ChatGPT Stuff + Stuff I've Made


Alright! Keep in mind I designed these on a different power scale than Immortal's Handbook stuff. Also, I use rules from the old Primal Order system, but the short of what primal flux does is you can spend it to deal 10 damage per point or block the same amount, or spend an amount equal to the level of a spell you know or five times that for one you don't in order to cast it.

Here's one of my more original ones:

Desolas, the Undying

Desolas is a powerful akalich from thousands of years in the future who seeks to utterly master magic, and will do anything to achieve that. He is immensely proud of magic's power, viewing it as the most noble and worthwhile of any skill or study, but looks at those who earn their magic in ways other than study with contempt. He views clerics, druids, and warlocks as mere posers making someone else do the work for them, but his true hatred is reserved for sorcerers, who he views as entitled brats who were handed something wizards like him have to work for. He is the future version of a powerful heroic wizard, following their slow descent into madness as their passion for magic consumed their life and exacerbated their flaws, and their most shameful secret is that they have divine heritage tracing back to a god of magic, something he secretly worries is the real source of their incredible skill.

Medium Undead, Neutral Evil

Armor Class: 94 (Robes of the Master of Magic)
Hit Points: 8400 (240d20+3600)
Speed: 80 ft, C flight, 80 ft all others, teleport at will with no error

Str: 36 (+13)
Dex: 44 (+17)
Con: 40 (+15)
Int: 138 (+64)
Wis: 88 (+39)
Cha: 96 (+43)

Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing from non-artifact weapons, necrotic, force, fire, cold
Condition Immunities: Frightened, Paralyzed, Restrained, Prone, Blinded, Deafened, Charmed, Grappled, Poisoned, Petrified
Proficiencies: All, triple proficiency in Arcana
Proficiency Bonus +26
Saving Throws: Proficient in all
Senses: Truesight 120 ft, Passive Perception 90
Languages: All

Magic Immunity: Immune to spells of 9th level or lower, advantage on saves vs magic

Dread Aura: 1700 ft radius, all creatures must make a DC 98 Con save or die. On a successful save the creature is immune for 24 hours

Incorporeal: Desolas is made entirely of shadow except their crystal eyes and teeth

Rejuvenation: When killed, reforms on their ship, the Arcane (they have a spaceship the size of a city they and their magic cult live on)

Innate Spellcasting:
At Will: Alter Self, Animate Dead, Astral Projection, Create Greater Undead, Harm, Planeshift, Slay Living, Telekinesis
3/day: Wail of the Banshee, Wish
1/day: Ruin
1/week: Momento Mori

Trapped Immortal Souls: Desolas has the souls of 8 demigods trapped in his gems, giving him 2400 primal base and 640 primal flux

Spellcasting: Desolas is a level 160 spellcaster (I have a list of classes and prestige classes they're in, but including them would double the length of this and I don't feel like typing them all out. Just assume they've got all the features of any wizard or wizard-adjacent spellcaster. And when the 5e Immortal's Handbook book comes out they get all the dimensional spellcasting.

Cantrips: all
Levels 1-9: at will, all
Level 10: 6 slots, all
Level 11: 5 slots, all
Level 12: 4 slots, all

I might add even higher level spells, not sure


Multiattack: Desolas uses any combination of spellcasting and the options below, adding up to four actions

Overshadow: Desolas sacrifices one immortal soul and deals 5600 arcane (an unblockable type nobody is resistant or immune to) damage to everything within 300 ft

Stasis Touch: Range 5 ft, +39 to hit (I should just say now that at this high a level for combat I swap out the d20 for a d100, multiply the range of a critical hit or miss by 5 so the odds are the same, and use the value of that+bonuses to determine hit or miss and saves, because it makes it easier to avoid unwinnable or pathetically easy fights), Target must make a dc 98 Str save or be frozen in time, unable to act or be acted upon. They may repeat the save at the end of each turn.

Trap the Soul: Range 60 ft, DC 98 Cha save or soul is ripped from body and trapped in an empty gem, to be devoured or stored

I haven't (but probably should have) included legendary actions, because I keep forgetting about them. I'd just go with five, legendary actions are just spellcasting, more actions spent to use stronger spells.
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Alright! Keep in mind I designed these on a different power scale than Immortal's Handbook stuff. Also, I use rules from the old Primal Order system, but the short of what primal flux does is you can spend it to deal 10 damage per point or block the same amount, or spend an amount equal to the level of a spell you know or five times that for one you don't in order to cast it.

