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Swords and Socialites: The Forgotten Forge


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These are the stats I will use to determine all of your rolls. Keep it updated please. As soon as everyone is ready to go here, we will get started!

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So, I guess I am one of the Swords, huh?

Palol Thyr: Male elf Ranger 1 (Valenar); 0 XP; Medium humanoid; HD 1d8+1; hp 9; Init +3; Spd 30 ft; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +1; Grp +3; Atk or Full Atk +4 melee (1d6+3/18-20, valenar double scimitar) or +4 ranged (1d6/x3/60 ft., shortbow); SA Favored Enemy: Humanoid (goblinoid) +2; SQ immune to sleep spells, +2 save vs. Enchantments, low-light vision, wild empathy +0; AL LN; AP 5; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Balance +2, Bluff -1 (+1 Goblinoids), Climb +1, Escape Artist +2, Handle Animal +3, Hide +2, Jump +5, Listen +8 (+10 Goblinoids), Move Silently +2, Profession (Bodyguard) +6, Ride +7, Search +8, Sense Motive +2 (+4 Goblinoids), Spot +8 (+10 Goblinoids), Survival +6 (+8 Goblinoids), Swim +0; Track (B), Weapon Focus (Valenar Double Scimitar).

Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Gnome.

Possessions: valenar double scimitar, studded leather armor, traveller's outfit, backpack, waterskin, silver studded spirit mask of Pyrdi Thousand-Cuts (silver holy symbol), ID Papers (Palol Thyr), 2 rations, 5 sunrods, shortbow, 20 arrows, 18 gp.

Age: 131, Height: 5’5”, Weight 97 lbs. Hair: Blonde, Eyes: Green.

When I speak this shall be the color of my words!
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Karl Green

First Post

Grathin Arnbjörn ("Grim") Fighter 1; XP 0; HD 1d10+4; HP: 14; Init +1 (dex); SZ: Md; Spd 20ft; AC 18 (armor +dex +shield) 11 flat-footed; 17 touch; BAB/Grapple: +1/+3 Attack: +4 melee (waraxe 1d10+2 dmg; 20/x3 crit) or +3 melee or +2 range (dagger 1d4+2 dmg; 19-20 crit) ; AL: NG; SQ: dark vision 60ft, stonecutting, weapon familiarity, stability, +2 saves vs. poison and magic/spell effects, +1 attack vs. orc and goblinkind, +4 AC vs. giant types, +2 appraise and craft skills related vs. stone/metal; SV: Fort: +6, Ref +1; Will+0; AP 5; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8

Skills: Climb 4/+6, Intimidate 4/+3, Ride 2/+3, Swim 2/+4

Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Dwarven Waraxe)

Languages: Dwaven, Common, and Terran

Equipment: combat load {64lbs/light}: Dwarven Waraxe (8lb), Dagger (1lb), Chainmail (40lbs), Heavy Wooden Shield (10lbs), Traveler's Outfit (5lb)
total load {85lbs/medium}: Backpack (2lb), Bedroll (5lb)Flint & Steel (nil), 50ft Hempen Rope (10lb), 4 days of Trail Rations (4lb), Waterskin (4lb), Whetstone (1lb)
Encumbrance: Light: 66 lbs, Medium: 133lbs, Heavy: 230lbs
Remaining Money: 42gp 9sp 8cp

Personality: Grathin (Grim) is a fairly grumpy and cynical male dwarf of a very young 41 years old. Grim is not as unhappy as he appears though, mostly he believes this is the way a great warrior should act. He is still trying to find himself, and growing into his abilities.
Description: standing at just 4', Grimm is a bit short for a male dwarf, but he is heavy set and well muscled, weighing in at 164lbs. He has dark black hair with, a finely trimmed and braided bread that he is quite proud of. He wears a dull gray chainmail, carrying an unmarked wooden shield and a dwarven waraxe.

History: Grathin's (who calls himself Grim and nothing else) family immigrated from the Mror Holds to Shar when he was still very young. His father was a well to do banker within House Kundarak (un-Marked) and Shar was a place of opportunity and growth for an ambitious dwarf like his father. In this cosmopolitan center, Grathin grew up. While he was smart enough, he was far more interested in the legends of heroes and the adventures and exploits of heroes of old and spent his very young years reading in the library. As soon as he could he started training and learning the art of war, something he seem a natural at. To young to fight in the Last War, last year he decided to set out and work as a cavern guard for one of the many merchants set out from the City. He has recently returned to Shar, having faced battle for the first time and proven himself to… himself. While working the cavern routes he meet a elf, and to his surprise liked the fellow. Of course he does not wish to admit that to anyone, especially the elf. They are now looking for something more interesting then just guard or watch duty… Grim wants to be an adventure and see the world.

