Super D&D: We don't need any stinkin' reality!


Gritty and "Normal" world fans watch out.

I seriously hope 5E supports "unrealistic" play. All sorts of crazy rules to all those nonsensical stunts that come close to breaking the player's willing suspension of belief.

Of course all these things should be optional. That way fans can use and ignore what they like.

But what are the most important of the crazy action hero rules such be added to the books to save space. Or maybe a whole book of nonmagical reality abuse.

One thing we need is Rules to Break Anything. As a DM, I learned that once you let the players break something, they try to break everything. It would be a nice to have a nice chart in the back somewhere for the hit points and hardness for everything for stone (for blowing up mountains) to force to the walls between the planes. Sure I could make the chart myself but I am forgetful and busy. And lazy.

Then there is spell parrying. I've seen enough newbies tried to bat a spell back at the caster. This one is a minor but it is funny whenever the DM lets them attempt it. May be combined with outrunning blast effects.

Superhero jumping and falling rules. Definitely need those.

Anything else?

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Wahoo-style play suits many people. And this is supposed to be the version with options.

In order to do cool stunts with spells, you need to have a skill roll of some sort associated with casting. I've never found Spellcraft checks to be a good substitute.

I personally think magic items are not nearly as fantastic, interesting or powerful as they should be (Im not talkin about +x, Im talking about cool powers and sentient, cursed, wild items).

By 10th level Im usually having to make all of the items myself because weve already used the artifacts and want more

Collateral Damage... I want an attack that craters when it seems to miss its target.. splits the ground knocking down a tree the halves of which take out two separate sets of enemies/minions... then splits open creating a handy new mountain pass... that the party needed to escape with.

I personally think magic items are not nearly as fantastic, interesting or powerful as they should be (Im not talkin about +x, Im talking about cool powers and sentient, cursed, wild items).

By 10th level Im usually having to make all of the items myself because weve already used the artifacts and want more

Well... somebody has to make the items, right?

Collateral Damage... I want an attack that craters when it seems to miss its target.. splits the ground knocking down a tree the halves of which take out two separate sets of enemies/minions... then splits open creating a handy new mountain pass... that the party needed to escape with.

Why only on a miss? The target can be in the rater.


Let us go on the upper limits of skills:

Do we have to punch our own handholds or are we Spidermen?

Balancing? Where is the limit? Liquids? Clouds? The air?

Social skill? Practically Suggestion or Charm Monster?

Forgery? Rogues forging magic scrolls?

Stealth? Hide in plain sight for all?

Detection? See invisible for carrot eaters?

Tracking? Track teleports? Ignore pass without trace?

I don't mind unrealistic play at all.

I do mind when even marginally realistic play is not supported by the rules and is derided by those writing them.

Hopefully, 5e will have a more inclusive approach in this regard.

I mostly want to pick one enemy up and beat another enemy over the head with them. :devil:

That's my favorite "strong guy" move, but there aren't enough ways to easily mimic it.

The more I read, more it seems people want D&D to be as modular as GURPS :P

Or perhaps as modular as d20?

(which has super hero stuff for those who want it). I personally am not looking for super hero play with D&D. There are plenty of fair to decent super hero rpgs available. My group plays mutants and masterminds from time to time and has an ok time with it. Wouldn't really want it in my D&D. If the core was like that it would probably be a no buy for me (unless it did super heroes better than M&M, then it could be used for the supers game we run every so often) and if those types of abilities were printed in splat, that would be a no-buy/banned at most of my games type of book (unless the game warranted the supers mechanics).

Its not that I feel like those types of play are bad wrong, but rather that I feel they don't fit the feel of D&D to me. But then again that is the problem with D&D, is that its very many different things to very many different people. So as much as I hope that type of play is not supported, I secretly (until this moment where it is put to words) also hope that type of play is supported for those that like it. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean you cannot either. I am just spoiled by games material perfectly suited to the type of play I enjoy ATM. So I am a lot more willing to just come out and say I won't buy a thing if it doesn't suit me. Thats a great place for me and the market segment I represent to be in. Its not really me just trying to be mean, though sometimes I am sure I can come off that way.

Its kind of like breaking up with a girl because she became terrible and then dating a different girl who caters to your every whim and really really wants to be with you. Then a few years later the girl you broke up with comes back around swearing she can change and it will be just like it used to be, only better. I am less likely to believe any word out of the returning girls mouth, I am less likely to compromise on most issues, and I don't really plan on leaving the nice girl ever. But there is a chance I will see them both simultaneously if the returning girl does everything right. (Please feel free to resex the analogy to your specific orientation, it still works fine).



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