Subscription help.


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After the maintenance yesterday I have lost my instant email subscriptions. I have unsubscribed and resubscribed but am still not receiving any email notices. Is this normal? Is there a way to fix this? I generally don’t check enworld unless my email indicates something I’m watching has an update, and would hate to hold up games because I didn’t know they were waiting on me.


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User Control Panel. I just enter EnWorld with that URL and see all my private message and subscribed thread and forum there. Pretty fine like that.


First Post
I can see them all, I'm just not getting any emails telling me there is an update, which is what I was hoping to fix. I use the email notification to craft my responses in Word, then just cut and paste into a reply. It makes it much easier to get away with posting at work :D


It's not anything you did. There's a thread in Meta about this. Looks like it's unintentional, so it will likely be fixed. In the meantime, it's useful to know the workarounds that stonegod and others have described.

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