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Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED


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“Burning them sounds like a good idea, but first to get out of this weed!”

Allyra continues to struggle, hoping to eventually get free from the entangling plants.

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The burning woods

Bashing the Troll with his spiked chain, Keldar desecrate the giant body makes sure the green giant will not raise so quickly, then he pulls out his flint and steel and with the help of some of the burning woods around him, he sets the Trolls bodies a flame.
But a new threat falls upon the entangled party members and Allyra in the first place,
The trees burn around her, all burn by the result of the destructive fire spells unleashed by Allyra and Eliyyad. Earlier and the non-burn trees keeps to twist and entwine around legs and arms, threaten to revenge there fellow burn trees.
Eventually Garon and Turo manages to escape the spell’s area, but Allyra and Eliyyad is caught and are threatened by the licking flames.

[sblock=xp update]2100 each [/sblock]


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Hmm, I thought you said Eliyyad wasn't entangled.

OK, he'll draw his shortspear and attempt to cut his way out, at the same time as he calls Zariq to selectively burn through those tendrils which are holding him prisoner.


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Allyra remains calm and calculating despite the flames around her, knowing full well, that they cannot harm her, if she doesn't want them to.

She continues her efforts to wiggle herself free from the plant's grasp, hoping also that the fire will consume them, which should also set her free.

If the fire gets too close, Allyra will call upon the collective knowledge of her order and draw a Resist Energy spell from the spellpool to protect her against the flames.


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Seeing Keldar move to help Allyra, Turo looks about for some way to help Eliyyad out before the flames can spread to his position.

Weird bird calls and shrieks takes your attention from high above, few hawks circle the forest fire. Those who are not entangled spot from the deep of the woods several wild horses and deer, all stand and watch carefully the blazing menace.
Then a strong gust of wind begins to blow, knocking Eliyyad to the ground and blowing Turo away about 30 ft. backwards.
The others fight the strong winds but maintain their position, from where they stand they see a humanoid form between the tree waving her hands.
A minute later the forest fire dies off, the entangle spell fades off as well as the living roots dig into the ground and branches rest still.

[sblock=Reflex saves]
Keldar [Success]
Turo [Fail]
Allyra [Entangled]
Garon [Success]
Eliyyad [Fail]


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Turo lets out a long stream of gnomish curses as he is blown across the ground, his body tumbling over rocks, logs and other forest debris. As he comes to a rest, the tough gnome leaps to his feet, ready to fight this newest enemy. As he prepares to charge back across the field, he realizes that the humanoid in the trees may simply have acted to extinguish the fire...could she be a druid, perhaps? Turo takes a deep breath and moves to rejoin his companions, but he remains on his guard as he does so.

Forest maiden

The woman gets close enough for you to see, you are not sure about the species but she resemble a wood Elf with golden-brown silk like hair and tree-brown skin.
From all around her you see forest animals. Two wild horses that are now clearly can be identified as unicorns, two large white deer, one male and one female, numerous squirrels, badgers, hedgehogs and other forest denizens circle the forest lady.
She opens her mouth to speak and a low harmonic voice that sounds like the blowing wind in the tree tops says gently.
I thank thy kind humans, and gnome …
She bows kindly to frowned Turo as he gets closer
…For defeating the evil beast that lurked and destroyed the harmony of the wild forest.
She looks sadly at the burned trees and the dead goats and tears begin to drop from her hazel-nut eyes.
The forest thank you, you will be able to sleep freely and untouched from now in the forest in this part of the mountains.

From down the road you here the curses of the dwarf ranger, clearly the strong gust reached to him as well.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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