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Story Hour - Your Favourite Story on the Boards


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Piratecat's story hour - accept no substitutes! Also Wulf's Collected Story Hour - excellent recounting of the adventure path series. Though you'll have to go for the archives for that one.

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I'm going to tell you something you might not want to hear, but (though I agree that the names dropped above have quite good SH's) don't take our word for it. In order to find the right story hour for you, make sure you sample a stuff not only from the big boys, but the new guys too. I also warn you that, depending on your preferences, not every story hour will be for you - while some will appeal to your personal tastes, others will not be up your alley, regardless of how well they are written (there are a handful of very well written story hours that I haven't been able to immerse myself in, simply because the tone wasn't for me).

That being said - there are a ton of good story hours out there - don't be afraid to sample them, even if all you do is read the first post or two. Oh, and make sure you take a gander at ForceUser's story hour: its set in a campaign world that's modeled on historical SouthEast Asia. I've never seen anything like it, and it rocks.


Dragon Lord

Doc Midnight's story hour if you like lot's of plot twists and strange occurrences. Its entertaining and keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. He is leaving us dry right now, but there is so much backstory it takes a while to catch up.

Sepulchrave's if you enjoy originality and excellent writing. Sep's writing style is alot closer to what you would find in a novel. Very advanced vocabulary while not being beyond an average person's ability to comprehend. The story is very original as is his version of the divine and infernal hierarchy that battles for supremacy in his world.

Piratecat's is super long. I figure it has to be good. I have only read a few excerpts here and there and the writing style is fairly simple and straight-forward, yet entertaining. The only reason not to read it fully is because it is so long. That is probably why I have never bothered to try to read the whole thing. It would take forever to catch up on the story.


First Post
Enkhidu said:
I'm going to tell you something you might not want to hear, but (though I agree that the names dropped above have quite good SH's) don't take our word for it. In order to find the right story hour for you, make sure you sample stuff

Though I agree with the poster's advise, I must warn you.

Story hour is addictive... You find a story you really like and you read and read and read. Then you look up and it's 4am, and you remember saying "good night" to your husband and "I'll be in in a second" two hours ago....

You might as well plung into a hivemind..... :)

Seriously, I've just started reading storyhours, and I picked stuff that was relatively starting. I can wholeheartly say that barsoomcore rocks (but doesn't have anything to do with the series that share its same name).

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Could someone give me a link to Sepulchrave's stuff?

I reallyreallyreallyreally wanna read it, but I'm not a community supporter. (Yet!)


Yet another vote for Sepulchrave. Blows my mind he does.

And the last post of his latest threat simply titled [Wyre] has a wonderful set of links to all the previous threads of the story broken up into little chapters.

As well as there are several people over there who will provide you with a compiled document format of the story if you ask in the thread over there.


First Post
I'll admit from the get-go that I haven't read a lot of story-hours. I read (and enjoyed) Wulf Ratbane's Story Hour, it was high-action, high-comedy, and lots of good dwarfness, but honestly the story hour that keeps me coming back begging for more is The Jester's.

His story is also high-action but it has a zani-ness that is really infectious and really tempts you to keep reading. There's a lot of oddities in his hours, usually homebrewed monsters, spells, and psionic powers and the campaign itself is rather old. His campaign's main focus is the war between law and chaos, so a party with half-celestials, priests of good, warriors of evil, and multi-classed out the wazoo evil women with imps as familiars are not uncommon. I whole-heartedly recommend it if you're looking for a rollercoaster of action and laughs.

This is his "newer" story hour:

And here is his older one (the two coincide at some point, but it hasn't been yet):



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