Swashbuckler and Ship Mage (new archetypes)


Queen of Everything
It's not cold, we have a few players that post frequently, I think we're just waiting on some of the slower players to do a check in post.

QL - I am wondering, you've made up so much new stuff, have you considered making this into your own world? I mean, it pretty much is already :)

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First Post
It's not cold, we have a few players that post frequently

If you've replying here to my spam :), I'll reply I never erase my older posts, except to fix typos and gross errors. I'm french, not anglophone...

My favorite world is called EARTH. I like history and uchrony (alternate history). There so much to know from our own Earth history and geography...

I have no time for a "real" game, being father to 6 children, but I would like to join your email campaign :).
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[MENTION=6787234]peterka99[/MENTION] Ah, no I never adapted Caliphate Nights to 5e (though I do have an Al-Qadim conversion in my sig). It was very. Uh meant to be more of a "story game" than any version of D&D.

Hmm...im guessing "cold" is a typo for "cool"? In that case thanks! We have a full party now, but I'll post if that changes.
[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] When I have time, I tend to make lots of homebrew stuff for my games. I've actually adapted quite a lot of stuff from Skull & Bones (Green Ronin)...which is also a Caribbean setting...and have added D&D races/tropes/magic on top of that. Making a sort of Mythic Caribbean setting. I'm making things up as we go :) Maybe down the road I can put together a setting bible...


Queen of Everything
If you've replying here to my spam :), I'll reply I never erase my older posts, except to fix typos and gross errors. I'm french, not anglophone...

My favorite world is called EARTH. I like history and uchrony (alternate history). There so much to know from our own Earth history and geography...

I have no time for a "real" game, being father to 6 children, but I would like to join your email campaign :).
Spam? I'm not following.

As QL mentioned the game doesn't have an open spot but we've discussed that ships frequently have people coming and going so there is always a possibility.

And go you - 6 kids! Whew! I'm exhausted with just 1!!

[MENTION=6787234] [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] When I have time, I tend to make lots of homebrew stuff for my games. I've actually adapted quite a lot of stuff from Skull & Bones (Green Ronin)...which is also a Caribbean setting...and have added D&D races/tropes/magic on top of that. Making a sort of Mythic Caribbean setting. I'm making things up as we go :) Maybe down the road I can put together a setting bible...
I'd like to get my hands on Skull and Bones, it's on my long term wishlist (along with your Arabian Nights game!!). You've got a lot of great material for this game all over the place. I am not positive on this but a couple of my GM's have made some sort of Group, which is an area where they keep all their campaign references for their setting. Something like that might be helpful, especially for anyone reading along. [MENTION=6755061]Kiraya_TiDrekan[/MENTION] has one for our Fifth City game, which I believe you can get to through my little panel thingie over there on the left (that little white box, I guess normally you put a pic there).

I doubt the players would like this but I actually have my own forum here on the boards, if you ever wanted to put stuff there. I can moderate the threads in there too, if that was necessary or helpful. Right now I just have GameDay stuff in there but it's all old so probably doesn't even show up. http://www.enworld.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?324-Queenie-s-Forum


Feel free to check out The Fifth City group if you like. Groups are relatively easy to set up and quite handy for campaign management and probably just as handy for organizing house rules and creations and such.

Thanks! So... I am new to "Groups"... but it looks like a group blog to me, where you can set up different blog topics, and then post messages like any other thread. Is that right?

For my purposes a Group like that would only be helpful if I could include existing threads as topics in the Group. For example, I would want to take several existing threads (an OOG thread, a RP thread, a monster thread, a rogues' gallery thread, etc) and have them nicely organized on the same Group page.

Is that possible to do? If so, where on this massive website would I go to set that up?


Click on "Stuff" in the top banner and go to the Communities, Groups, and Personal Forums page. Scroll just a bit to the options and click "Create A Community" and go to town, so to speak.

I think you would either have to get help from a site mod to move threads out of the regular forums into your groups (head over to Meta and post a request there) or indulge in a lot of copy/pasta.

There may be Group functions I'm missing because I only use them for campaign setting info and outlines and such. They can do a lot more than that, though.

Good luck. :D


First Post
Quickleaf, what about the muticlassing rules for these meta-archetypes I posted earlier?

I suggest:

Multiclassing Rule: As the PHB Spellcasting rule- Your capacity for the swashbuckler abilities depends partly on your combined levels in all your swashbuckler classes and partly on your individual levels in those classes.

A character may substitute an ability if it is already taken and the combined levels are still enough for the class ability one just gets a level in.

ex: swashbuckling step instead of underhand tactics at combined 10th for a fighter of 7th level than just turn barbarian 3th level.

Also, a simple feat for a swashbuckling campaign with firearms: Crossbow expert, replace crossbows by firearms.

It takes longer to load than crossbows. I'm not sure we can ignore the loading property of renaissance firearms...
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Quickleaf, what about the muticlassing rules for these meta-archetypes I posted earlier?
I actually don't think any special multi classing rules are needed. For example, just like any other archetype, a character cannot take Swashbuckler or Ship Mage more than once. Simpler that way.

Also, a simple feat for a swashbuckling campaign with firearms: Crossbow expert, replace crossbows by firearms.

It takes longer to load than crossbows. I'm not sure we can ignore the loading property of renaissance firearms...
Actually the crossbow expert hack for pistols we're already doing. Explaining the fast loading narratively can be accomplished with a brace of pistols, prepared shot and powder bundles, or even with mage hand helping to reload. Lots of options for how to describe it.


First Post
I think it would be cool to remain a swashbuckler and change class. Inverted... Again, no precedent. Do you think my rule is OP ?
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