D&D General Styles of D&D Play


Victoria Rules
Anybody can slap rules together, coming up with rules that don't interfere with other rules, that actually work for most people? That's more difficult and more expensive.
In general, doing the bolded would be much easier - and thus, probably much cheaper - were the game designed on a chassis of discrete subsystems rather than unified mechanics.

It's that which made the TSR editions so wonderfully kitbash-able. The WotC editions, not so much.
There's always going to be budgetary constraints and they are taking a more conservative approach to publications than previous editions. I simply don't see much demand for the optional rules, at least not with the people I play with.
Budegetary constraints are all too often a euphemism for "we just don't want to do this"; and if they really did want to do it the money would suddenly appear.

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Budegetary constraints are all too often a euphemism for "we just don't want to do this"; and if they really did want to do it the money would suddenly appear.
Indeed. D&D and particularly 5e has a bunch of optional elements that are rarely used but seem like designer personal projects which are a lot of focus and get page space and UAs to make seen in order to become more used and eventually standard or core.


Huh? Nobody is saying anyone is saying that the proposed rules for social encounters would be core like skill challenges in 4E. We know you're talking about optional rules. You remind us in every other post.

So for the umpteenth time ... yes we know you're talking about optional rules. Has anyone anywhere on this thread contradicted this? You're making up imaginary accusations so, what, you can get upset about something that no one has said? :rolleyes:
Umm, you?

Nobody, other than you, is saying the core game should be changed as far as I know or that anyone is even proposing it.
Since this post was specifically addressed as a reply to me, I am assuming that the "you" there is me. If you knew that I was talking about optional rules, then why did you specifically call me out as NOT talking about optional rules?

Now I'm really confused.


5e has extensive(if you're defining AD&D stronghold and henchman rules as extensive) out of combat systems for stuff outside of combat. You just have to adopt the Xanathar's downtime rules, which are ballpark(going by memory and not counting pages) the same size as AD&D stuff.
Heh. Yup, it only took six, seven years to get to the level of AD&D. Guess after another ten or fifteen years, we'll finally get up to 3e's level of support.


Umm, you?

Since this post was specifically addressed as a reply to me, I am assuming that the "you" there is me. If you knew that I was talking about optional rules, then why did you specifically call me out as NOT talking about optional rules?

Now I'm really confused.
You keep making accusations that people don't understand that you are talking about optional rules. Nobody is unclear about this: you are talking about optional rules. I don't know how to state that any clearer and can't help it if you read things into statements that are not there.


You keep making accusations that people don't understand that you are talking about optional rules. Nobody is unclear about this: you are talking about optional rules. I don't know how to state that any clearer and can't help it if you read things into statements that are not there.
Did you or did you not specifically say that I was not talking about optional rules? If not, then what does this sentence actually mean:

Nobody, other than you, is saying the core game should be changed as far as I know or that anyone is even proposing it.
I have to admit, I'm really confused. You flat out, straight up, stated that I thought the core came should be changed.

How is this "not there"?


Victoria Rules
Heh. Yup, it only took six, seven years to get to the level of AD&D. Guess after another ten or fifteen years, we'll finally get up to 3e's level of support.
I don't remember 3e doing much with strongholds, or henches/hirelings other than the cohort* that came with the Leadership feat

* - and I seem to recall people complaining about even that, as it made a player's turn take longer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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