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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


First Post
Tessa lowered the Icon slowly- the power of the divine produced a rush of emotion all its own, settling and calm in the midst of chaos, and warming in a way that the flames of her dragonmark never were. She had begun to move to Marot's side, to assess his condition, when Mateusz made his appearance.

For a moment, she let her head sag in defeat and acceptance. But then she raised her head once more, and glared at the reclosed door of the study. Without another word, she headed back towards the stairs and her room- this was ameeting she wanted to be fully ready for...

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First Post
(Ashlyn still has one thing that she would like to do within the rounds ...)
As Tessa raises the icon and calls forth the power of the sovereign host, Ashlyn turns towards her raven and speaks to it in the ravens own tongue, sounding like nothing more than a cawing raven herself, "Korppi, Fly after those creatures that we just fought. Find out where they go. Do not fight them. Then return."

Ashlyn seems to ignore Mateusz as she once again focuses her attention on the elderly matron. She gently picks up the matron and places her on a nearby bedroll (If the matron has her own bedroll nearby, then Ashlyn will lay her on that ... otherwise she will lay the matron down on Ashlyn's own bedroll). Ashlyn turns to Urik and speaks quietly "Urik, can you keep an eye on her whilst I tend to Marot."

Ashlyn then rises up and walks over to Marot and begins to asses his condition. Again she is gentle in her ministrations, and focused in her task. Once Marot's condition has been ascertained, then she will assist him back to his bed, carrying him if necessary, and paying no heed to any protests on his part.

[Heal check to assess Marot's condition: 1d20+10]

Finally, with her patients seen to, Ashlyn returns to her bedroll and begins to dress and armor herself. Only once her patients are seen to and she is once again dressed and amoured, does she head towards Mateusz office to join the others.


Khensu follows Tessa downstairs and stands about helplessly as the attacks and ministrations go about. Again... once again... how weak am I?!? Why can't I be strong?!? WHY DO I GIVE IN?!?

He walks slowly over to one of the benches in the tavern common area, and sits down forlornly, his arms dangling in his lap. The shifter cannot count the number of times he has lost control of himself while in this forsaken land. He had been so strong before coming here. Hadn't he? HADN'T HE?!?

Maybe not. Maybe he was fooling himself all this time. The duality of his nature... the beast and the man... acting on logic and acting on instinct... perhaps there really is no reason to try to seperate the two? Or think that it's even possible at all?

Meanwhile, outside amidst the carts and buildings in the village plaza, Jarrith moves quickly about, his eyes on the sky. The light that eminates from him brightens the surrounding area, and once or twice it is enough to make someone peak out a window. The sight they see... a naked man with sword in hand... is enough to ellicit a gasp of shock, before the shades are drawn on the windows.

"By the Flame... this is all we needed! Son of a whore!"

The Stalker walks back towards the inn, and then throws open the door. He strides in with no care at all for his bare body, and the glances thrown his way don't affect him at all. He sees Lady Ashlyn look at him with a disapproving eye, but all he can do is give her a shrug.

"Cold out. Shrinkage."

He stands there casually as Mateusz comes out and demands them into his study. Jarrith shrugs and begins walking toward the study door, ready to have the meeting. But Khensu looks up from his bench and says to him. "Brother, he said to go in after you were decent."

Jarrith turns back to the Inquistor and with his customary sideways grin he says "I'm a templar of the Silver Flame. I'm ALWAYS decent." He chuckles to himself and continues walking, but does grab a blanket off one of the makeshift beds to wrap around himself before going in to see the caravan leader. Khensu sighs and shakes his head at his brother's brazeness, then stands to go upstairs to put on some of his clothes.


First Post

Avron does his best to not look frightened when Mateusz elbows his way past him. The tone of his voice, and the idea of confronting his master, makes his palms sweaty and his hands shake. Nevertheless, he follows him into the study.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The rudely awakened group attends the meeting in various states of dress as Urik sees to the matron. Marot is wounded and drained [One level], but otherwise no more harmed than he was.

