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D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder


Aremus is devoutly devoted to the cause of the Emerald Enclave. He regularly attends the services at Harvesthome Abbey in Goldenfields (dedicated to Chauntea).


But he paid more attention to his sword drills, his archery, and his spellcasting instruction and his mind usually wanders during service...

These strangers seemed reasonable and friendly. Aremus lowers his bow and asks if he can pat one of the vultures.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio lies among the cloudstuff, partially covered. He feels a bit embarrassed at his assumption of hostile intent, but he admits to himself that it hasn't been disproven yet. In his right hand, two fingers make a V, ready to shoot twin blasts at the sign of any hostile action, towards the nearest pair of opponents (if any two are within 5'), or if not at the individual currently speaking.

He does not enter the conversation.

Aremus: The stranger nods and allow you to pet the vulture. There still seems to be a wildness in the bird's eyes and you imagine things would go very differently if the rider wasn't present. The vulture is peaceful enough though.

Bethany: You first heard about Yan-C-Bin while serving as a camp chef during the Kaluthian Conquest. A few followers of his showed up and began preaching to anyone who would listen. An older soldier warned you against them explaining that Yan-C-Bin is the god of air. In his experience, the elemental deities tended to be chaotic and cared little about who their natural destruction harmed.

"Technically, this tower belongs to OUR master. The great Count Stratovan," explains one of the lead riders. "It was part of a a much larger fortress, but a disobedient wizard took off with it." The speaker looks past the party towards the structure. "I trust you've met the old fool and he is still inside there?"

The other caped warrior reaches to his side and produces a bizarre bag, a tribal design with a unsettling grinning face on it. "Perhaps you could talk some sense into the old kook? We can certainly make it worth your while."
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"A magnificent creature you have, there, good sir." says Aremus with a friendly nod before he overhears the lead rider speaking to Bethany, then he frowns and says, "I thought you served this Yauncy fellow, not the Count."


Fistan, Wizard 4

Fistan watched the exchange from the safety of the library through Rillix. He had considered going to wake the Giant, but had no way of getting there on his own. Once Bethany headed in he went to meet her.

What these riders were saying did tie up with Zephyros' story, if from a different perspective. But so far Fistan liked Zephyros' approach to dealing with the situation, and this Count Stratovan would have to have a convincing argument, not that Fistan wanted to get involved in giant politics.

He kept part of his mind focused on Rillix though, just in case his new companions had any trouble.

OOC: If someone can lend Fistan the 21GP he needs to copy the spell (or buy his healing potion off him) he'll gladly copy down comprehend languages. He also be like an excited puppy.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 12 (15 with mage armour, 17/20 with shield)
Initiative: +2
HP: 26/26 (HD: 4/4d6)
Arcane Ward: 12/12 THP currently not active

Spell attack: +6 to hit Spell DC: 16
Quarterstaff: +1 1d6-1B

Luck: 3/3

CANTRIPS (4): FireBolt, Light, Minor Illusion, mage hand
LEVEL 1: (4/4): *Mage Armour, *Shield, *Fog Cloud (C) *Thunderwave, Sleep, Unseen Servant (R), Alarm (R), Find Familiar (R)
LEVEL 2: (3/3) *Flaming Sphere (C), *Misty Step, *Levitate (C), *Web(C)[/SBLOCK]


Carolina pays attention to everything that's happening, but opts to stick to the shadows and remain silent for the time being.

[B]AC:[/B] 14; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]15[/COLOR]/15
[B]Initiative:[/B] +3
[B]Saves:[/B] DEX +5, INT +4
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 13
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Halfling, Thieves' cant
[B]Skills:[/B] Acrobatics +7, Deception +2, Investigation +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +7
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 8 (-1), Dex 17 (+3) , Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 11 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No


"I'll go see what's taking him." says Aremus as sincerely as he can. He follows Bethany inside where he runs into Fistan as well. He says to them privately, "Uhhh... can we even wake Zephyros? And, really, do we want to help these guys? Wasn't it this Count Stratovan's castle that dropped rocks on Nightstone, or am I getting my flying castles mixed up again?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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