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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft [Recruiting Closed]

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Eva of Sirrion

First Post
I like a trip to Castle Ravenloft every now and again, especially this time of year. :cool: Here's my idea:

Background: "Life is magic, magic is life. Learn all that you can." This was the refrain heard by cadets at the famed Sun and Sword Military Magic Academy. Cadets trained at the Academy were trained and drilled to use powerful arcane spells in combat situations, and could use such spells in battle armor, making them very sought-after in many of the armies during the Last War. Cadets who were classmates and friends one year could graduate and find themselves facing one another on opposite sides the following year.

More than a few cadets found this possibility more than a bit unsettling, and Cadet Myran d'Medani was amongst them. Her family had pulled strings and paid for her admittance into the academy, but she had wondered just to what purpose she was pursuing her studies. She had plans for life after the Academy that didn't include going off to die in some pointless (in her mind) and nearly-endless military campaign. If she was going to meet her end, it would be on her terms and doing her own sort of business: prospecting for dragonshards or seeking out gold or platinum.

Fortunately for her, her plans would be easier to meet than she thought, as the Last War drew to a close in her junior year, leaving her plenty of time to contact prospective employees and investigate treasure rumors in the meantime. Academy cadets were still very much in demand after all, and it shouldn't be too hard to find work.

The first few odd jobs she took after graduation, however, were meager in pay: rooting out some camps of goblins who only had a few gold between them. It certainly wasn't going to make Myran rich, and in fact she was lucky when there was any appreciable gold left for her. Eventually she settled in to a long-term job guarding a Sanctum of The Sovereign Host. Again, not much money but at least it was steady pay. Myran grew interested in the church the more time she spent there. During her younger days, she didn't pay much mind to matters of faith, but now she had wondered about things beyond the physical world (wonderings no doubt initiated by her magical studies). Myran learned from the priests and eventually expressed a desire to join the priesthood herself. Ironically, although she balked at serving in a military order, Myran now serves in a religious order, which she often finds is much more demanding.

Primary Role:Myran is well-versed in magic of all kinds. She can dispense offensive arcane magic or divine healing as needed. As a member of a dragonmarked house, Myran can also call upon her family contacts when she is in need of additional resources.

Quirks: Myran abstains from any alcoholic drinks. It was frowned upon at the academy and she foreswore it altogether as part of her ordination into the Host clergy. She does come off as a bit snobbish, whether due to her half-elven heritage, her dragonmarked house upbringing or both. She is earnest and dedicated however, especially to her traveling companions or any who need aid. She will aid any worshippers of the Host without reservation.

Distinguishing abilities:Myran's primary strength is her spellcasting and the variety of spells she can cast. She can use arcane spells in armor, provided it's not too heavy. When pressed into physical battle, she is more than capable of handling herself with her arming sword and shield. Outside of battle, Myran can utilize her family contacts for aid. She has a number of knowledge skills to rely upon, and like many half-elves is an accomplished diplomat.
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First Post
Aldin d'Denieth, LN dragonmarked scion of House Deneith.

He's a young warrior of his house, trained in elite defensive maneuvers and devoted to the idea that the training his family has developed over years is the best there is, and that their reputation as warriors is and should continue to be impeccable. Bred for command, Aldin
was attached to a mercanary company serving Karrnath during the Last War, and threw himself into a number of situations were many felt he was foolishly jeapordizing himself. In reality, he was testing the strength and value of his family's training, and finding that his training passed.

Late in the war, faced with the death of many companions, relatives, and friends, Aldin started asking questions of fate. In asking these questions, he started questioning the wisdom of the Sovereign Host, and he turned to a newer faith that his cousin introduced to him, The Seekers of Vol. Aldin has developed the belief that divinity is in his blood and in his own actions, not in servitude. Aldin has set off now seeking to develop the divinity within himself, testing the power of his training in tense situations, and has sought out a group of adventurers that have helped him test his own worth and his own mettle.

Aldin is handsome, with a square jaw, fair skin, close-cropped jet black hair, and
piercing blue eyes. He almost always has a look of intensity on his face. He is rarely seen outside of his armor and green and yellow tabard, with purple chimera embroidered on the breast. His shield is painted with the Chimera emblem of house Deneith, and his ornate bastard sword looks well taken care of and antique.

Aldin tends to be rather serious. He hates practical jokes, and tends to get pleasure out of stories of war. He also enjoys military histories and reading the memoirs or biographies of the great leaders and warriors of Khorvaire.

The way I see Aldin working in the party is as a tank: putting himself in the most dangerous situations and holding the line until the rest of the party can figure out a way to overcome the obstacles. He very easily could take the role of party leader if no other leader-types present themselves, and would likely try and take charge in battle situations regardless. With other warrior-types in the party, he would respect their methods or waging war, and would enjoy a friendly rivalry with them, trying to achieve the greatest feats of heroics.

Aldin will be super tough as a knight/dragonmark heir of house Deneith. Through his dragonmark he will be able to absorb damage intended for other party members, making concerted efforts to keep everyone alive. He lives by his armor and shield, and will have feats to reflect that.

I could see linking his history to Enforcer's character's history, perhaps that Aldin ran up against his unit in the Fort Zombie battles, or even that Aldin's unit was ordered to Pursue the Cyrans into the Mournland, but ended up joining with them when all realized the horrors with-in. Heck, that could be the way the party formed up: A few Cyrans, a few Karrn mercs, and maybe a few who we picked up on the way.

Of course, Aldin has no clue about the true face of the Blood of Vol.

You can find my charaters from PBP's here: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=163812
An Eberron game I'm in: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=163277
A Mutants and Masterminds game I run: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=162982
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I'm in Rhun's position, not familiar with Eberron, though I do have three pdf issues of Dragon with Eberron preview stuff. I own House of Strahd the 2e update/conversion of I6 and I am very familiar with the 2e and 3e Ravenloft campaign settings. I am fine with keeping ooc knowledge ooc and would not reread any of the HoS stuff if selected while playing.

My concept would be tied to Enforcer's story, a Cyran war vet who fought undead horrors. Instead of being a front line fighter I'm thinking a ranger with archery path so he fills the scout and missile fire niches for the party. I've never played a half-elf in 3e so I'm thinking I'd go that way for race.

The character would think of undead as true abominations to be put to the flame immediately before they spawn out of control.

Distinguishing abilities, archery feats and high scouting skills (spot, listen, wilderness lore, etc.)


First Post
Hrm. I'm really leaning towards a shifter paladin of the Flame. By 'paladin' I mean 'Lawful and Good, with a gentle nature that hardens in the face of evil,' not 'arrogant SOB that makes demands of the other players.' :)

You know my PbP history; you're in all of them! :uhoh:


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I've updated the first post with a list of current concepts. Several still need to be fleshed out, so keep them coming.

Oh, and Isida: Don't know if you want to be in two Ravenlofts at once. :D


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rhun said:
I've read through the Wikipedia entry for Eberron, so I have some basic ideas. Let me think about concepts for a bit, adn I'll get back to you. :D
Am I to take your application for Endur's Ravenloft as a withdrawal from this, Rhun?

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