Survivor Magic Items (Misc. D-H)- HORN OF VALHALLA WINS!


Jedi Master
Decanter of Endless Water 13
Dimensional Shackles 3
Efreeti Bottle 10
Figurine of Wondrous power 12+1=13
Folding Boat 7-2=5
Horn of Valhalla 9

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Rotten DM
Decanter of Endless Water 13 +1 = 14 I got a pool to fill
Dimensional Shackles 3 -2 = 1 free me from this list
Efreeti Bottle 10
Figurine of Wondrous power 13
Folding Boat 5
Horn of Valhalla 9


Morkus from Orkus
Decanter of Endless Water 15
Dimensional Shackles 0 - let the shackles fall away!
Efreeti Bottle 10
Figurine of Wondrous power 13
Folding Boat 5
Horn of Valhalla 9


Decanter of Endless Water 12
Efreeti Bottle 10
Figurine of Wondrous power 9
Folding Boat 7 + 1 = 8
Horn of Valhalla 10 - 2 = 8

Voidrunner's Codex

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