Here's one of my more original ones:

Desolas, the Undying

Desolas is a powerful akalich from thousands of years in the future who seeks to utterly master magic, and will do anything to achieve that. He is immensely proud of magic's power, viewing it as the most noble and worthwhile of any skill or study, but looks at those who earn their magic in ways other than study with contempt. He views clerics, druids, and warlocks as mere posers making someone else do the work for them, but his true hatred is reserved for sorcerers, who he views as entitled brats who were handed something wizards like him have to work for. He is the future version of a powerful heroic wizard, following their slow descent into madness as their passion for magic consumed their life and exacerbated their flaws, and their most shameful secret is that they have divine heritage tracing back to a god of magic, something he secretly worries is the real source of their incredible skill.

Medium Undead, Neutral Evil

Armor Class: 94 (Robes of the Master of Magic)
Hit Points: 8400 (240d20+3600)
Speed: 80 ft, C flight, 80 ft all others, teleport at will with no error

Str: 36 (+13)
Dex: 44 (+17)
Con: 40 (+15)
Int: 138 (+64)
Wis: 88 (+39)
Cha: 96 (+43)

Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing from non-artifact weapons, necrotic, force, fire, cold
Condition Immunities: Frightened, Paralyzed, Restrained, Prone, Blinded, Deafened, Charmed, Grappled, Poisoned, Petrified
Proficiencies: All, triple proficiency in Arcana
Proficiency Bonus +41
Saving Throws: Proficient in all
Senses: Truesight 120 ft, Passive Perception 90
Languages: All

Magic Immunity: Immune to spells of 9th level or lower, advantage on saves vs magic

Dread Aura: 1700 ft radius, all creatures must make a DC 113 Con save or die. On a successful save the creature is immune for 24 hours

Incorporeal: Desolas is made entirely of shadow except their crystal eyes and teeth

Rejuvenation: When killed, reforms on their ship, the Arcane (they have a spaceship the size of a city they and their magic cult live on)

Innate Spellcasting:
At Will: Alter Self, Animate Dead, Astral Projection, Create Greater Undead, Harm, Planeshift, Slay Living, Telekinesis
3/day: Wail of the Banshee, Wish
1/day: Ruin
1/week: Momento Mori

Trapped Immortal Souls: Desolas has the souls of 8 demigods trapped in his gems, giving him 2400 primal base and 640 primal flux

Spellcasting: Desolas is a level 160 spellcaster (I have a list of classes and prestige classes they're in, but including them would double the length of this and I don't feel like typing them all out. Just assume they've got all the features of any wizard or wizard-adjacent spellcaster. And when the 5e Immortal's Handbook book comes out they get all the dimensional spellcasting.

Cantrips: all
Levels 1-9: at will, all
Level 10: 6 slots, all
Level 11: 5 slots, all
Level 12: 4 slots, all

I might add even higher level spells, not sure


Multiattack: Desolas uses any combination of spellcasting and the options below, adding up to four actions

Overshadow: Desolas sacrifices one immortal soul and deals 5600 arcane (an unblockable type nobody is resistant or immune to) damage to everything within 300 ft

Stasis Touch: Range 5 ft, +54 to hit (I should just say now that at this high a level for combat I swap out the d20 for a d100, multiply the range of a critical hit or miss by 5 so the odds are the same, and use the value of that+bonuses to determine hit or miss and saves, because it makes it easier to avoid unwinnable or pathetically easy fights), Target must make a dc 113 Str save or be frozen in time, unable to act or be acted upon. They may repeat the save at the end of each turn.

Trap the Soul: Range 60 ft, DC 113 Cha save or soul is ripped from body and trapped in an empty gem, to be devoured or stored

I haven't (but probably should have) included legendary actions, because I keep forgetting about them. I'd just go with five, legendary actions are just spellcasting, more actions spent to use stronger spells.
Ah this is rad as fuxk! I like how it's using 5th edition stat blocks but is still readable and usable for 3.5/pf/IH.

The creature himself seems very intriguing, would you mind elaborating more on his storyline?

By all means man, we're all amateurs here besides Upper Krust. I'd love to see your work.

Well in fairness I am only semi-professional at this myself, hoping to go pro with these next books though. 🤞

Hopefully the new rules will simplify the Monster design process, keeping the divine abilities to a reasonable number seems to be the key.