Mateusz sits behind his desk, paper at the ready, a few books placed in ordered piles. His lips tighten at Jarrith's appearance, but he says nothing. Instead, he temples his fingers and asks bluntly, Why are vampires attacking my caravan, pray tell? Especially since, as I am lead to believe, we do not have the Tome, the one and only reason—may I remind all but Lady Dorandanna—we are here?


First Post
Tessa hurried through her preparations as much as she could- when she finally made her way back down to the study she was ready to travel, and no more than a handful of minutes had passed. Surprisingly, though, she was one of the last to join the meeting- with everyone in the room, she had to rest with her back quite nearly on the door.

She listened to the caravan leader's angry question, and felt some anger of her own in return. Did he care nothing at all for the people of this valley? While her own purpose on the journey here had been shared with this man and his caravan, she had been changed by the place, by the people here and their plight. Even if she had not, she would have respected the sacrifices and losses that the caravan and its members had endured...

She looked around the group, waiting to see if any of her more outspoken compatriots might lash out in response. She knew what she wanted to say, but she had not been adept at standing up before Mateusz's anger in the past. This time it would be different, she could feel her own surety and confidence in that- but was now the time to make her stand?


Jarrith's head snaps to Mateusz and he gives the man his best "Are you serious?" look. "You mean to tell me attacks by giant wolves, witches, zombies, the Emerald Claw, mind-controlled friends and lycanthropes are all okay for you... but somehow VAMPIRES are where you're drawing the line?" Maybe it's from lack of sleep, but Jarrith finds this to be the funniest thing he's heard in a long, long time, and he leans back in his chair just starts laughing his ass off. "BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

The others of course probably look at him disapprovingly, but Jarrith can't help himself. Such a stupid question! Now granted of course, Mateusz is absolutely correct in asking it, as they do in fact have the tome already... but he doesn't know that, and Jarrith isn't about to tell him. But still... after everything that the caravan and town has been through the past week, to think that a couple vampires now suddenly push things into inconcievability in Mateusz' mind is just TOO funny!

"HAHAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHA... oh my sides! Oh, it hurts!" Jarrith falls to the ground and continues to bawl with laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh! Hahaha! By the Flame, it hurts! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"HAHAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHA... oh my sides! Oh, it hurts!" Jarrith falls to the ground and continues to bawl with laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh! Hahaha! By the Flame, it hurts! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!"
Mateusz's frown deepens. "I see levity is your way of dealing with stress, Master Bronns, but I will point out that the majority of those threats were external. The lycans, the zombies, etcetera, were threats to the town and the region. My expedition just happened to be unfortunately in the area." He looks more stern and taps his thin fingers on the desk to emphasize his points. "But these vampires—these vampires were looking for you or something you have. The townspeople seem to be fine for I do not hear their hue or cry. No, this is a threat you brought to my door, Master Bronns, and I will hear the reason for it now."


First Post
Ashlyn clears her throat, and speaks in reply to Mateusz, "Mateusz, We first encountered vampires soon after our entry to the castle. Before that we had seen no sign of the creatures themselves. I suppose that our intrusion into the castle disturbed those of false life for it was only after that that we were attacked by them, and we have been attacked by them several times now. Perhaps they view us as a threat?"

Ashlyn pauses and looks at Mateusz, considering the man and what she knows of him, and then she continues, as straightforward and forthright as ever, "There is much that I have left unsaid, but before I continue, I would ask a question of you: How extensive is your knowledge of vampires? That you can at least identify them by sight speaks for you, but what do you know of their abilities and their weaknesses?"

[Ashlyn is being straightforward and diplomatic in her own fashion: Diplomacy +10 (to improve Mateusz's attitude through her forthright honesty)]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge

Mateusz's frown may have soften a bit, but the anger is still there. Perhaps another word might sway him...

[Anyone want to assist? He'll answer Ashlyn and what not after.]

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