Story Hours Index (Authors, add your own):


First Post
Title: unHack/Existentialism
Author: Kafkonia
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy/Humour
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Homebrew; inspirational module set in Garwee's Wurld.

Started: 02 Feb 2007
Status: On Maternity Leave
Average Installment Length: Short-Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: To Be Determined*

Available for Download? No
Style: Snarky 3rd person narrative prose

Overview: Adventurers from Verbobonc confront a once-defeated temple devoted to Eeeevil -- but not that one!

*Game is still in progress, but with a new mother in the group, I can't update when we don't play! :heh:

Can be found here:
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First Post
Title: The New Adventures of Thundina Seong!

Author: Ealli
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5E
Setting: Castle Ravenloft in Eberron

Started: 3 February 2007
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: Started medium, now long
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly.

Available for Download? Not at this time.
Style: Third person with references to the underlying game.

Overview: Thundina Seong has joined a band of Lightbringers to travel to the village of Barovia to find a missing artifact and a previous missing party. And to acquire fortune, fame, and glory. She quickly learns that Barovia is more than a mere barony; it is the land of Ravenloft, ruled by the gentleman vampire Baron Strahd. Thundina will find that adventure can be more horrifying than she had ever imagined.

Special: Rogue’s Gallery
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Sky's story: The Lost Souls

Title: The Lost Souls
Author: Skyscraper
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Homebrew: Perin

Started: January 2005
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Infrequent (whenever I feel like there's something fun to tell)

Available for Download? No
Style: narration

Overview: Adventurers are caught between competing groups that want the same thing. Skipping over some game sessions, this story thread throws you right into the meat grinder sessions with the rest of 'em!
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Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Title: The Age of Worms - Morrus' Campaign
Author: Eccles
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Greyhawk

Started: 20 April 2006
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: 4 or 5 pages of typed Word document
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly, usually on tuesdays

Available for Download? No
Style: 1st person. As long as I don't die, then it might have to go 3rd person!

Overview: The tales of a group of friends (and those who follow after them as they get brutally slaughtered in the quest for treasure), featuring worms, age, overgods, my character's complete inability to hit the broadside of a barn with a crossbow, copious quantities of combat, and the party necromancer's lifelong quest to make a specialised debuffer work. Oh, and find a non-evil undead summoing spell. All in all, the Age of Worms campaign, as DM'd by Morrus.

Reader Comment: Awsome! You really have a talent for turning session into story! <Kroh>
You're a complete and utter rat bastard! <Tamlyn>

Special: Rogues Gallery (presently out of date)


First Post
Title: Rule of Darkness
Author: Ghostknight
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy/Horror/Humour/Modern/Sci-Fi (with subtypes, if you must).
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Homebrew

Started: 21 February 2007
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Verbose
Average Frequency of Installments: M, W, F
Style: 3rd person narrative
Overview: Survival in a world ruled by devils.
Reader Comments:
Blackdirge said:
You have a knack for writing combat scenes, which can be very difficult. Good detail, with an eye on keeping the action moving.
Mahtave said:
I'm hooked. I can't wait for the next installment.
Special: Rogues Gallery
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Sir Elton

First Post
Title: The Secret of Atlantis
Author: Sir Elton
Number of Threads: #1

Type: Anime Fantasy (T.V. Series: Interdimensional Travel)
System: BESM d20
Setting: Atlantis -- Modern Japan

Started: 17 Feb 2007
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Short.

Average Frequency of Installments: After a session is over.

Available for Download? No (although I will have it available for Download soon).
Style: Journalistic.

Overview: The adventures of Japanese High School students in the Continent of Atlantis; and two Americans -- One of which is a little like Rodney McKay.

Reader Comment: Your comment can go here!!


Moderator Emeritus
Title: "Second Son of a Second Son"
Author: el-remmen
Number of Threads: 1

System: D&D 3.x
Setting: Aquerra (homebrew)
Started: February 2007
Status: On-going
Average Installment Length: Longish
Average Frequency of Installments: Right now: Every 6 to 8 days
Available for Download? Not yet.
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with footnotes for game mechanics and meta-game info; also embedded links to wiki pages. Often grim n' gritty [adult themes].

Overview: A group of young Thrician nobles of low birth rank form an adventuring charter for their own glory, and that of their Houses, and for the good of the people.
Reader Comment:
handforged said:
I must say that I am so excited about this story. The characters are becoming very real. Yay! I can't wait for more!
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First Post
Karianna's Tales of a Mercenary Company - 'The Diplomats'

Title: Karianna's Tales of a Mercenary Company - 'The Diplomats'
Author: Karianna
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: World of Athatar

Started: 15 March 2007
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly

Available for Download? Not yet
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics/Journal/Whatever.

Overview: The happenings of a group of scouts embedded in a Mercenary unit that specialises in sorting out problems for the Railon Empire.

Reader Comment: Go ahead, leave me one!

Special: Not yet

Deuce Traveler

Title: Last Stand of the Dorinthians
Author: Deuce Traveler
Number of Threads: 4, 1 for each chapter. Will ultimately be 5.
Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Homebrew
Started: 23 March 2007
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly, until caught up with current posts.
Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose from the DM, with actions posted by players and placed into past tense.

Overview: Dorinthia has fallen to the Imperials. There is no kingdom to save. However, a small band of refugees must cut out a new home for themselves while surrounded by suspicious neighbors. A band of heroes step forth to herald a new beginning for the homeless people.

Reader Comment: N/A

Special: See links in my signature below.


First Post
Title: He's a Chain-Smoking Detective. He's a Robot on the Lam. Together, They Fight Crime!
Subtitle: The Case Files of Chance and Nine
Author: Pell-Mell
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi
System: D&D 3.5e with Modern D20 elements
Setting: Homebrew

Started: November 2006
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Biweekly

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics

Overview: The case files of a small private investigation firm run by Dirk Chance, a human from the wrong side of the tracks, and Case Nine, a robot on the run from a vile corporation. Join the duo as they fight for justice in a world filled with cars, guns, magic, super-science, and other weirdness!

Reader Comment: "Awesome title, excellent writing and a very evocative world you've got here." - Destil
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