Ah this is rad as fuxk! I like how it's using 5th edition stat blocks but is still readable and usable for 3.5/pf/IH.

The creature himself seems very intriguing, would you mind elaborating more on his storyline?

I haven't used him yet, but I've got a couple ideas. He's likely going to be an ally to the current villain of my game, Elric Archmagus, since Elric is a powerful wizard and his plans involve uncovering several powerful magic items and grimoires, as well as developing several powerful spells with the goal of becoming the most powerful being in existence. After Elric is defeated, he's probably going to go back to his usual crimes (inhumane experimentation, kidnapping/killing powerful magical creatures which includes intelligent ones, devouring the souls of entire populations to preserve the immortality of him and all his followers, genociding sorcerers.) This is likely to get him opposed by the party, but his real storyline is likely to start in one of three storyline ideas I have:

1. Desolas is attempting to steal the energy core powering a little-known demiplane, which is actually a fragment of the sun from the First World, making it an immensely powerful energy source beyond anything in the multiverse now. If he succeeds, the next step is to break into the vaults of Ryethial (My world's version of The Ultimate. They're from the First World, survived its destruction because they were imprisoned by the cosmic entities at the bottom of a now-destroyed afterlife, and have been meddling with the multiverse for their amusement ever since. I have stats for them, might post them later.) to steal the cube that the Mortiverse, which in my setting is a primordial whose "element" is annihilation, is trapped in, so they can use the energy source to release it on the multiverse and take advantage of the destruction to get massive amounts of apeiron, (pure undifferentiated creation) and use it to substantially improve their understanding of existence and thereby ability to control it.

2. Desolas is one of many attempting to reach the dimension of magic and reach Heka, embodiment of all magic (I have stats for them too, again, might post later) to get the wish offered by them in order to gain all the magic in the multiverse, finally achieving their goal of absolute mastery of magic. He doesn't mind that this will have disastrous consequences for literally everyone.

3. Desolas is one of a few searching for fragments of the Godstone, an artifact that provides incredible magical power to its wielder, enough to make them nigh-omnipotent. There are 8 (secretly 9, something only the mastermind of this, the powerful and arrogant yugoloth Arcan, knows) fragments, each with control of a school of magic, and everyone wants to collect them all and gain this power. The whole thing is secretly a scheme by Arcan to collect the other 8 fragments and use them to revive Adam Kadmon, the first Amidah (Stats for them too. Again, probably will post them.), the creator of the Godstone, in the hopes that they'll be able to ride to greatness on their coattails as they once again conquer existence.
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Here's another one:

Ryethial, => Everybody's <= Favorite #1 $ales Ȩ̸̭͉͖͚̹̫̪̑ṇ̷̡̗͈̙̰͈̠͙̰͂̈̔̏̎̎̈́̚͝͝ţ̶̰͚̫͌̍͌͂̄͛̊̆í̶̢̨̤̟̖̗̦͙̘̳̤̔̄̕͜t̷͔̞͔̦́̋͊͐͝ỹ̷̧̥̘͉̱͔̤̜̰̗͍̭̏̽̈
Ryethial was a resident of the First World, a far greater and more real world that existed before all the others and was destroyed. Even among the mighty residents of that world, they were one of the most powerful beings, and they've only gotten stronger since then. Currently they act in two roles: as the mysterious "Ultimate" who leads the Hyperboreans, and as the self proclaimed "Everybody's Favorite #1 Sales Entity" brokering odd deals for the purpose of influencing events in order to amuse themselves.

Medium ????, Silly Goofy

Armor Class: 130
Hit Points: 21,000 (20d1000+1000)
Speed: ∞ all

Str: 150 (+70)
Dex: 150 (+70)
Con: 150 (+70)
Int: 150 (+70)
Wis: 150 (+70)
Cha: 150 (+70)

Condition Immunities: All negative conditions
Languages: All, Supernal (My setting's name for Words of Chaos. Has a book of them, can only know 5 at a time)
Proficiencies: Expertise in everything
Saving throws: proficiency in all
Proficiency Bonus: +50
Senses: ∞-Dimensional fermi-quantum super-temporal flawless truesight unlimited range

Hyper-Real: May freely move through dimensions, and can cause mutations (roll on your preferred mutation table) by touch, mixing up a things alternate selves.

