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D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder


"Just a quick stay, my friends," said Aremus as he drank a glass of wine at the Inn, "Then we will be walking quite some ways. Perhaps we should see if we can borrow some horses?"

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Only if you plan on hiring someone to get them back here after we cannot proceed any further. I still don't understand why you would like horses? And I asked!" Ordrar had enough of human transportation for some time to come. Time to get hiking!

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio crosses the bridge, full of questions (had there once been one of Iron? What had happened to it? How had this town got its name?) and speculation (why did the barge-maker live on top of the hill? Was it so that he could see his true love returning from a merchant trip?). In any case, he is happy to have a room and a warm meal. He doesn't express a preference for mode of travel.

Danger will come soon enough, he is certain.

Tranio: The locals would be happy to tell you of their history and the dragon that was slain. You would also be informed that the wooden bridge earned the iron nickname after going an unusually long time with no need of repair. None of the locals recall ever hearing about a barge maker longing for his lost love, but several feel it is a great idea and should just be added to the history regardless.

Bargewright Inn: The building reeks of manure and filthy mud. Rooms cost 2 silver a night. The patrons look to be a cruel and dangerous lot, several of them having pet flying snakes like the Zents you encountered before. There is much muttering and glaring, but so far none of them have instigated violence with your party.

Horses: A tough bald women by the name of Chalaska Muruin offers to escort you to the location on her horses. The price would be three silver per mile, 6 if you wish to leave at night due to the danger presented by The Womford Bat. She does not elaborate on what that means. Renting horses without a guide will be costlier, as the group does not have the trust of the bar locals yet.



"There we go Ordrar, the wizard jibes, "The cost of returning the horses is included." he smiles into the silence for a second before adding, "Of course, no one is making you ride."


"We should be delighted to ride your fine animals!" Aremus agreed, too hastily and speaking only for himself. "Morning will do nicely, though we are not bothered by bats."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"You should probably ask how many miles there are before you commit, Aremus. The money does not grow on trees." Ordrar is (still) not convinced it is good idea to travel in so obvious manner especially with less-than-savoury types around.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio is pleased with the answer he is given for the bridge, and happy to add to the local lore (nice to do so with aa fancy).

"Make a choice about the horses. I'll be fine with it," says Tranio as he secures a room for himself. "I am meeting some friends." He goes to the bar, gets a bottle of rum or whatever hard liquor is being drunk, and opens it, pouring a thimbleful into a small glass.

He takes both in one hand, and approaches a table of dangerous ruffians. One of the flying snakes is coiled around a candlestick.

"Evening," he nods to the group, putting the bottle on the table. "Mind if I join you?"

[2sp paid in advance; deducted from char sheet. Let me know hwat you want for the bottle.]


Womford/Bargewright Inn
Round 0

Dren paid the barkeep the two silver, and ordered an ale, as well. He didn’t much like the look of the rough crowd, but he wasn’t going to start any trouble. He hoped Tranio didn’t.

“I’ll gae wi’ the party on the issue o’ the ‘orses,” he said. He wasn’t sure it would be much faster.

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:

AC: 16
HP: 51+9 thp/51 HD: 6/6d8+2
Ki: 1/6/R
Darts 10
Arrows: 18 Used:

[sblock=Party Treasure]

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Carolina - halfling rogue
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight

Voidrunner's Codex

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