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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


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Tessa scrambled to her feet- she was appalled that such an abomination would brave the sanctity of the chapel, but not so horrified that she was willing to pause and gape...

Whatever peace she had taken from the vigil fled from her mind, replaced by a furious sense of anger. The one place in this valley that had offered some sense of respite, and they still could not have even a single night's worth of shelter. Her voice seemed to have a bitter tone as she called out to those who were nearby. "Touch the altar- see if the power of the wards will reach that far." Even as she spoke, though, she took her own action to defend the site. She raised her right hand and called upon the fires within her- not the holy fire of the Sovereign Host, but the darker powers; her own fury momentarily blinding her to the irony of that particular choice.

OOC: Stand from prone, use Lesser aberrant dragonmark for a Scorching Ray, +5 ranged touch, 4d6 fire damage

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Marot the Deadly

Marot hears the shriek and immediately thinks that Janis has given in to the lycanthropic curse. "Curse that vile woman for her foolish stubborness!" He thinks to himself as he steels himself for the worst.

He turns and opens his eyes and sees instead the bat creature attack Janis and tear a sizeable gash in her throat.

Whispers gurgle in the back of his mind as he takes in the creatures transformation from bat to wolf and they begin to unify in a single word -- vampire.

"By the Flame!" Marot shouts,"Its a VAMPIRE!"

He resolve momentarily shaken, he fights to get himself under control.

"You will NOT prevail!" He shouts as he points his outstretched hand towards the wolf, calling upon his enlightened background to bring about a swirling ray of energy that strikes out towards the creature.

OOC: 5' step to W10, attack creature with Spirit Blast w/point blank shot (appears to be just at 30') +8 ranged touch, 4d6+5 damage. Use action point if necessary on to hit roll.


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Ashlyn picks up the blade before her, only realizing once she holds it that once again the dormant sunsword has come into her hand as if it belonged there, rather than her old trusty blade.
With her other hand, Ashlyn touches the altar, muttering a request for divine assistance even as her hand moves over the wardings marked on the altar and picks up the symbol she had laid there earlier.

[Draw sunsword (Move action)]
[Touch altar & pick up Symbol of Ravenkind (Move action)]

James Heard

Janis wrenches to her feet with a snarled, her hand clutching her bloody throat.

"You are dead twice over," she says to the monster with glee.

Janis pulls her eternal wand from its sheath.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Chapel: Round 1 (Complete)

Coming to her feet, Tessa manifests her burning anger with a flame lash. The flame licks at the beast, but a sickly green glow seems to peel away the heat, leaving a more minor burn behind. [Ranged touch succeeds; 15hp before energy resistance]

Jarrith, seeing the hideous thing, pulls forth his wand for minor protection. He wanted all he could get. [cat's grace]

His voice strong in challenge, Marot calls forth his holy power at the abomination. As he does so, he notices the dais glow faintly in sympathy, and feels charged with holy might. The Flame-bound power caused the creature to yip in surprise, focusing its angry eyes on the warlock. [Bonus to hit due to dais; ranged hit succeeds; 15hp]

Fire in her eyes, Janis stands, pulling forth one of her trusty remnants of golden Cyre. Soon, three druid's with a dire look stand before the beast. [Pull wand as part of move; use it as standard for 2 images]

The fallen paladin lets his rage burn, and turns beast against beast as he rushes the wolf. The axe, however, strikes with a loud *CLANG* as it hits a blue shimmering ward! [Melee charge misses]

Standing, a look of fear and determination on her face, Ireena quickly pulls out a crossbow, cocks a bolt, and lets it fly. It seems to burn as it flies, but flies high as Khensu's charge foils her aim. [Stand, quick draw x-bow, load alchemical fire bolt, and miss due to target in melee]

The bear bellows in defiance as it stands, holding in place to ward his master.

As Ashlyn pulls forth the lost sword, she swears again she sees the glimmer in its depths as she faces the beast. It howls in fury, seemingly recognizing the weapon! Reaching cooly backward, she pulls forth the Symbol with her free hand, the holy blast of light filling the room. But the power is not infinite, its potency failing quickly. [holy smite effect reaches the edge of the dais]

Chapel: Round 2 (Partial)

Ignoring the shifter, the beast lumbers at the warlock, its red eyes glowing in menace. The shifter's swing at the creature's flank goes wide, causing him to curse loudly. [AoO misses] As the creature bears toward Marot, he sees some of the dead flesh begin to nit together, closing wounds. [Fast healing] The jaws snap together just as Marot ducks out of the way! [Miss]

Chapel: Round 2 (Partial)

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The bear, I: Ireena, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, S: Beast, T: Tessa, Z: Dead Karrnath Zombie.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Orange Border: Blind, White Border: Prone. Shadowy and dark regions marked (Ashlyn's everburning torch and Tessa's eternal lantern).

S: 28 [lightly wounded, fast healing]
T: 18
J: 14 [cat's grace 30 rounds]
M: 7
J: 5 [32/38, drained 2 levels; mirror images (2 images), 30 rounds]
K: 5 [shifting 6 rounds]
I: 3
b: 3
A: 2


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Tessa felt some focus return as the battle began to play out around her- her momentary surge of fury ebbed a little, as if the fire she had unleashed had carried some of her anger with it. Raising her hands again, she called forth another fiery surge, this time fueled by her faith rather than her rage. Only then did she realize how exposed her position was, and she scampered to the shelter of the altar...

OOC: Casting Burning Hands (Cleric 1 domain spell, 5d4 fire, REF 14 half), angling to miss Marot, then move to Y 11
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As the beast advances on the warlock, Jarrith puts his wand away and then procures his holy symbol on the bell of his rapier. "Vampire you say? Well then... let's see how it likes this?" He thrusts his symbol forward toward the beast and shouts "THE LIGHT SHINE UPON YOU!" (Use one Turn Undead check to power True Daylight special ability: Daylight spell 1d4 rounds, 10' radius)


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Marot the un-drained (as of yet)

Marot says a quick prayer to the Flame for protecting him from the vampire's attack.

He then backs up towards the altar while sending a thought towards his armor -- the breastplate glows briefly then envelopes Marot with a silverish shimmer.

Regaining his composure, he sends another boly of holy energy towards their foe.


5' step to X11, Aura of Menace is affecting vampire until he hits Marot (-2 AC, -2 to hit, etc,etc)

I'm away from my books, but I think activating his death ward armor is a swift or free action, not sure what the CL of it is, but he definitely wants to activate it.

Then send a spirit blast at the vampire -- 4d6+5, +8 ranged touch.


First Post
Drawing upon her knowledge of undead, vampires in particular, Ashlyn moves forward, the symbol of ravenkind in her hand as she presents the holy symbol in an attempt to hold the creature at bay.

[Move to V11 (move action)]
[Present holy symbol to Hold vampire at bay (Standard action - See Repelling a vampire]

Voidrunner's Codex

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