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Strahd's "RttToEE"

[sblock=Korbryn, Thandis, Lenuran]
Jala’s Armoury and Weaponsmithy is the most known place that sells armor and weapons in the city.
Jala has one of the largest armouries in the city. He also has the largest showroom of magical armour and weapons for sale. This huge building was actually two separate shops (independent), but since Jala purchased them both, he has since joined the two. Visitors to his shop can expect to see large storerooms filled with metal, huge showrooms, multiple forges and fevered workers pounding away at anvils. All the back areas are filled with smoke and sweat. The showrooms are crowded.
Jala (Ftr-5), a short man who has grown very podgy since he left the mercenary business, can be seen running around his shop, checking in on every process in his business. He pays special attention to customers who seem to know their weapons (level 4+ warriors like Korbryn). Goods/Services: All normal weapons, shields and light/med armours are available. Heavy armour takes 8 days to create and modify for the wearer. Exotic weapons take 5 days to create. Cost: Cost for all items here are Average (100% of list price). Quality: All weapons/armour can be made into Masterwork items, but again, Heavy armour and Exotic weapons will take an additional 5 days to create (for a total of 13 and 10 days, respectively). All other masterwork items are in stock. Jala’s has a business deal with the Silver Consortium: he hires some of their most gifted students
To create magic weapons/armour. This arrangement has caused some of the work areas to look like a ‘magic school field-trip’. Jala can put in special orders for weapons/armour up to +3 enhancement and/or any Special Ability with less than a 9th level recommended caster level. These items take the usual (PHB)
times to create.


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Veera's Voluptuous Maidens
This tavern is a bedlam of rowdy, partygoers from noon to after dawn, occasionally interrupted by violent brawls that break out. This multi-storied tavern/festhall has balconies that overhang the front street.
Although the bartender is a human male, the rest of the staff is all very attractive females and you are amazed to see their skill in fighting when they kick out some pervert drunk males.
The food here is minimal and on the salty side. The wine and beers are surprisingly good quality and the prices are average.


Ithiken sits in amazement at one of the tables in the center of Hoote-- er, I mean Veera's. While he munches on rather overcooked chicken wings and drinking several tall ales... he can't help but stare at the barmaids going about their business. With his long blond hair and flowing purple velvet robes, the elf looks a bit too froofie for the establishment... but he does his best to not act quite so out of place.

He tries his best to start the occasional conversation with any of the lovely females that pass by, even though they probably wouldn't give him the time of day if he wasn't spending gold on food and drink.


First Post
Realizing that their goods didn't fetch quite as much coin as he had hoped, Korbryn is forced to put off the idea of upgrading Anrak. He thanks Master Jala for his time and the tour, and promises to come back to have the weapon modified as soon as he can afford it.

Time flies and you gather again in the evening in the “The Bronze Unicorn Inn”.
A soft melody about the adventures of one barbarian from the Tiger nomads welcomes you as you sit and order the evening meal - Veal soup with onions, served with goat cheese and local beer.
The inn is crowded with adventurers from all around the Flanaess. Humans of all kinds (Suel, Oeridian, Flan and Baklunish), Hill dwarves, Mountain Dwarves, Rock gnomes and even one forest gnome and a group of four Halflings that share stories of far lands and a legend about a ring.

*If you plan to leave on the next day please indicate it with RP
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First Post
"Well, its seemin' as if our lil trip 'ere didn't accomplish quite as much as I'd 'oped." Korbryn quickly slurps down the remains of his veal soup, and helps himself to a long draught of beer. "So, should we be 'eadin' out tomorrow?"


First Post
"Well, Master dwarf, as I just figured out what these other baubles do, we should sell them tomorrow morning, then obtain several more pearls."

He pauses, looking at the mithral shirt he wears underneath his vest.

"You know, I really should have this enchanted as well, and there was that headband that looked quite stylish I saw in that shop window back there.....

OOC: I have 1287 gp left from the first division of loot awhile back, I'd like to take 1000gp of that to enchant the mithral shirt from MW to +1. Also would like to pick up 5 pearls for use on the road, along with possibly purchasing a "Headbander of the Lorebinder" (MIC110 - 1600 gp) with Lenuran's share of the sales of these items.


Ithiken shrugs his shoulders, as he got what he wanted out of the trip... a little R&R while ogling a few gorgeous females that were serving him beer.

"If we don't have the money for anything else... yeah, I guess we might as well move on."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
When the Kid gets his cut, his eyes go wide. Then, he goes up to the priest. I owe you this for early with my thanks. He then saddles up, ready to go.[sblock=OOC]The Kid repays Miltiades 236 he borrowed. Can he change the rest to gems/etc. so he's not carrying 4kgp around?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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