stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Given a little warning, the party is startled as something begins to move in the water. Ashlyn and Jarrith see the disgusting worms begin to move their way!

OOC: All get to act.

Swamp Fane
Conditions: Water/Bog is difficult terrain, as is the undergrowth and rubble. Deep Bog is very difficult terrain, and grants cover.
Map Key: A: Arvan, A: Ashlyn, a: Volo, D: Ugly Woman, E: Eels, J: Jarrith, G: Hairy Giant, K: Khensu, M: Marot, R: Ravika, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Magenta Border:: Dazed, White Border: Prone.

M: 18 [42/46]
A: 15 [57/62]
T: 15 [42/47]
K: 14 [52/57]
E: 14
A: 10 [36/41]
D: 10
J: 9 [30/35]


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Ashlyn moves forward to give the others space to maneuver, as she readies herself to strike the first snake-like thing to approach her. Her raven circles above, also ready to act

As she strides forward through the swamp, she calls out to the others "Lets form a perimeter and give ourselves some space to maneuver. The snakes will surely have the advantage of mobility here. Let us try to deny them that advantage."

[Move to E7 (move action)]
[Korppi readies action to Harry Ashlyn's target (Will save vs DC15; causes -2 penalty to AC)]
[Readied attack vs first creature within reach (Standard action): attack +6, damage 1d10+3; Combat expertise 5 -> AC 27]


"Aye! We are ready! Let them come!" the shifter says... drawing his weapon and sloshing forward through the muck. (Move action to E9, ready attack action against first eel within range.)

Jarrith pauses a bit, scouting out all the opposing forces as the others all begin to move into place and the eels slide forward through the water. No need to rush here... steady... steady... he thinks to himself.

When the northern eel slides forward to engage (hopefully towards Ashlyn), Jarrith quickly steps around through the water to try and get behind it. (Move action to set up flank if possible, even if difficult terrain requires him to receive an AoO from the eel. If the eel charges him directly, then he just full attacks with his rapiers.)


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Tessa raised her right hand up a bit higher, letting the light of the crackling flame flow over the scene. As Ashlyn and Khensu moved forward, she stayed close behind, ready to support them with healing or divine fire.

OOC: If any of the eels is actually visible (and at least partially above water), she will throw a handful of Produce Flame at it (+6 ranged touch, 1d6+5 damage). If not, simply move up behind Khensu and Ashlyn (D 8).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Swamp Fane: Round 1 (Partial)

Marot narrows his eyes at the odd slugs. He slogs forward and with a grimace, tosses his purple bolt at the nearest. It hits the creature dead on, green ichor spraying the area! [Crit! 33hp and moderately wounded]

Her sword waving protectively, Ashlyn wades forward, waiting. Tessa follows behind, and with an underarm toss, lobs flame at the wounded slug-thing, but it hits the water and sizzles harmlessly. [AC 16 misses] Khensu moves beside her.

With a high pitched scream, the bloated vermin squirm through the water. Two shoot at the knight of Dol Arrah, the other at the shifter. Kopri darts at the one, but it ignores his jabbing, and Ashlyn's follow up swing fails to connect. [AC 12 misses] The one swarming Khensu, however, is nicked. [9 hp] However, both knights see the wounds begin to close on both worms!

Arvan launches a bolt of electricity at the creature, sizzling its pale flesh! [13hp]

It is then that the mists on the island part... but the group wishes they had not. The source of the sing-song now is clear. It is an old and horrendously ugly human woman with sickly yellow skin, covered in warts and oozing sores, a mad tangle of greenish hair like rotted seaweed clinging to her face. The sight of her overwhelms Marot, Ashlyn, and Jarrith, who feel their strength sapped. Jarrith fights it off, but the warlock and paladin feel faint and collapse into the murk as their vitality drains away. [Horrific visage. Marot, Ashlyn, and Jarrith fail. Marot and Jarrith spend AP to try to overcome, only Jarrith succeeds; Ashlyn rolled a nat 1 so AP wouldn't help. 11 Str damage (ouch!). Both are now effectively prone and cannot move.] She begins to wade into the water, mumbling, Feed the slime, feed the eels! Cannot come to bait and steal! She gives Khensu a baleful stare, but he is unaffected. [Unknown gaze attack fails]

Jarrith shivering from what just happened, ponders his move.

