Story Hours Index (Authors, add your own):


Title: The One True Game: According to Hoyle, and Others
Authors: JoeBlank, Howandwhy99, AllanyaKT, potentially more
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy.
System: OD&D (1974) The One True Game with Supplements, The Strategic Review, The Dragon, Chainmail, Overland Travel™, and Wooden Ships Iron Men™.
Setting: Homebrew of The Known World – The Wilderlands of Harn in the Grey Realms

Started: 27 June 2004
Status: Inactive
Average Installment Length: Short to Medium with occasional images.
Average Frequency of Installments: Daily to Weekly

Available for Download? No
Style: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person voices, but no narrator.

Overview: Asked to protect the borderlands of Margrave County our heroes spiral deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the land and its people. Goals and objectives change repeatedly as the characters achieve great successes, suffer colossal failures, and attempt to save themselves, others, and a few coins for their pockets. Incredible depth and custom design.

Reader Comment:
Zaruthustran said:
Fun story. I like how every PC is mysterious, with a hidden agenda.
The Rogues Gallery
Original Dungeons and Dragons Forum
One True Game Yahoo site


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Title: Diaglo's Latest Debaucle – Rogue’s Run
Authors: Biorph and Diaglo
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5
Setting: The Forgotten Realms

Started: 6 February 2004
Status: Complete
Average Installment Length: Short with some Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly with multiple posts

Available for Download? No
Style: 1st and 3rd person

Overview: A group of thieves struggle through a puzzling and fantastical test to join the illustrious Calimport’s thieves guild. Each 8th level character has at least half its class levels in Rogue.

Reader Comment:
Piratecat said:
Whoops - you misspelled "rogue."


Registered User
Title: When the dice gods smile on you
Author: Darklone
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.0 before converting to 3.5
Setting: Kalamar

Status: Completed - It's just one short story out of the campaign
Style: 3rd person narrative prose with DM comment

Overview: Short story about crazy dice and how two players won a fight they had no chance to win. Possibly one of the best view/post ratio in the storyhour section :lol:

Reader Comment: Nyaricus: That's an awesome story man :D I completely dug it!
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Story Hour Information:
Title: Into the Moral Darkness
Author: Nonlethal Force
Number of Threads: 1

Game Information:
Type: Fantasy (Fiction, not based on tabletop gameplay)
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, limited omniscient view.
System: D&D 3.5 Style, but focused on RP not the rules
Setting: Enigmatica (See link in sig regarding Homeworld Info)

Story Hour Statistics:
Started: January 2007
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: 1,000 - 2,000 words.

Overview: This story hour mainly revolves around a set of freedom fighters who continually put their own lives on the line for the freedom of others. In so doing, they expore hard issues such as morality of: killing, amassing wealth while living among the poor, the problems of fame, and even the harsh realities of not being able to change the whole world. This Story Hour is heavily based on RP, although combat occasionally comes fast and furious.

This story is a sequel to Bitterness Overcome.

Reader Comment: From Mahtave: "Excellent start Nonlethal! Anxiously waiting for more!"
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Title: Travels through the Wild West

Author: Lazybones
Number of Threads: 4

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.0/3.5
Setting: Forgotten Realms

Started: 2001 (before the ENWorld update, copied over from the old boards)
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: 1000-2500 words
Average Frequency of Installments: Not applicable

Available for Download? PDF Download at my Web site

Style: fiction, 3rd person narrative

Overview: Follow a group of five adventurers across Faerun, as they encounter sinister plots, dire creatures, famous and infamous characters, and ultimately even the gods themselves. The story is divided into eight books, and is over 468,000 words total.

Reader Comment:
Reg Dword said:
Thank you Lazybones for taking the time to tell your story on these boards. I looked forward every work day to seeing a new update. As prolific as you are on most work days I was not disappointed.

I can honestly say that you made me care about these characters and about what happened to them. In the end I think, that is what defines a good writer.
Special: Rogues Gallery


Title: The Shackled City
Author: Lazybones
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5
Setting: Dungeon Magazine's Shackled City Adventure Path, set in the Forgotten Realms

Started: June 19, 2003
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: 1000-2500 words
Average Frequency of Installments: Not applicable

Available for Download? PDF Download at my Web site

Style: fiction, 3rd person narrative

Overview: Cauldron. A wondrous city built on the inside slopes of a dormant volcano. A place where you can meet interesting people, visit unique locales. Oh, and there's the insane cult of demon-worshippers that want to turn the entire thing into a Carcerian gate-town. Follow the adventures of an unusual group of heroes as they try to thwart the plans of some of the nastiest villains to ever grace the pages of Dungeon magazine. The story is divided into twelve books, and is over 733,000 words total.

Reader Comment: (see the above thread for 931 other reader comments!)
wolff96 said:
Well, I've been lurking for years now, enjoying the story and occasionally commenting. Lazybones, this has been a great read. I started back when Delem was still my favorite spellcaster and I've been with you ever since -- though usually quietly. Thanks for posting. Thanks for writing. And thanks for making such an excellent read.

