D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder


Aremus led the way. When he saw the layout of the chamber, he decided to make his stand on the high ground on the right-hand side, heading near the pillar in case it was best to have cover. He waved to the others to join him in that general area.

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio follows Aremus up the slope at the right, ready to attack with deadly beams at the first opportunity.
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Dragon Lair
Round 0

Dren followed the others up to the raised area to their right, taking his position at the base of the pillar to have it at his back, readying himself to deflect any ranged attacks that might come at him.

Dren Rockfist Character Sheet
Action (Extra Attack):
Attack 1:
Attack 2:
Bonus Action:
Reaction: Deflect Missiles, Opportunity Attack, or Slow Fall -- Slow Fall (reduces falling damage by 45)
Deflect Missiles: 1D10+14 = [4]+14 = 18
If someone is within 20’ he will spend the ki and redirect it if the damage is reduced to 0.
Deflect Missiles, Bless: 1D20+8+1D4 = [13]+8+[2] = 23
1D6+4 = [5]+4 = 9

Object Interaction:
Conditions: Bless (9r; +1d4 Attacks and saves; Aremus)
Abilities to remember:
  • Fangs of Fire Snake (10’ reach)
  • Elemental Attunement (Minor effects)
  • Gong of the Summit (Shatter)
  • Deflect Missiles
  • Slow Fall (5xL=45)
  • Stunning Strike
  • Unarmed strikes count as magical
  • Evasion (Dex saves, half damage on fail; no damage on success)
  • Stillness of Mind (Action: remove one charmed or frightened condition)
  • Move along vertical surfaces or liquids during movement
  • Purity of Mind: Immune to disease and poison

AC: 17
HP: 83+12 thp/83 HD: 10/10d8+2
Ki: 10/10/R

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Ordrar positions himself to intercept the most obvious route toward the group or to stand in line up front if more than one in the group stands in front of the casters.

Purple = Purebloods
Green = Snakehead Yuan-ti
Red= Snaked Armed Yuan-ti
Blue= snake tailed Yuan-ti

Snakeheads: Both of the snake heads aim their short bows towards the hill. One shoots at Dren and rolls 11. The other shoots at Aremus and rolls a 22 (4 damage).

These two foes raise their long bows and fire upon the hill as well. One rolls a 19 ( 6 damage) at Tranino and the other rolls a 21 ( 6 damage) at Ordrar.


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Aremus' battle plan proved beneficial as he and his allies avoided being harmed by the arrows. He called to Dren "Let's take the fight to them, my friend!"

Then he rushed forward, suddenly spun in a circle, disappeared, and appeared next to one of the archers. He quickly lunged his sword, but the archer stepped back in surprise. Aremus followed, thrusting his sword true and he channelled a bright light through the blade, searing the wound.

OOC: Remember everyone has 12 THP (and you're blessed!) Concentration: 1D20+2 = [15]+2 = 17
Looks like from over near the first pillar on the right, Aremus can move, misty step, appear next to an archer, attack action (extra attack) Sword: 1D20+8 = [3]+8 = 11 (miss, I'm sure) & sword: 1D20+8 = [12]+8 = 20 for 1D8+6 = [2]+6 = 8 & smite: 2D8 = [5, 5] = 10 (18 damage).
Aremus has 8/12 THP left & 76/76 HP. C: Bless, used 2 level 1 spell slots.


Dragon Lair
Round 1

Dren nodded to Aremus, though he didn’t follow the teleporting cleric. Instead, he tapped his ki and dashed around the group of yuan-ti. He didn’t like the look of the one in the back line, so he curled around the front ranks to charge right into the snake-tailed yuan-ti in the back and rain blows on it.

Dren Rockfist Character Sheet
Action (Extra Attack): Two attacks on blue star (snake-tailed yuan-ti)
Attack 1: Unarmed strike, bless: 1D20+1D4+8 = [14]+[4]+8 = 26
1D6+4 = [1]+4 = 5

1 ki for Stunning Strike: he needs to make a DC 15 Con save
Attack 2: At advantage if stunned
Unarmed strike, bless, advantage: 2D20.HIGH(1)+1D4+8 = [13, 15]+[1]+8 = 24
1D6+4 = [2]+4 = 6

Bonus Action: Dash (Step of the Wind)
Move: Next to blue star (snake-tailed yuan-ti) in back rank
Reaction: Deflect Missiles, Opportunity Attack, or Slow Fall -- Slow Fall (reduces falling damage by 45)
Object Interaction:
Conditions: Bless (8r; +1d4 Attacks and saves; Aremus)
Abilities to remember:
  • Fangs of Fire Snake (10’ reach)
  • Elemental Attunement (Minor effects)
  • Gong of the Summit (Shatter)
  • Deflect Missiles
  • Slow Fall (5xL=45)
  • Stunning Strike
  • Unarmed strikes count as magical
  • Evasion (Dex saves, half damage on fail; no damage on success)
  • Stillness of Mind (Action: remove one charmed or frightened condition)
  • Move along vertical surfaces or liquids during movement
  • Purity of Mind: Immune to disease and poison

AC: 17
HP: 83+12 thp/83 HD: 10/10d8+2
Ki: 8/10/R

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Ordrar runs after the faster companions wondering again why the fools charge in without support instead of waiting for everyone to go together and attack from range. But one plays with the stones one is given. He follows, his legs churning and he ends up in front of the archers threatening them all with his hammer and shield.

Move and Dash: end next to poisonous one (dwarf :) ) - but trying to end up adjacent to at least one companion if possible

Reaction 1: Repelling shield: if Ordrar is attacked and missed
Force damage shield reaction: 2D6 = [5, 3] = 8 + Str DC 14 or fall prone

Reaction 2: if party member adjacent to him is attacked the attack has disadvantage (1st attack only since I have only 1 reaction)

Reaction 3: opportunity attack (feel free to roll +10 / 1d8+5

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio positions himself behind the southeast pillar that Aremus had just vanished from, to provide some cover. As he approaches, an arrow just misses him and he returns fire with two deadly beams.

OOC: Hit Points: 62 + 6/12 THP.
He will fire Chill Touch at any two that are within 5' of each other (the two purebloods?):
Beam 1 (blessed): 1d20+1d4+8= 26. Damage = 2d8=11 necrotic (no resistance).
Beam 2 (blessed): 1d20+1d4+8= 28. Damage = 2d8=13 necrotic (no resistance).

Aremus & Tranio: The combined efforts of your chill touch & searing blade kill one of the pure bloods. Their body tumbles backwards into the ceremonial pit.

Snake Tail: The adversary swings his scimitar and it connects (21) with the dwarf for 6 damage. It then attempts to constrict the tiny warrior in its tail, but fails (8) miserably.

Snake Head: One of the snake headed cultists attempts to bite Ordrar, but missed with a 14. It walks right into a repelling shield and falls (13) over. The creature tumbles back into the sacrificial pit as well, but manages to grab hold of the ledge. The other Yuan-ti of this kind continues to shoot (11,21) arrows at Tranio. The one shot finds the mark for 6 damage and 7 poison damage.

Pureblood: The party having closed in, the pureblood switches to their scimitar in a panic. The first attack misses (13) Aremus, but the cultist regains their composure and finds a weak spot in the armor (nat 20 unless Ordrar's 2nd reaction forces this to be rolled at disadvantage?) for 8 damage.

Snake Arms: One of the bizaree hybrids breaks from the backline and attemps to flank Tranio from the other side of the pillar.


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Voidrunner's Codex

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