• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Strahd's "RttToEE"

Leaving Verbobonc - Waterday 5/4/600 (day/month/year)

You gather in the next morning in the dining hall of the inn. After a lovely breakfast you pack and leave the free city of Verbobonc. The road to the Kron hills is the “Low road” and it begins in the South-way (Low) Gate. The ‘Low Road’ continues southwest from this gate. All traffic bound to/from the Iron Wood, or the Kingdom of Veluna travel through this gate. It is moderately traveled, since most visitors from Veluna travel from the river Velverdyva.
Lucky for you, you do not need to travel through the Iron wood, but traveling his south-east border is not something to be proud off either. Tales say that the woods are hunted and travelers avoid them during night time.

Village of Rhynehurst Starday 8/4/600

After two and half days along the “Low Road” you reach to the small village of Rhynehurst. It is a nice stop with a pleasant community of farmers and woodmen.
Gathering some information, you find out that to reach Hagthar, you need to take the dirt path to the south. The path leads to the Kron hills, along a local stream. The first part of the voyage is to Castle Estival – 5 hours by foot. It is the last check point of humans before the Kron hills. Afterwards the trail continues along the stream and lies on the east border of the towering yarpik and ipp trees of the Ironwood.
It will take you 1.5 days to reach Loren’s ford. It is a ranger’s tower post, up on the Kron hills and is guarded by Gnome rangers. From there the road splits. You need to take the chasm and underground of Nurell.
[sblock=Lenuran Knowledge]
The name comes from a past and now ruined temple that was 7 miles to the south, where the hills meets the forest.
It was dedicated to the god Urdlen. Urdlen is the gnome deity of greed and blood. It was destroyed by clerics of Garl Glittergold and the paladins of Gaerdal Ironhand (gnome deity of protection, vigilance, and combat). The name Nurell is the name of the high priest of Urdlen that was slew over there during the combat.
The underground passage is 15 miles approximately and emerges from a large cave to the road that leads back to Veluna and the town of Hagthar. The underground passage is not guarded, some say that the underground river is evil and it feeds the southern portions of the Ironwood, the roots of the trees are said to be so deep that they drink the river and feeds the evil of the woods ... or maybe it was the temple. Who knows...

ooc - if you want to buy food/survival equipment/ climbing equipment it is the place.

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First Post
I'll check over Korbryn's charsheet tomorrow morning, and if he is missing anything I think he might need I'll get it added.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Kid makes sure they have a good set of trail rations just in case and a bit of rope and tackle. He would not be carrying it, but his horse was sturdy enough.

OOC: Just some rations, rope, pitons and a climbing kit. I'll update the sheet later.

A supply caravan heads from the little village of Rhynehurst to castle Estival, carrying hemp, oil and leather. They are happy with your company and you acquire knowledge about the local boring politics and some fairy tales of the lands from the old teamster.
After 3 hours on board the caravan you reach to the castle grounds. The castle belongs to a local knight that swore his alliance to the free city of Verbobonc. So he was given a land in the south west part of the city’s domain. Several farms are located around the castle with numerous fields of wheat and corn. No inn is the area, but since you traveled with the caravan, you are permitted to spend the night in a barn and have a warm dinner with the caravan’s master.

Sunday 9/4/600

Leaving the castle ground you begin the voyage toward the Kron hills. The dirt path runs along a clear stream and after half a day, the towering twisted trees of the Ironwood begin to border the other side of the shallow stream. The forest itself is quite, ut you do hear croaks and chirping here and there. When the edge between twilight and eve comes, you here calls, in the human tongue, they are weak but clear.
“help ... please, somebody” *sobbing* “please ... help me...”
Someone is calling, sounds like a woman’s voice ... coming from the edge of the woods.


First Post
Looking around at the rest of the group,"Now, we should see who, or what, is making that noise -- hopefully it won't be someone or something that would like to enjoy us as a snack, and is only using the human voice as a ruse."

Seeing them do nothing,"Fine, I'll go and do it."

He calls out to the voice,"Hello! What help do you require -- and where are you located?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Kid, having grown up on the mean streets, immediately smells a trap. As the gnome draws attention to himself, he dismounts as quietly as he can and makes for cover to listen and make his way around carefully.

OOC: Move/Hide and Sense Motive to discern true intent.

Voidrunner's Codex

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