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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


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Marot turns a shade of white as he mulls over the possibilities of the 'she' -- as he had missed it when originally spoken by Sergei.

"Perhaps the Emerald Claw cell sent a representative to the castle to parley with the Lord?"

"It could have occurred before or after they acquired the book from Danovich..."

"Or perhaps he meant Madam Eva herself? Come to the castle to seek a boon?"

He taps his chin while looking towards the ceiling.

"I have no qualms about seeking out the Chapel, for I could use a respite in someplace holy..."

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Khensu stands and looks forlornly at Lady Ashlyn. "I would go to the chapel with you. My life is nothing otherwise. I need to pray." He walks up to the paladin standing in the doorway looking into the hall.

Jarrith's lips purse, as he glances down at the two wands he had pulled out. Should he go ahead and try to find the library while the others go to the chapel? Or should he follow? He watches Khensu move up to Ashlyn, hears Marot make his comment, and makes his own decison. "I'm with you all. My soul needs cleansing as well. I will join you."


First Post
"I will go as well, but I cannot believe we will be able to get there without some effort- if nothing else the foul aura of this place may be hard to traverse. And who knows what other surprises our host has in store for us." Tessa picked up her shield and her lantern, and made ready to begin the trip. "Do we know where this chapel is likely to be found?"


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Ashlyn replies, "All I know is that it should be on this level somewhere, that is, we shouldn't have to go up or down any stairs to get there."

James Heard

"What are we to do with her?" Janis asks her companions of the mayor's daughter.

"I may flay her with words sometimes, but I'd not have her bloodied in our crossfire if it came to that. And just alike, I'd not send her alone back into the village with the wights and shadows no doubt that lurk in this valley."

Janis stares at Ireena appraisingly.

"What say you? Do you cling to your blade for comfort or has someone skilled you in it? Do you heart enough to accompany us, or should I escort you back? I warn you though, depending on the moon I might be poor company under any circumstance."


Tessa said:
"I will go as well, but I cannot believe we will be able to get there without some effort- if nothing else the foul aura of this place may be hard to traverse. And who knows what other surprises our host has in store for us. Do we know where this chapel is likely to be found?"
Jarrith considers this momentarily, then comes up with an idea that he is not sure will work, but figures it wouldn't hurt to at least try.

"I can sense the presence of evil when I concentrate. The fact that we all can sense it now on our own tells me that this place is infused with it, and if I use my Flamic power, I could easily be overwhelmed by it.

But at the same time... the chapel is supposed to be the one haven for goodness in this foul place. While I cannot sense goodness in of itself... perhaps sensing the absence of the evil here would be just as effective. If I am awash in the darkness, finding an island where the dark is not found could tell us all we need to know."

OOC: When the group is ready to begin searching, Jarrith will use his Detect Evil ability, expecting to sense everything within the castle as evil. Then it's just a matter of walking around until the overwhelming evil aura lessens or disappears, and that might be a good indication of where the chapel and/or altar is.

Of course, if the detection becomes so overwhelming that it possibly causes Jarrith mental pain or agony, he'll stop concentrating.


Janis said:
"What are we to do with her? I may flay her with words sometimes, but I'd not have her bloodied in our crossfire if it came to that. And just alike, I'd not send her alone back into the village with the wights and shadows no doubt that lurk in this valley."
"To be honest" Jarrith replies "what will occur in the chapel will be a very long, long thing. It's not simply walking in, dropping a tithe in a pan and walking home... I expect that all of us will need several hours, if not an entire day... to cleanse ourselves. So perhaps you should take Ireena back to town... since I would expect that neither the two of you need or would want to keep vigil here. Your place of devotion is under the stars, not at an altar."

Jarrith smiles at Janis, imagining her standing guard and twiddling her thumbs as they all prayed. "Unless of course you want to watch Ashlyn, Tessa, Marot, Khensu, and myself prostrating ourselves and chanting to our respective gods for an entire day. But if I know anything at all about you, Miss Stormhand... you are nothing if not dilligent in using your time to its utmost. And standing guard for a vigil that may not end is probably not one of them, I would imagine."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
James Heard said:
"What say you? Do you cling to your blade for comfort or has someone skilled you in it? Do you heart enough to accompany us, or should I escort you back? I warn you though, depending on the moon I might be poor company under any circumstance."
Ireena snaps out of her reverie a moment, then pulls forth her weapon with a steady hand. Jarrith recalls the village people mentioning the Burgomaster's daughter's capable defense with some of the other mercenaries. While not the hardened warrior Khensu was, she seems to have familiarity with the blade.

"One must be prepared for the wolf, and Father made sure both Ismark and I were able to defend ourselves."
After a moment of show, she puts the blade aside. "I claim not to be a warrior, but if your fellows will be putting themselves at risk without guard, then it behooves us not to pay them ill by leaving them aside." The girl seems adamant about staying.

As the group ponders their next action, Tessa looks down the hallways, the light of her lamp unnaturally dim. At the ends of the shadows she sees the grand staircase near the entry and a smaller one down the hall Lord ir'Zarovich ventured down. Ashlyn, recalling Urik's words---the Chapel be at the back of the keep, beyond no stairs---determines that the Chapel must be through the grand bronze doors in the entry.

After his magical senses saturated with the vile taint of the place, Jarrith shrugs and decides to follow Ashlyn's lead. The bronze doors open with a hollow thud, revealing a long, dusty hall leading into the dark heart of the Castle. The group moves among lifeless statues, their blank eyes seeming to watch as the explorers pass. Another set of bronze doors stand at the other end of the hall in silent vigil. Pushing through, Ashlyn gasps at the sight.


Broken stained glass windows send tiny shards of colored lights into the ruins of this chapel. Pews and benches lie about the floor in jumbled disarray, some shattered, all covered with centuries of dust. Beyond this debris, a round dais holds an ornate altar. A beautiful silver statue of a raven stands atop the altar, just beyond the grasp of a humanoid form sprawled over the top and front of the altar.



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Marot the Deadly

"What treachery is this?" Marot exclaims as he sees the unmoving human form collapsed upon the altar.

He notes the still burning candles then moves towards the body to feel for a pulse or bodily warmth.

James Heard

Janis nods at Ireena's words, though her eyes narrow critically at her choice of them before the group ventures forth.

"Hold, Marot!" Janis hisses.

"Before you rush in to rescue, ware what put him there first! As a group, then we'll see to his destiny."

Janis looks at Ireena to see the girl's reaction to the scene.

Voidrunner's Codex

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