Pathfinder 1E Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP Part 2 with your hosts Scotley and MLeibrock

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OOC: Keep your spells, we may not be fast enough for minute per level (10/lvl should be fine) - and Gorums armor is too little damage for demonic creatures, don't they all have DR?
I hope this thread comes back, the characters seem interesting and the story is epic without being high level. Nice!


There's very little to distinguish the numerous caverns of the hive from one another, but as you move deeper into the tunnels, you spot lone Vescavors at first, and soon thereafter larger and larger numbers of the creatures. I soon becomes clear that as long as you remain stealthy, you can navigate these tunnels with relative ease. The Vescavors that infest these tunnels are all newly hatched creatures and not particularly aware of their surroundings. It is likely that if you are spotted a very unpleasant swarm could form.

OOC: Stealth rolls for all moving in the tunnels. :devil:


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Viridian drops down before others prepare the ropes and finds (barely) safe passage. He tries to prevent others, especially armored others, from going too close to more vermin than necessary.

[roll0] I cannot fail this check, aid another as much as I can
Edit: even if the roller tries :)
[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION], we need a blaster :)
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Queen of Everything
Viridian drops down before others prepare the ropes and finds (barely) safe passage. He tries to prevent others, especially armored others, from going too close to more vermin than necessary.

[roll0] I cannot fail this check, aid another as much as I can
Edit: even if the roller tries :)
[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION], we need a blaster :)

OOC: Sorry guys, you dropped us a long time ago! In other news we do have our own real life mini Barbarian to contend with lol He keeps us on our toes most days, I need some kind of epic level spells to deal with him :) Glad you are having fun!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Sorry guys, you dropped us a long time ago! In other news we do have our own real life mini Barbarian to contend with lol He keeps us on our toes most days, I need some kind of epic level spell to deal with him :) Glad you are having fun!

You asked in one thread to join. And I saw the pic of the little viking :D No epic spell helps against the whelps, no gods dare to go there :)
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Queen of Everything
You asked in one thread to join. And I saw the pic of the little viking :D No epic spells help against the where, no gods dare to go there :)

OOC: Okay that’s hysterical. I bet the gods are afraid of this mini adventurer, he’s got to be at least a Demi God, at 16 months he’s got skills you (and his parents :eek:) don’t believe! Extraordinarily Intelligent, Strong, Dexterous, Charisma off the charts, He’s proven his Constitution is hearty :l Not sure about the Wisdom yet... see Constitution lol.

Sorry for the confusion, that was for the Viking game. That one is a slow posting, high roleplay game, which is more what I can handle right now with the beast on the loose. Trying to juggle numbers in between beatings is tough rofl

In all seriousness, he’s just a very active baby. He’s also very sweet and huggy and kissie too <3

Hi Scotley and Shay and everyone else! Hope everyone is well!

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