The Onchin: The apotheosis of martial arts. Advantage on all attack rolls against anyone who doesn't know it, all damage dealt is doubled, anyone struck must make a DC 128 Con saving throw or be obliterated (once per turn max)

Truer than Fact: Ryethial may replace any spoken or written word (barring a few examples that are pretty much DM discretion) with any other word of their choice. They may also choose to be immediately regarded as a close friend, utterly irrelevant, or a deadly threat, by anyone they choose.

Aura of Seven Heavens: If any attack would have a damage die smaller than d100 it becomes a d100. All attacks always inflict full damage and act as whatever damage type is most effective.

Nth Sense: Ryethial has unlimited reactions per turn, can't be surprised, and may choose when to act in initiative, even in the middle of someone else's turn, and can choose when they acted retroactively.

Twin Gates: May restore hitpoints using their damaging effects and vice versa, can create a sphere of annihilation or sphere of creation at will once per turn as a bonus action, and has flawless control over these. They vanish after a long rest.

Spellcasting: May cast any spell at will, DC 128 +120 to hit, 3/day can cast a spell of great import, but they can only cast each spell once per day. These have grand and far reaching effects, like transmuting outer space into lava or turning anyone and anything into unbreakable stone.


Multiattack: Ryethial takes 3 actions and 3 bonus actions

Punch: range 5 ft, +120 to hit, 140d100+140 bludgeoning damage, DC 128 Con save or be obliterated

Metempiric Blast: range ∞ ft, automatically hits bypassing everything, 10d1000 damage

Dimensional Mastery: Ryethial may alter the size or dimensions of something, move it around, or teleport it.

Omnimortality (Recharge 19-20) everything Ryethial can perceive takes ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ damage. Note that they can perceive quite a few things, including themselves, so this is usually not a technique they'll use.
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Here's another one:

Ryethial, => Everybody's <= Favorite #1 $ales Ȩ̸̭͉͖͚̹̫̪̑ṇ̷̡̗͈̙̰͈̠͙̰͂̈̔̏̎̎̈́̚͝͝ţ̶̰͚̫͌̍͌͂̄͛̊̆í̶̢̨̤̟̖̗̦͙̘̳̤̔̄̕͜t̷͔̞͔̦́̋͊͐͝ỹ̷̧̥̘͉̱͔̤̜̰̗͍̭̏̽̈
Ryethial was a resident of the First World, a far greater and more real world that existed before all the others and was destroyed. Even among the mighty residents of that world, they were one of the most powerful beings, and they've only gotten stronger since then. Currently they act in two roles: as the mysterious "Ultimate" who leads the Hyperboreans, and as the self proclaimed "Everybody's Favorite #1 Sales Entity" brokering odd deals for the purpose of influencing events in order to amuse themselves.

Medium ????, Silly Goofy

Armor Class: 130
Hit Points: 21,000 (20d1000+1000)
Speed: ∞ all

Str: 150 (+70)
Dex: 150 (+70)
Con: 150 (+70)
Int: 150 (+70)
Wis: 150 (+70)
Cha: 150 (+70)

Condition Immunities: All negative conditions
Languages: All, Supernal (My setting's name for Words of Chaos. Has a book of them, can only know 5 at a time)
Proficiencies: Expertise in everything
Saving throws: proficiency in all
Proficiency Bonus: +50
Senses: ∞-Dimensional fermi-quantum super-temporal flawless truesight unlimited range

Hyper-Real: May freely move through dimensions, and can cause mutations (roll on your preferred mutation table) by touch, mixing up a things alternate selves.

The Onchin: The apotheosis of martial arts. Advantage on all attack rolls against anyone who doesn't know it, all damage dealt is doubled, anyone struck must make a DC 128 Con saving throw or be obliterated (once per turn max)

Truer than Fact: Ryethial may replace any spoken or written word (barring a few examples that are [retty much DM discretion) with any other word of their choice. They may also choose to be immediately regarded as a close friend, utterly irrelevant, or a deadly threat, by anyone they choose.

Aura of Seven Heavens: If any attack would have a damage die smaller than d100 it becomes a d100. All attacks always inflict full damage and act as whatever damage type is most effective.

Nth Sense: Ryethial has unlimited reactions per turn, can't be surprised, and may choose when to act in initiative, even in the middle of someone else's turn, and can choose when they acted retroactively.

Twin Gates: May restore hitpoints using their damaging effects and vice versa, can create a sphere of annihilation or sphere of creation at will once per turn as a bonus action, and has flawless control over these. They vanish after a long rest.

