D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

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Side Passages: Both directions lead to empty rooms with staircases. Judging by the light pouring in, these head back up to coliseum level.

Traps: Dren doesn't see any obvious traps on this floor.

Sacrifice: At the north end of the room is an alabaster statue carved to look like the head and neck of a giant demonic
snake erupting from a block of stone. The block is 10 feet high, and the serpent is another 10 feet taller still, with two gleaming eyes of polished obsidian . Its fanged mouth is open as it glares down at a 20-foot-diameter hole in the sandstone floor.

Standing around the edge of the hole are three yuan-ti purebloods wearing desert robes and five yuan-ti malisons. Two of the malisons are type 1 (human body with a snake head), two are type 2 (human head and body, with snakes for arms), and one is type 3 (human head and upper body with a serpentine lower body instead of legs). The yuan-ti chant a vile prayer, at the end of which one pure blood leaps into the shaft to his death. His sacrifice
causes faint, prophetic whispers to rise from the depths, speaking in the Abyssal tongue. Any character within earshot who understands Abyssal can translate
the demonic whispers.
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"Hrm. I don't think we can allow this to continue," whispered Aremus, who then boldly strode forward drawing his sword and yelling, "End this vile ritual, you foul miscreants!"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio rejoins the others having seen anything along the side corridors. From the back, he hears the chanting, and is disgusted. As Aremus steps forward, Tranio wggles his nose, and a swarm of locusts suddenly appears from out of the hole around which the Yuan-Ti stand. The buzzing is a melody, and the screams of the snake-men is its counterpoint, Tranio thinks.

OOC: Hit points: 62+12THP.

Action: cast Insect Plaghue (concentration: duration 60 rounds.) 20' radius, (40'diameter) swarm, goes around corners does 4d10 piercing to all within it, Con save DC 16 for half, now, when you go in, and each turn you start your turn in it.

My hope is that this fills the chamber, preventing the opportunity for them to flee and perhaps drive them to us, but if it doesn't it will at least get them all for the first round, and narrow the battlefield, hopefully to limit their ability to attack. (area is lightly obscured).

Spells left: 4/3/3/3/1


Dragon Lair
Round 0

“Cultists,” Dren growled. “Why does it always have to be cultists!” He slipped into a fighting stance, readying himself as Tranio filled the cavern with biting insects.

OOC: Dren will Ready an attack for if any of the Yuan-ti try to flee and come within melee of him.

Dren Rockfist Character Sheet
Action (Extra Attack): Ready an Attack
Attack 1:
Attack 2:
Bonus Action:
Reaction: Deflect Missiles, Opportunity Attack, or Slow Fall -- Slow Fall (reduces falling damage by 45)
Bless: 1D4 = [2] = 2
Unarmed strike: 1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19
1D6+4 = [1]+4 = 5

Object Interaction:
Conditions: Bless (10r; +1 Attacks and saves; Aremus)
Abilities to remember:
  • Fangs of Fire Snake (10’ reach)
  • Elemental Attunement (Minor effects)
  • Gong of the Summit (Shatter)
  • Deflect Missiles
  • Slow Fall (5xL=45)
  • Stunning Strike
  • Unarmed strikes count as magical
  • Evasion (Dex saves, half damage on fail; no damage on success)
  • Stillness of Mind (Action: remove one charmed or frightened condition)
  • Move along vertical surfaces or liquids during movement
  • Purity of Mind: Immune to disease and poison

AC: 17
HP: 83+12 typ/83 HD: 10/10d8+2
Ki: 10/10/R

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
My hope is that this fills the chamber, preventing the opportunity for them to flee and perhaps drive them to us, but if it doesn't it will at least get them all for the first round, and narrow the battlefield, hopefully to limit their ability to attack. (area is lightly obscured).
OOC: Hopefully it won't count as sacrifice of all of them :)

Ordrar positions himself next to the swarm waiting for some poor sod to try and get out.

Move: 10' to the swarm (so that between him and the swarm is 1 5' square)
If possible, he will stand close to one or more other ally (-ies) so he can use protection reaction

Attack (or ready an attack):
Ordrar attack; damage: 1D20+10 = [14]+10 = 24
1D8+5 = [2]+5 = 7
1D20+10 = [5]+10 = 15
1D8+5 = [6]+5 = 11
- this is full attack if someone is available outside of the swarm, otherwise ready action

Feel free to roll if there is advantage and note:
with advantage on a melee attack roll you make with the weapon and hit, you can knock the target prone if the lower of the two d20 rolls would also hit the target.
with disadvantage on a melee attack roll you make with the weapon, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier (minimum of 0) if the attack misses but if the higher of the two d20 rolls would have hit.

Here is the battlemap, 10 foot squares, for you all to see. The villains are all around the pit and I'll add them afterwards. Where would you all like to position yourselves?


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