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Suggestions wanted for a short adventure/sidequests

My players will soon be passing through the Moonshaes, and I am looking for a short adventure or collection of sidequests that they might encounter on the way to their destination. They will be around level 6. Something with a very Celtic tone would be ideal.

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Victoria Rules
There's a couple of old 1e modules - C4 and C5 - that are actually 8 little adventures (4 in C4, 4 in C5) linked together almost like a mini AP. There's a decidedly Celtic feel to a couple of the parts and it wouldn't take much work to tweak the rest to suit.

The only problem is, with one exception* the adventures themselves are IMO awful. They're the only modules I've ever actually stopped the game partway through and apologized to the players for running; my only defense was and still is that they read considerably better than they play. But, if you approach with caution and be ready to do some tweaking - or just use them as idea fodder - you might be able to squeeze someting out of these.

* - the exception is the bit involving Krell the robber baron (you'll see this if you get the modules), which worked out really well when I ran it.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
- A fisherman is overdue to return home. Unbeknownst to his frantic wife, his fishing boat was damaged in a storm and he is grounded on a small isle trying to repair it.
- Pirates / raiders just happen to attack the village while the PCs are passing through.
- A druid wants / needs help putting a ghost to rest
- A village with an excess of teenaged girls is having "Salem Witch Trial" problems as the teens go into hysterics whenever an older woman tries to restrain their antics
- A 4e-style druid is also a lycanthrope and wants to find a cure for the latter condition without disrupting the former.


Wouldn't it be easy to Celtic-wash most adventures. If pirates are attacking, make them vikings or picts. Give villages the theme and a few names to give flavor. An easy side trek could involve a lost harp, or stolen harp if the adventure is only one or two nights. You can still use goblins or trolls as encounters along with interaction with shepherds to point the PCs along their way.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
- A leprechaun needs to hide his pot of gold, and figures that if it is mobile it will be harder to find. He also figures that a bunch of tough adventurers can be used as bodyguards - but he doesn't want to explain why he needs bodyguards. He joins the PCs as they travel (illusion over the pot of gold) and the PCs have to figure out why they have just become "trouble magnets".
- A large creature lives in the deep lake; this has long been known. Some trolls tried to move into a shoreline cave but it frightened them out. Villagers want the PCs to deal with the "horrible monster" which is actually Nessie just doing her natural thing.
- If the PCs have weather magic, somebody wants them to go to a certain island and make it stay dry for a week / rain for real not just drizzle and mist. The crops depend on it.

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