Spellcasting: May cast any spell at will, DC 128 +120 to hit, 3/day can cast a spell of great import, but they can only cast each spell once per day. These have grand and far reaching effects, like transmuting outer space into lava or turning anyone and anything into unbreakable stone.


Multiattack: Ryethial takes 3 actions and 3 bonus actions

Punch: range 5 ft, +120 to hit, 140d100+140 bludgeoning damage, DC 128 Con save or be obliterated

Metempiric Blast: range ∞ ft, automatically hits bypassing everything, 10d1000 damage

Dimensional Mastery: Ryethial may alter the size or dimensions of something, move it around, or teleport it.

Omnimortality (Recharge 19-20) everything Ryethial can perceive takes ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ damage. Note that they can perceive quite a few things, including themselves, so this is usually not a technique they'll use.
I mean this is cool but the Ultimate actually has a storyline already. Cool nonetheless I guess.


I mean this is cool but the Ultimate actually has a storyline already. Cool nonetheless I guess.
If you look at my earlier post (the one where I mention storylines for Desolas) you can see I mentioned that Ryethial is just my settings version of the Ultimate, not intended to be a conversion of yours.


Here's another statblock I made. This is the most powerful thing I've made by a decent margin.

Heka, Magic Itself

Heka is the embodiment of all magic. Even by the standards of cosmic entities, they are solitary and passive, spending all their time in their realm. The only time they act is when an entity solves the tests they placed throughout the multiverse, as then they will grant that entity one wish. This wish can be anything that Heka is capable of, and there is little they aren't capable of doing.

Infinite Cosmic Force, True Neutral

Armor Class: 190
Hit Points: 95000 (1000d20+75000)
Speed: ∞ all

Str: 160* (+75)
Dex: 160* (+75)
Con: 160* (+75)
Int: 160* (+75)
Wis: 160* (+75)
Cha: 160* (+75)
*Heka may raise either Str and Con, Int and Cha, or Wis and Dex to ∞ at will. Only one set can be infinite at a time, but they can swap between them at will without using any actions.

Damage Immunities: Force, Arcane, Radiant, Necrotic, Righteous (holy damage that any evil creature is vulnerable to), Vile (the evil version), Axiomatic (lawful), Entropic (chaotic)
Condition Immunities: All
Senses: All senses are flawless and have infinite range, can sense magic, truesight, and see the platonic form of anything
Languages: All, Supernal (see below)
Proficiencies: animal handling, history, intimidation, religion, expertise in medicine, automatic success on arcana checks due to being the embodiment of magic
Saving Throws: proficiency in all
Proficiency Bonus: +30

Aboveness: Heka instantly knows of anything related to them or magic, may travel anywhere in the multiverse at will, and may transform into anything of lesser or equal power to them (most things)

God: Heka is a god with the sphere of influence magic. They have 10000000 primal base and 1000000 primal flux (primal flux recharges fully every day.) I still have to come up with divine powers for them, stay tuned for that. (divine powers are unique abilities that cost primal flux to use and are very powerful.)

Phenomenal Cosmic Power: Crits on an 18-20/86-100, and when they get a critical hit instead of doubling the damage dealt they square it

Supreme Spells: Any spell Heka casts ignores resistance or immunity and if the damage dice is lower than a d100 it is that instead

Hands of the Archsorcerer: (stolen shamelessly from Beef's Gankyil dragon) Heka may disjoin any effect and transform anything into anything (as long as it isn't more powerful than Heka) with a touch

True Magic Immunity: Any magic used against Heka, no matter how indirectly, fails and backfires on the user. The specifics of how are controlled by Heka.

Supernal: Heka knows the words Eoh, Bythos, Zahamantas, Ain, Ath'Vae'Uiou, Xapp, Phlaenn Syb Korr, Oun, Taiha, Vorryn, Hrafin, Lyr'Vynox, and Zyrgathos (and, if you want to make them really unbeatable, give them the nameless Word of Chaos I made in my Word of Chaos thread)

All Magic: Heka is the embodiment of magic, and can access and control it all at will. They can use any ability an unlimited number of times, ignoring any negative effect of using it, and to effectively do anything. This is the source of their ability to raise their ability scores, as well as True Magic Immunity, Hands of the Archsorcerer, Supreme Spells, Phenomenal Cosmic Power, and all of their attacks. The exact limits of this power are left up to the DM.


Multiattack: Heka takes up to nine actions (not including Multiattack [or maybe it does.])