Man, now I'm kinda bummed... no more storyhour!.
Special: Rogues Gallery


Title: The "Doomed Bastards" in the Dungeon of Graves
Author: Lazybones
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5
Setting: Necromancer Games's Rappan Athuk Reloaded (boxed set)

Started: August 25, 2006
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: 1000-2500 words
Average Frequency of Installments: Daily Updates Monday through Friday, with the "Friday cliffhanger" (patent pending)

Available for Download? once finished

Style: fiction, 3rd person narrative

Overview: A band of condemned prisoners is thrown into the deadliest dungeon in the world. Things get a bit... messy.

Reader Comment:
Richard Rawen said:
You rat bastard you.
*shakes head smiling*
Please let us know when you get something published, I want your book in my collection.

'till then, we'll enjoy your work fantastic & free!.
Special: Rogues Gallery

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Author: Name
Number of Threads: 2 (story thread, and discussion thread)

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5E
Setting: Praemal, the world of Ptolus

Started: December 8, 2006
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Approximately 1,000 words
Average Frequency of Installments: Daily, depending on workload, sometimes more often

Available for Download? Each chapter will eventually be available as a PDF when they're completed
Style: 3rd person

Overview: On the opposite end of the Tarsisian Empire from Ptolus sits the Barony of Midwood, nestled against the Hotash Mountains of the Prustan Peninsula. The tiny hamlet of Maidensbridge is famous as a birthplace of heroes, as Maidensbridge has grown up in the shadow of Green Mountain, home of the green dragon Gax. But now Gax has vanished, her kobold followers are becoming restless, and a new generation of heroes is coming of age in Maidensbridge.

Reader Comment: "I am absolutely loving your Storyhour Whizbang! I love it! This is the second storyhour thread I've subscribed to!"

Note: This is a revision and clean-up of an ongoing play by post game (on another board) that has been running since January 2006. The story hour is currently about 9 or 10 months behind, but catching up so eventually the pace of updates will slow down, but not for many more chapters.

Ptolus fans who are disappointed that this takes place thousands of miles away from the City by the Spire (most of the player characters had never heard of Ptolus the first time it's mentioned to them), never fear: The same themes are present in Midwood, although a lot of the more obvious elements trickle in slowly over time.

Freeport is also located in my version of Praemal in the Southern Sea south of Gharon. Redhurst is also a part of the setting, although it only teleports around the world, and not to any other planes.

Unlike most Story Hours, I'm trying to keep the Story Hour discussion-free. Comments, questions and supplemental material goes in the discussion thread.
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First Post
Menexenus's Age of Worms campaign journal

Title: Menexenus's Age of Worms Campaign Journal (unless I come up with a better title)
Author: Menexenus
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e (mostly, with a few house rules thrown in - but nothing major)
Setting: Greyhawk

Started: The campaign started on June 5, 2006. The Story Hour was launched on January 26, 2007.
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Medium/Long
Average Frequency of Installments: bi-weekly

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person description of game session events. This is not intended to be a story! It is mostly just a resource and a record for the players in my campaign. Most entries are just blow-by-blow descriptions of events. Some rare entries will be told in short story format (3rd person, if written by DM - 1st person, if written by players).

Overview: A group of childhood friends from a corrupt, backwater mining town join forces for adventure. Little do they know that they are destined to save the world from a horrific apocalypse!

Reader Comments: Unwelcome! If you wish to make a comment or ask a question, please email menexenus at ATT dot net. If you are a reader who is not in the game, please do not post directly to the thread.

Special: nothing yet.
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First Post

Title: A Journey to the Sea (Greyhawk)
Author: sniffles
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Greyhawk

Started: The campaign began in 2002. The Story Hour was launched on January 8, 2007.
Status: Ongoing, but likely to terminate in the near future.
Average Installment Length: Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Daily (weekdays only) until caught up to the present.

Available for Download? No
Style: 1st person narrative in the form of in-character letters to a relative of one player-character.

Overview: A group of random adventurers join forces to explore the world of Greyhawk. Their goal: to see the ocean. Along the way they discover an evil that is gradually invading the world and determine to eradicate it if they can.

Reader Comments: Welcomed and encouraged.


Title: The Collected Journals of Artemis Heuw
Author: Devo
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Eberron

Started: The campaign began in December 2005. The Story Hour was re-launched on June 12, 2006, following the big database crash of 2006.
Status: Ongoing.
Average Installment Length: Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly

Available for Download? No
Style: This story hour includes in-character journals/letters from 3 player-characters. The primary entries are journal entries by the title character, supported by letters from two other characters. At present the story hour author is unable to access ENworld regularly, so I am taking responsibility for maintaining the story hour.

Overview: Led by the brilliant artificer Artemis Heuw Cannith, a band of intrepid heroes sets out to uncover ancient treasures and even older evils in the lands of Khorvaire and beyond.

Reader Comments: Welcomed and encouraged.
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