OOC: Giving Jarrith a chance to rethink his action if wanted. If so (or not), please also post Round 2 actions.

Swamp Fane: Round 1 (Partial)
Conditions: Water/Bog is difficult terrain, as is the undergrowth and rubble. Deep Bog is very difficult terrain, and grants cover.
Map Key: A: Arvan, A: Ashlyn, a: Volo, D: Ugly Woman, E: Eels, J: Jarrith, G: Hairy Giant, K: Khensu, M: Marot, R: Ravika, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Magenta Border:: Dazed, Yellow: Weak, White Border: Prone.

M: 18 [42/46, 11 Str damage (1/12), prone]
A: 15 [57/62, 11 Str damage (3/14), prone]
T: 15 [42/47]
K: 14 [52/57]
E: 14 [E6 and F9 moderately wounded]
A: 10 [36/41]
D: 10
J: 9 [30/35]


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As their compatriots begin dropping into the water, Jarrith immediately shakes off whatever problems he might have allowed himself to feel and begins to shout orders and take charge.

"Tessa! We need to get Ashlyn on her feet NOW! Restore her! We both need to restore her if we have any hope of getting her blade into this fight!"

He steps forward and begins casting a prayer of restoration, all while dodging the snapping jaws of the eel to his left. (5' step to D7 / Cast defensively Lesser Restoration)

As Khensu sees his fellow paladin be overcome by the effect of the old hag, he realizes that he needs to take on the attacks of at least one of the eels that are over her. He quickly sidesteps to his left and presses his attack on the new eel, so as to draw it's bite to him instead of her. (5' step to E8 / Full attack on F7 / Shift if possible {can't remember if shifting is a free action or not})


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Suddenly overburdened by her armor and gear as her strength suddenly leaves her at the sight of the hag's horrific visage. Ashlyn simply holds her breath as she goes prone and takes a totally defensive position against the snake-like creatures.

[Hold breath (if effectively prone implies that Ashlyn is underwater) (28 rounds before she needs to make suffocation checks)]
[Total defense: +4AC -> AC22 +4(total defense) -4(prone) -> AC22]


First Post
Tessa's eyes widened in shock as two of her companions dropped almost lifelessly into the water. She heard Jarrith's order, but she knew that spell simply was not meant to be used in combat- they would have to think of something else. With one of her hands still wreathed in divine fire, her options were limited... "That takes too long! We're going to have to fight," she shouted in Jarrith's direction, far louder than necessary

OOC: Move action to shift her shield out of hand, letting it hang by its strap (loose shield), another move action with the former shield hand to grab one of her potions of Bulls Strength from her Handy Haversack- with the intent of passing that to Ashlyn next round. Still has a handful of Produce Flame- no attack this round, but can use it as +6 touch attack (1d6+5 damage), if anything draws an AoO.


"She's right, Jarrith! You'll never get the prayer off in time! Take care of Marot! Get him out of that water!" shouts Sir Khensu, keeping his blade up to defend and attack the eels.

Jarrith considers what the other two say for a hint of a second, then realizes that Marot will drown if something isn't done. Damn, damn, damn... he thinks to himself, as he changes his mind and turns behind him to grab Marot and hoist him up out of the water so he can breath. He then turns and steps toward an eel.

(I never realized Lesser Restoration took 3 rounds to cast! Learn something new every day! :) So I'm editing my action to now be to lift Marot out of the water as a standard action, then take a 5' step to D7 as my move.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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