True Power: +75 to hit, Unlimited Range, any number of targets. Hit: the targets take ∞ arcane damage

Expression of Impossibility: Automatic Hit, Unlimited Range, any number of targets. Hit: The targets take d6^d6 arcane damage

Reality Rend: +105 to hit, Unlimited Range, one target. Hit: The target is sent hurtling through a rift in existence into the void. They cannot be raised or resurrected.

Total Event Collapse (recharge 6): Everything within one space-time is collapsed into a single point. Everyone in that space-time must make a DC 113 Con save or be annihilated and collapsed with it. On a successful save they still take 10000 arcane damage. If this kills them they are still annihilated and collapsed, otherwise they are shunted into another random adjacent space-time.

More attacks are possible, due to Heka's powers being almost limitless in nature, but I don't want to come up with more.
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Quick update: I boosted HD and capped proficiency bonus at +26, except for a select few. Anyway, this is a modified version of the God-Eater from the excellent Oblivium:

The God Eater, Pretty Much What It Sounds Like

The God Eater is a powerful monster created by Novatarr, strongest leviathan and god of destruction, monsters, and rebirth, as a tool for disposing of any of their creations should they get out of control. To the shock of absolutely everyone, this worked perfectly and the God Eater remains one of Novatarr's most loyal and effective allies to this day.

Continental Monstrosity, Lawful Neutral

Armor Class: 100 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 17850 (210d20+13650)
Speed: 70 miles, 70 miles burrow (Earthglide)

Str: 110 (+50)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 140 (+65)
Int: 123 (+56)
Wis: 70 (+30)
Cha: 70 (+30)

Damage Immunities: Cold, Fire, Poison, Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
Senses: Blindsight 120 ft, Truesight 5280 ft, Cosmic Awareness (knows of any divine, cosmic, or otherwise significant beings) 100 ft
Languages: Knows a wide variety, should be assumed to know enough of any to hold a conversation
Proficiencies: Arcana, History, Insight, Perception
Saving Throws: proficiency in Con, Int, Wis, and Cha
Proficiency Bonus: +23

Legendary Resistance, 10/day

Magic Resistance

Reflective Carapace

Siege Monster

Cosmic Anchor: The God Eater cannot be moved away from the plane it is in unwillingly

Consume Divinity: A tethered creature (see actions) takes 20d20 damage at the start of every turn. If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hp then they instantly die and have their essence consumed, preventing resurrection by anything short of a wish.

Spellcasting: Save DC 87, +79 to hit
cantrips: all
1 (at will): all
2 (at will): all
3 (at will): all
4 (at will): all
5 (at will): all
6 (at will): all
7 (5 slots): all
8 (4 slots): all
9 (4 slots): all
10 (3 slots): all
11 (2 slots): all
12(1 slot): all

Elder of Annihilation: The God Eater's attacks ignore immunity and resistance

Regeneration 320

God: The God Eater is a demigod. It has 36146 primal base and 5035 primal flux


Multiattack: The God Eater uses Frightful Presence, Cosmic Tether, makes a bite attack, two claw attacks, one horn attack, and one tail attack. In lieu of a bite attack it may use swallow.

Multispell: The God Eater casts 3 spells

Cosmic Tether: Creates a tether between the God Eater and one creature that prevents the creature from moving more than 100 ft away by any means, including teleportation or dimensional travel

Bite: +73 to hit, area 3 miles, Hit: 12d20+50 piercing damage and targets are grappled and restrained

Swallow: bite attack vs grappled creature, on a hit creature is swallowed. Grapple ends and targets are blinded and restrained. Swallowed targets take 30d20 acid damage at the start of each of the God Eater's turns. If a swallowed target deals 320 or more damage to the God Eater all swallowed targets will be spit out. The God Eater's insides have an armor class of 30 and automatically fail Dex saves.

Claw: +73 to hit, area 4 miles, Hit: 8d12+50 slashing damage

Horns: +73 to hit, area 3 miles, Hit: 8d20+50 piercing damage

Tail: +73 to hit, area 4 mile cone, Hit: 8d10+50 bludgeoning damage and targets must make a DC 81 strength save or be knocked prone

Frightful Presence 1 mile

Legendary Actions (3):

Attack: The God Eater makes a claw or tail attack

Move: The God Eater moves up to its speed

Chomp (2): The God Eater makes a bite or swallow attack

Cast a Spell (variable): 1 action to cast a level 1-3 spell, 2 for 4-6, 3 for 7-9

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