
--- Volo's Guide to Waterdeep
--- Aurora's Catalog
--- Guide to the Known World
--- Encylopdedia of Common Knowledge - 5 volumes.
--- The Wisdom of Lord Toede, as transcribed by Bunniswot the scribe - a collection of bawdy stories and dirty pictures, executed in childish scribbles
--- Book of Insufferable Darkness

Hope this is useful.

Chris Nichols


Three titles I liked from a previous campaign. Probably too cheeky to include all three.

Randril on Liches: Thinking Outside the Phylactery

Wishes, Miracles and A New You.

What Your Cleric Won't Tell You About Being Raised

These are all written by Randril Esconee. Unfortunately, there are several mages/scribes currently claiming to be THE Randril.


First Post
The only books I can recall referencing in our campaign are:

  • Anvil's famed Log of Justice -- a personal journal of legal decisions, precedents, and questions
  • The Cosmia Astrologica Darine by Brother Anekitos
  • Sects! Sects! Sects!: Where to worship when you're in Dar Pykos, published by Crazy Eddie's Pocket Guides, Edward Fol, ed. But that was out of game, and a bit silly for your purposes.

If your players stumble across The Halmae Chronicles, just don't tell me how it ends.


First Post
I am disappointed nobody mentioned my Netbook of Books which is a compilation of 140 complete book descriptions for d20. See link in my sig for the webpage where it is located (free download).

There is also a HTML (offline) generator included in the netbook's file. Here is an example of what it can produce:

The Sermon of the Lake of Fire
AUTHOR: Unknown
PUBLISHER: None (handwritten manuscript).
TYPE/ASPECT: Collection of handwritten notes in a wrapper.
CONDITION: Good, although a little worn.
LANGUAGE: Latin, or Church vernacular (Common alphabet).
SUBJECT: Prayerbook.
ORIGINALITY: Rather conventional, but offers some occasional fresh point of view.
CLARITY: Confused (Int check DC=15 to benefit from book's contents).
LENGTH OF STUDY: 10-40 minutes (provided Intelligence check succeeded - see above).
BENEFIT FROM STUDY: None, and the text is moderately interesting.
BOOK'S MONETARY VALUE: Cheap (from 1 to 10 silver pieces).
NOTES: A map or text unrelated to the book is hidden in the binding or cover.
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