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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The fire is stocked well with wood; it may have been set some time ago but still burn as bright. But no less than half-a-day.

Ireena has no answer for Marot's question. She only stares at the picture of her-not-her.

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As she examines the leather bound tome in her hands, Ashlyn frowns as she sees the bloodstained first page.

Still frowning, Ashlyn turns to Khensu and motions him over. Showing him the book she asks, "What do you think? Is it what you were looking for?"

Ashlyn waits for Khensu's appraisal as to whether this is the Tome that he, Jarrith, Janis and Marot were looking for and then she nods and speaks again, "In that case let us persue it later once we are out of this place. It would be more prudent to examine it thoroughly in a place of relative safety ... not here."

Ashlyn then takes back the tome and places it within the haversack that she still carries.


Ashlyn then turns to look over the room carefully before she speaks again, and when she speaks, her question is not directed any anyone in particular, but instead to all present, "This place strikes me as odd. Why would this room, and this room only, be so apparently habitable? I can only think of two reasons: Firstly, that it is somehow important to the lord of the castle, but then why not clean and secure the surrounding rooms also, as he did downstairs; Or secondly, that like the room downstairs on our arrival, this room is being used to entertain guests, but we are the only ones present here, ... I do not trust this."
Ashlyn's seems to be thinking hard as she continues, "Perhaps the lord has no concern for the undead creatures here and perhaps he simply likes books, ... but I do not trust that it is that simple. There are to many coincidences here. Something else is going on that we know nothing about and it disturbs me."

Finally Ashlyn shakes her head and concludes, "We should leave. There is much to do and this place makes me .... uneasy."

The final words sound almost like a confession, and it is clear that recent discoveries have unsettled the lady knight. Perhaps she is simply unused to being in a situation in which she is ignorant of precisely what is going on.


When Ashlyn finds the tome and calls Khensu over, the shifter moves to her and looks hard at the book. "Aye. That is it. That is what we need." He stands dutifully as Ashlyn puts the tome in her haversack... glad that this part of their job is almost done. "There are some things in this book we must discover... then when that is done, we can hand it off to Master Ochem."

Jarrith hears his brother say this, then snorts. "Yeah, and maybe he'll then he'll take off and leave us in peace. He doesn't exactly make for amiable company." He glances sympathetically over at Janis, knowing her dislike (if not outright hatred) of the man.

As preparations to leave are taken up and everyone begins filing out of the room, Jarrith hangs back and keeps Ireena with him to continue his conversation to her. He speaks to her quietly, so as to not turn the issue a group discussion with everyone else. "Ireena... my apologies for bringing this up... but there is something I had discovered in my research that I do not know if you are aware of, or if you are, you just haven't bothered to bring up."

He takes a breath and jumps in feet-first... fully expecting protestations, argument, or a fight. " And that is... you aren't the blood relation of your father. You were found by the Burgomaster at the base of the cliffs below us as a baby. He took you in and raised you as his own." He looks into her eyes so that she can see he believes he is telling her the truth, and he waits for her response.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
DEFCON 1 said:
He takes a breath and jumps in feet-first... fully expecting protestations, argument, or a fight. " And that is... you aren't the blood relation of your father. You were found by the Burgomaster at the base of the cliffs below us as a baby. He took you in and raised you as his own." He looks into her eyes so that she can see he believes he is telling her the truth, and he waits for her response.
Ireena opens her mouth in dismay, then closes it tightly again, lips firm. She seems about to respond when vary faintly, the group begins to hear... something... coming from the western door.[sblock=Jarrith,Tessa]The sound is... music?[/sblock]


First Post
Ashlyn whirls around to face the western door at the sound and from her reactions it is obvious that she is uneasy as she instantly draws her blade and advances to within 10ft of the door.


"That sounds like music playing..." Jarrith says, taking off after the rest of the group towards the western door. He pulls out one of his two rapiers and prepares for whatever is on the other side of the door.

Sir Khensu reaches behind him and puts his hand on his weapon, ready to draw it as needed... then steps forward to the door itself. "I will open the door unless someone else feels they are better suited?" If no one speaks up, he reaches out and turns the handle, swinging the door slowly open.


First Post
Tessa nodded at Jarrith's observation. "I hope the wedding musicians are in better shape than the cake," she added, her lips trying to form the hint of a smile. She set the lantern on the floor in front of her and faced the door- her shield raised, and the wand of missiles ready in her other hand.


First Post
Marot the Deadly

"Thanks a lot for putting that visual back into my head." Marot grouses towards Tessa as he gets out of his comfy chair.

"The state of that cake will put me off my feed for a few days now." He visually shudders.

"This place gets weirder and weirder. Now we're hearing musicians? Did we perhaps just get the date wrong, along with the caterers, and today is the big wedding?"

He looks sideways towards Ireena,"You didn't bring a dress perhaps, did you?"

As he waits for her glare and scowl, he stops her short,"Just kidding dear, its painfully obvious that this is Janis' big day."

"As for the book, what exactly did we want that for again?" He says as he makes his way towards the other near the door.


s@squ@tch said:
"As for the book, what exactly did we want that for again?"
Jarrith whispers to Marot right before Sir Khensu opens the door. "That's why we're in this Light-forsaken land... Ochem hired us to find the Tome, remember?"

He then thinks for a second, then continues. "On top of that... the gypsy woman also said that the book contained the location of three fanes in the area that were contributing to the land's darkness. If we can cleanse the fanes, then we're that much closer to releasing Barovia from the blight."

Voidrunner's Codex

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