[Story Hour Authors] How Far Behind Are You From Current Action in your Story Hour?

How Far Behind Is Your Story Hour?

At this point I have gotten caught up. I was over a month behind on Creation Schema.

The other games I am anywhere from caught up to several months behind. Thought I would get caught up over X-mas weekend but family says otherwise. Maybe New Years.....

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Nonlethal Force

First Post

Of course, I'll take the time to advertise that my Story Hour is complete (for now ... I plan on starting up again in January.) I am curently going back and doing some much needed editing and revising! But I anticipate being completely done by January 1.

[I should note that my Story Hour is pure fiction and not based on a game, so I could technically never be "behind."]


el-remmen said:
/me casts thread necromancy!

Have I mentioned that I am all caught up? :D
Show-off :D!

And in that vein, apparently I am the only voter who is all caught up with his story hour and updates after every session.

Take that, you lazy so-and-so's!


I have the luxury of combining a fictional story hour and a job that's very, very slow over the holiday season. :) I post updates every weekday in my Rappan Athuk story hour, and as of today I am 62 chapters ahead (pending revisions and rewrites as the story moves forward).


First Post
I am about 6-7 sessions behind. I did quite a bit over the holiday. I have everything on audio tape and I occasionally make notes in addition.

Silver Moon

Regarding my campaigns and Story Hours:

"Ballots and Bullets" (our current PBP module) is five months behind.

"Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things" (our 2nd PBP module) is around 18 months behind.

"The New Exiles", from my weekly gaming group, is only three sessions behind.

"Arcade's Gang", from my weekly gaming group, is one session behind.

"Into the Fire/From the Ashes" from my weekly gaming group is two years behind.

"Seven Outlaws in Search of a Bank", my travelling convention campaign, is only two sessions behind, although those were played last April and June.


First Post
I have four campaigns I'm involved with - one is a homebrew I run, and there is no story hour with that because I am not a player.

One is of Hawaiian flavor, and that one alternates with another one that is in cauldron (with Cordozo the lawyer). But I've not written on either of those in a while because both are on hold while those two DMs (a couple) take a break.

And so on that break we started another group, where I'm working toward the True Necromancer prestige class (Vincent's Lab Notes). That is eventually going to be run by the two players in our group who have never DMd before, but I said I'd run it until everyone was up to 5th level or so, so I've been runing Vincent as an NPC and taking them through Sunless Citadel and Forge of Fury (which I ran when they first came out years ago... and these players never have been through).

It is hard to do writeups when your character is an NPC, at least the way I do them - I don't have time to make many notes and I have to pay attention to far more than just my character, so it is somewhat abbreviated. But that will change when I'm not DMing.

I always try to keep up with my writeups. Generally, I always get my write up for a session done before the next session starts. Sometimes that means doing it the next morning, sometimes that means doing it the afternoon before the next session. I like to do it earlier rather than later, so I don't feel rushed. Sometimes I work on it over a week. I take notes and try to stick to the highlights when it comes to extended dialogue or combat.

Given my busy schedule (and busier 16 month old daughter) if I don't keep up after each session, I'd fall behind and never catch up. So I always stay current. Sometimes that means I don't get as much writing in as I want to in a write up, and sometimes I miss small things, or don't get it quite the way I'd ideally want it, but at least it keeps me current.


First Post
Next session we play will be Session 31 and the latest post of mine is Session 16, but there are large gaps in what is posted - there's more on my website, though (see sig). We're still churning them out, however, and I record them all digitally on my laptop, so they WILL be written before its all said and done.... ;)


First Post
When I first started mine, I was about a year behind the campaign, but I did that on purpose because I wanted the 'padding'. However, between a 7-month hiatus in the game, and more recently the disruption of the holiday season, my Story Hour is now caught up to current events, and new entries will likely keep pace with the game. We play weekly, and I can write up a session in about 3-5 days, depending on amount of free time and motivation.


Moderator Emeritus
There is definely a slippery slope of falling behind.

While I finished my "Out of the Frying Pan" story hour this past December, I started a new one for my "Second Son of Second Son" campaign (see sig) this past February.

At first, I was all caught up, starting on writing up a session on the same evening the session happened and finishing somewhere in the 2 weeks before the next session.

But between the unforeseen events of life and my first full-time semester of grad school, by the time our 7th session came around, I was still not finished writing up the 6th.

Well, I finished the 6th, but now I will be much further behind in the 7th when we play the 8th this Sunday, which means of course, I will be even further behind when the 9th rolls around (unless the month break we are taking allows me to catch up - but since final papers and exams will be due/happening in three weeks of that month, it is unlikely).

I guess my point is that no matter how "good" I am about writing (and I try to do at least a few lines everyday) I think it might be close to impossible to remain "caught up" on a story hour.

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