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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]

James Heard

Janis rolls her eyes and simply grabs a shift from her pack and begins dusting and scrubbing on her hands and knees.

"My parents would be scandalized, but they never quite figured out why a broom was the true lord of a manor," Janis comments.

"Are you going to help, child?" Janis asks Ireena quietly, as if measuring her worth.

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When Janis goes to ground and begins manually cleaning the area that Ashlyn mentioned... he looks quizzically first at the druid, and then back at the Lightbringer. After a couple seconds of holding his tongue, he finds he cannot anymore and he says to Ashlyn "Um... am I right in thinking you thought Janis had the power to magically clean the area? Because... uh... it doesn't look like that is the case."

He walks over to the altar and places his hands on it, feeling the coolness of the holy power flow through him. "I do not personally need the area so spotless that I'd expect Janis and Ireena to scrub their fingers raw while we prayed. It's going to be bad enough they'll have to twiddle their thumbs while we are in our vigil... to expect them to do menial work on top of that is just unecessarily cruel, don't you think?"


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Ashlyn nods her thanks to Janis, and is about to resume cleaning when Jarrith speaks. She listens quietly to his comments before replying quietly, "You are right in your assumption on my thoughts to what I asked of Janis, however I am grateful for her help, however she chooses to give it."

"As far as the cleaning goes, I simply intend to remove a little of the dust and grime that appears to have accumulated over the centuries in this place. It is simply a matter of respect for this place. I do not intend to force anyone to do work they find unnecessary, demeaning or cruel, and I especially do not ask anyone to do anything that I would not do myself."

The last sentence is spoken in a much sterner voice, almost admonishing in tone.


Sir Khensu strides across the room, oblivious to the comments and actions of the others. He reaches the altar in front of him, and with almost a groan of exhaustion, he drops to his knees and lays his hands palm-down upon it. His eyes slam shut and you can see all of the muscles in his huge frame tense up, as though he's hoping to just will the blackness out of him and allow the light of the Flame in instead. He begins mumbling a series of prayers that Jarrith and Marot both recognize as devout callings to the Voice, and the two men look at each other.

Jarrith raises his eyebrows to the warlock, as if to say "shall we?", and the Stalker then takes a place next to the shifter and joins in on his next prayer.


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Ashlyn continues to clean the chapel for a little longer until with the worst of the accumulated dust has been swept into a pile with the rest of the rubbish, and she is satisfied that she has done what she can without a mop and water.

She then walks quietly up to the altar and glances at the book lying there before she ritualistically takes the Symbol of Ravenkind from around her neck, bows her head in respect and touches the Symbol to the Raven statue before placing it on the altar at the foot of the statue.
She then kneels at the altar and places her blades before her before settling into a mediative position. As she sits Vigil before the statue Ashlyn contemplates all that Urik has told her of the Order of the Raven.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ireena looks at Janis awkwardly before Ashlyn cuts in. Its obvious she is not prepared for an extended trip, with nary a pack with her. She does volunteer to help how she can, however.

As Khensu and Jarrith being to pray, Ashlyn gets a look at the text. It appears to be a Cannons of the Knittes of the Ravven. Her heart beating, she quickly finds the words a bit difficult to understand, but no doubt tied to Urik's order. With Tessa's help, she begins to puzzle out its contents.

The book first discusses the founding of the order by the paladin Lugdana. Apparently, the lands of Barovia were ruled by undead 'vampyr' goblinoids. The holy sign of the raven came to the paladin, and with the symbol and sword they granted her, she drove them from the land. She established her order soon after. The text describes rituals and prayers for newly ordained knights that have some similarities to ancient Sovereign beliefs, but with their own flavor.

Tessa and Ashlyn also discover some interesting aspects about the artifacts of the Order itself: The Holy Symbol, the Sunsword, and the Icon of Ravenloft (apparently the raven statue). The Symbol is the oldest, and rituals involving incense and oils are described for creating a binding connection. Sacrifices of wealth may also be made.

[Besides the prayer vigil (which will partially awaken the Holy Symbol), a ritual costing 1500gp must be performed.]

The sunsword has a similar purpose, but it is already sanctified. A preparation for its missing hilt is described that requires significant sacrifice of platinum and prayers. Then, its powers of light against the undead will be complete.

[Similar story here. 3000gp worth is required as a sacrifice.]

The Icon is a newer artifact, brought in the time of the new rulers. it apparently has the power to help turn back the living dead like a symbol of holy might, with the incantation doloshvinya, heals the touched.

With this new information, Ashlyn now has the knowledge of what she needs to do to become a Knight of the Raven.

Any actions/discussion before starting the full vigil? What will all be doing during that time?


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Marot quickly bends knee and falls in line with Khensu and Jarrith.

The warlock has been concerned that something evil had penetrated his soul, much like a wooden splinter, ever since lost his eyesight.

Voices have always been heard within his head, but they had always been beneficial of some sort or another, so the vile whispers that he occasionally heard had made his heart beat faster.

Perhaps infusing himself with holy energies, could he purge himself of whatever inflicted him.


OOC: Jarrith and Khensu will donate money to the awakening process as needed. Otherwise, they will begin their vigil.


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Once Ashlyn and the others set themselves to their vigil, Tessa prepared to wait as well. Her faith in the Sovereign Host was yet still strong within her, and while she appreciated the need the others might have for holy purification, she felt no such need herself. Taking the book which she had helped to peruse, she set herself down facing the chapel entrance, with her lantern beside her and her back set against a sturdy wall- and she began to read, occasionally glancing at the closed door.

Voidrunner's Codex

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