• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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I decided to start a generic summaries thread that we could just update instead of labling it by month. If we don't decided to use it... whatever. It was just an Idea.


Summary (10-02-04) - Gnoll Hunting!

SOL begins its hunt for the gnolls by continuing to follow the road west. The trip in the beginning is, for the most part, un-eventful. As the group is traveling they begin to notice several changes. The terrain becomes more like a grassy plain the farther west they go. Ayla also notices several storm clouds on the horizon which she notes will produce "Heavy storms." Ultimately - she was correct. That night just before the group begins watches an intense rain hits leaving everyone soaked when they wake up. During his watch with Ayla Tormal notices a black column in the distance. At the base there seemed to be a deep orange glow. Fire?

That morning the group decides to find the location of the smoke which can still be seen. After several hours of travel the group runs into the smoldering remains of a small town. SOL searches around only to find human reamins atop what looked like a bon fire. Many of the bones seemed to be broken and had bite marks all over them. They concluded the Gnolls attacked the town and ate it's populous.

With no tracks to follow the group continued in the same direction hoping to find more evidence of the gnoll reign of terror. Although they found nothing at the time that night, during watches, Brother Oceas stated he heard drums in the distance. It was funny though - No one had ever heard of gnolls playing drums!

The next morning they continued traveling. After traveling for a few hours several members stated they heard wimpering just off the trail. The group stopped and Brother Oceas and Ayla went to investigate. They stumbled upon what looked like a gnoll dance floor! The grass had been trampled, there had been a fire and there was obviously some sort of celebration that happened here. However, the most intersting thing about the clearing was the two people staked to the ground. A woman and a young boy lay there. The boy was unconcious and the woman barely able to speak. Both of them had their right arms removed by a large axe. They both suffered heavily from physical abuse and dehydration.

Upon his discovery Brother Oceas cautiously removed both of them from their bindings while making sure they were stable. He and Ayla carried them back to the trail where the rest of the group was waiting. There Oceas attempted to heal them but there was little he could do about their dehydration. Li steps in and works his magic! He is some how able to mentally repair their damage! With that the group begins trying to find out what happened.

Tyrm begins talking to the woman who breaks down all over him. Comes to find out the gnolls had taken the two from the nearby town, brought them here and tortured them. They danced and celebrated. Before leaving they told the two to tell everyone about the gnolls. SOL Decides to follow the tracks leading away in hopes of finding the gnolls. The woman and child object. They will not follow us closer to the gnolls. Ceru and Felix volunteer to take them back to the manor while the rest of the group continues further.

Following the tracks further west the group runs across an empty wooden hut. There is evidence that several people had been drug out in the same direction the gnoll tracks were leading. Soon afterwards the group is ambushed! Several gnolls had been laying in wait on either side of the trail. Luckily they prove to be... incompotent at best. The group quickly dispatches them with only minor losses. Ayla is able to track the gnolls for several days before we come across anything important.

One night while traveling the group comes upon a clearing. In the middle there is another fire pit and laying next to it a humanoid corpse. Against a nearby tree there seems to be a figure leaning against it. While the group cautiously investigates the grounds Tyrm sternly calls out to the figure against the tree.
After no response he moves closer.

Tyrm quickly realizes how disturbing the situation really is. The figure is a human tied to a tree. He, like the others, is missing his right arm. Behind him you can see where an axe had cut into the tree. The most disturbing part is the fact that he still has his other limbs. However his left arm and leg have been completly stripped of flesh. His hand and foot are still attached but everything those and the rest of his body has been... eaten off? You could even see the maggots feasting upon his open wounds. Amazingly the figure begins talking! He asks Tyrm if he is an angel. Quickly everyone rushes over to see the same horrid scene. Around his neck there is a broken symbol of Xanthos. Brother Oceas attempts to heal him but there is little more he can do for him. Comes to find out the person is Brother Marcus from Stormhaven. He had been traveling the lands to try and find out about lost merinthian lore. Specificly old sea lanes the empire had used. While staying at a wooden hut he and his colleuges were drug out by gnolls. They brought him here and did this to him. Everyone except Ayla handles it pretty well. She seems rather disturbed by the scene.

After some arguments the group decides to take Brother Marcus back to the manor and see if they can better assist him there.

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