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Stonelands-Chapter One- Arabel


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Stonelands-Chapter One

“What do you have for me?”

The old man dropped his hammer, turned rheumy eyes towards the figure on the horse.

“It is complete, my Lord.”

“Show me.”

With infinite care, the man opened a long wooden case and produced a wooden rod, heeled with gold, and studded with a number of gems. It was obvious that the old man was a weaponsmith, from the way he handled the weapon. Just as obvious that he had made this particular weapon.

“For you, my Lord. As you have commanded.”

The horsed figure reached for the rod; his gauntleted hand closed around one end of it. He pulled it close to his face to inspect it.

“My Lord…”

“Yes?” The horsed man turned, looked down at the smith.

“My reward…”

“Oh? And what reward is that?”

“Do not jest with me, my Lord. Life eternal was promised to me.”

“Indeed.” The rod spun in the horseman’s hand; strange words pealed from his lips. A bolt of red lightning shot from the rod and transfixed the smith. When it stopped, there was only part of a man left; but it still could turn its eyes to regard the horseman with terror.

“Enjoy your life eternal,” the horseman said, and turned his horse away. The remains of the smith watched, helpless, as he disappeared…


The festival of Greengrass, the official beginning of spring. It is at this time of year that flowers are brought forth from inner rooms of houses and temples, bringing color and life to the city of Arabel, even though snow still covered large areas of the ground.

The walls of the –Blue Griffon- are covered with flowers as well. It is a busy place, as traders, mercenaries, city guards, and all manner of townsfolk and adventurers gather to drink to the changing of seasons. There are members of the Cormanthyr bureaucracy as well, waiting for those who wish glory or coin to join the garrison at Castle Crag, or go forth into the Stonelands to seek riches and land grants from Cormyr. So far this day, it does not appear that there are many takers…

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And we're off! Here's the place to introduce your characters, write whether you know one another or are meeting for the first time, etc. I'll post again this weekend, likely Sunday night.


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Staying at the Blue Griffon(considering its an inn?.) Draik came down the next morning, hearing about some comotion that there might be some type of meeting down by Castle Crag, he grabbed his stuff and went to the castle to find out that there was noone there yet. So he waited off in the destense (still able to see the men), to see who shows up.

(OOC: Hopefully this is correct, im not familiar with this type of World.)
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Ranger Rick

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Malachy McCourt FTR 2

Feeling very knightly, Malachy awakes at sunrise and after brief prayers, does morning exercises. Afterwards he shines his weapons and armor and than dons it. He packs his backpack, than proceeds to the outside of the Inn. Not wanting to appear to Early or anxious, he calms walks up to the sitting men representing the Cormanthyr bureaucracy. Standing at attention he pauses for a minute so that all eyes will focus on him.

In his best command voice (Intimidate +6) he barks, "Sir I come to you as a son of Gommar, a recently slaughtered farmer. I am looking to join the Castle Crag garrison as a protector to all local farming families."


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Carik RGR 2

Not being used to sleeping indoors, Carik spent a restless night and
woke up early. Coming down stairs he intending to have breakfast and
then head off back to the wilds. Seeing the recruiters, he changed his
plans and joined the queue behind the knight.

Once its his turn Carik, says "What's this Stonelands

After listening to the reply, he responds "Count me in. I my
look young but I've spent all my life in the wilderness. So I'm prepared
for the rigors of the Stonelands."
Carik fully intends to cut
off any ageism before it starts.


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Seeing a line form he went into it, when it was his turn he saw a king or something like that, curious about the treasures ahead. "My lord", he bowed."I'll help you in anyway that i can in this jounrney. What have you to do for me?" Draik asked as he's turn was up.


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Jareth Trueshield, CLR 2

A young, armored man approaches the officials, a large sword sheathed at his belt and an open-faced helm tucked under one arm. The Unsleeping Eye adorning his steely gray tabard proclaims him as a worshipper of Helm, the Vigilant One. The young man respectfully salutes the officials.

“Sirs. My name is Jareth Trueshield, priest of Helm. I am returning to the Lodge of the Silent Vigil in the Stonelands, and would be happy to lend my sword and the blessings of He Who Watches Over Travelers to any who are journeying to that dangerous land.”


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A dirty-looking man in unwashed robes sits at a simple wooden table in the Inn's common room. Beside him sits an equally messy pile of belongings. A backpack is at the base of the pile, and atop it is stacked a poorly-tied bundle of sheets and blankets, a slim, dangerous-looking crossbow, two small wooden cases, and the man's only clean possession-a weasel. Shaking his head to clear a lock of hair from his vision, he takes a spoonful of the establishment's watery soup, the cheapest item on their limited bill of fare.

With a trace of frustration, he drops his spoon into his soup and pulls his hair out of the way. Looking across the room, he leans down a bit in his seat and picks up the weasel, who scampers up his arm and perches on his shoulder. A few patrons nearby turn and stare at the animal for a moment, but the grimy man appears not to notice. "See that, Quiven?" he whispers in a friendly manner to the animal, who turns to follow his master's gaze. Across the room, several young men carrying a lot of heavy, uncomfortable-looking gear line up, waiting their turn to speak to a considerably better-dressed figure. "That's a job, I'll wager." He fishes his spoon out of his bowl and offers the creature a small chunk of meat as he resumes his meal. "Maybe we'll get some travel out of it. This place is getting a little dull, don't you think?" Draining the last of his soup, he stands up and gathers his belongings. The weasel hops down off his shoulder and scampers along at his master's heels, drawing a few more looks as the wizard strides towards the small crowd.


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There are two people in particular that you all go to in this (relatively) sparsely populated part of the inn. The first is a human male, on the older side, but with ruggedly handsome features. The second is a female hill dwarf, thinner and more lithe than most of the dwarves you've encountered. Both wear expensive courtier's clothing, and have badges identifying them with the Cormyrian government. Both look very suprised at seeing five people ask about the Stonelands, after an entire morning of being ignored.

"The fates do smile upon us," the human says. "My name is Ilia... this is my companion Gilif," indicating the dwarf. "Yes. Well. The Castle Crag, as you probably know, defends Cormyr from incursions of orcs and goblins and other monstrous creatures from the Stonelands. It is a noble calling..." he is interrupted when Gilif places a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait," she says. "There is even a better use here. Look at them- an adventuring group if ever I saw one. And for all to step forward when they did, all together- wouldn't you say that was a sign?"

She leans forward, almost conspiritorally. "Castle Crag needs men," she says, "But in a larger sense, Cormyr needs heroes. They offer grants of land to heroes who clean out areas of those foul hills and hold it in the name of Cormyr. Would any of you be interested in that task?"

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