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Support the OGL v1.0a; sign this change.org petition

Two decades ago I helped create the Open Gaming License which helped save Dungeons & Dragons. Today that license is at risk of being changed by Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast. I am hoping that a coordinated response by the community might make them reconsider their plans. Please join me in signing this petition on change.org. The more people who sign, the more visible this effort will become...

Two decades ago I helped create the Open Gaming License which helped save Dungeons & Dragons. Today that license is at risk of being changed by Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast. I am hoping that a coordinated response by the community might make them reconsider their plans.

Please join me in signing this petition on change.org. The more people who sign, the more visible this effort will become and the more likely we will have an impact on the decisions being made by Hasbro.

I believe time is of the essence. An announcement of their plans may happen today, Thursday the 12th of January. If you are inclined, please sign the petition now.

Thank you for your support!

Ryan S. Dancey

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Ryan S. Dancey

Ryan S. Dancey

OGL Architect

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As 4e was coming out and its GSL, I was furious. At the time, I knew its rejection of the OGL 1.0a and its open community would eventually destroy 4e. That proved true.

But now, Hasbro-WotC assaults the OGL 1.0a itself and its entire gaming culture. That shortsightedness by Hasbro-WotC is now magnitudes worse.

How do you cancel your DND Beyond account if your just on the free version and never spent any money for subscription?
Hey Weiley31, I just did it this evening. I only ever had the free version, since I'm not into digital games. (I play(ed) D&D for face-to-face socializing.)

Here's how: (using the DnD Beyond app on my iphone)
  • Log in.
  • Click on the "B" (Beyond logo) on the upper left.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page. You'll see a "Delete Account" written in red. (It's situated so that you don't see it unless you scroll down.)
  • It will send you to Wizards Support. (There's current a pop-up window that says the DnD Beyond is on 'holiday vacation', but just close that window.)
  • You'll see a form to fill out.
  • In the box labeled "What would you like to contact us about?" - click the "D&D Beyond Account Deletion" option.
  • Fill out the other stuff (email address, etc.)
  • For the "subject", I wrote: "OGL 1.1"
  • For the "description" (it's required that you type something here) I wrote:
    "I served as a DM for 40 years. Now I aim to refrain from purchasing new D&D-branded products for the rest of my life; including print, digital, novellic, and cinematic D&D products."
  • Note: you can ignore questions "what's your user name" and the "order number from your account" -- those are not required questions.
  • Click submit button.
  • I received an email saying "Request Received" and that it's being processed.
  • The end. The end of D&D for me. And a beginning of devotion to ethical game companies.
Let us know how it goes!


I don't post often so please forgive me if this is not the correct place for this. But, it would be interesting to hear more about the creation on the original OGL in the 2000s. Were lawyers involved in the creation? Why wasn't the word "irrevocable" included in the license? It's easy to look back now and ask these questions and I'm not trying to be critical. I'd just genuinely be interested hearing about what went into making the OGL possible and the decisions that were made.
Also watch this interview :)


As of this morning over TEN THOUSAND people have signed my petition asking Hasbro to stop attempting to deauthorize the #OGL v1.0a. They're starting to listen.

Sign the Petition

They made an announcement today that they're altering their trajectory based on pressure from the community.

An Update on the Open Game License (OGL)

This is still not what we want. We want Hasbro to agree not to ever attempt to deauthorize v1.0a of the #OGL.

Your voices are being heard, and they matter. We're providing visible encouragement and support to everyone inside
Wizards of the Coast fighting for v1.0a.

It matters. Knowing we're here for them matters.

Keep fighting!

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