"And here be how Grim will be a speaken'"
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First Post

Lin: Female Changeling Bard 1; 0 XP; Medium Humanoid (shapechanger); HD 1d6; HP 6; Init +3; Spd 30 ft; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Base Attack +0; Grp +0; Attack or Full Attack +0 melee (1d3 subdual, 20/x2, 15' reach, whip) or +0 melee (1d6, 18-20/x2, rapier) or +3 ranged (1d6, 20/x3, range 60ft., shortbow); SQ action points, changeling traits (minor shape change at will, +2 on saves vs. sleep/charm, +2 on bluff, intimidate and sense motive checks, natural linguist), bardic knowledge (+3), bardic music (countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1); AL CN; AP 5; SV Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 16

Skills and Feats: Appraise +2, Balance +2, Bluff +9, Climb -1, Concentration +0, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +14, Escape Artist +2, Forgery +2, Gather Information +7, Heal -1, Hide +2, Intimidate +5, Jump -1, Knowledge (Arcana) +3, Knowledge (Geography) +3, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +3, Listen -1, Move Silently +2, Perform (Melody) +7, Ride +2, Search +2, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +7, Spot -1, Survival -1, Swim -2, Tumble +4, Use Magic Device +7, Use Rope +3; Combat Expertise

0 level spells (2/day)
Mage Hand

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven

Possessions: Whip, Rapier, Shortbow, Studded Leather, Backpack, Waterskin, Caltrops, Ink (1 oz. vial), Inkpen, 3 pts. Oil, Hooded Lantern, Small Steel Mirror, 10 sheets of paper, Bottle of Wine, Soap, Silk Rope (50ft.), Scroll Case, Bedroll, Sealing Wax, 5 Sunrods, Belt Pouch, Spell Component Pouch, 20 Arrows, 14gp

Age: 17, Height: 5'5", Weight: 130 lbs, Hair: White (in natural form), Eyes: White (in natural form)

Lin would disapprove of such a constant facet to herself, preferring to always be switching it around and keep you guessing. She doesn't get a say in the matter, however, and will be speaking like this.
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Male Kalashtar Psion(Telepath) 1: HD 1d4; hp 4; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30ft.; AC 14 (+2 armor, +2 dex) touch 12, flat-footed 12; Bab/Grapple: +0/-1; Atk -1 melee (1d4-1, 19-20/x2, dagger) or +2 ranged (1d8, 19-20/x2, 80ft, light crossbow); AL CG; SV Fort +0 (+0 Con), Ref +2 (+2 Dex), Will +1 (-1 Wis); Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 14. Height 5ft. 10in., Weight 146 lbs., 47 years old. Raven black hair, dark blue eyes. XP 0

Skills/Feats: Concentration +4, Knowledge(psionics) +6, Psicraft +6, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +11, Gather Information +6, Sense Motive +3, Disguise +2 (+2 as a human), Intimidate +4, Speak Language (Common, Quor, Draconic, Riedran, Elven, Gnome), Spot +1, Listen +1. Enlarge Power, Psicrystal Affinity.

Class/Race Features: club, dagger, crossbow, shortspear, quarterstaff proficiency. Immune to dream spells, 1 extra power point/level, mindlink 1/day, +2 saves vs. mind-affecting spells and abilities and possession.

Psionics: 5pp;
1st – psionic charm, conceal thoughts, mind thrust

Possessions: light crossbow, 10 bolts, dagger, leather armor, 2 vials of alchemist’s fire, courtier’s outfit (at home), 5 sunrods, 50' hemp rope, traveler's outfit. Encumbrance: 38 lbs (light=26, medium=52)
Coins: 25gp sp cp

Psicrystal: Friendly (+3 Diplomacy); Diminutive Construct; HD: 1d4 (hp 2); Init: +2; Speed: 30 ft. Climb 20ft.; Armor Class: 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex*), touch 16, flatfooted 14; Bab/Grapple: +0/-17; SQ: Construct traits, hardness 8, psicrystal granted abilities (improved evasion, personality, self-propulsion, share powers, sighted, telepathic link); Saves: As master’s saves; Abilities: Str 1*, Dex 15*, Con -, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +14*, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Search +2, Spot +6; Alertness.

Description: Korenmalekh is tall and skinny as so many of his kind. His long raven black hair is thin, but flows long and straight down his back. He has very deep dark blue eyes that are sometimes unnerving to others. While his looks may be slightly exotic, he has gotten along quite well in Sharn fitting in with the nobility due to his charm and intelligence. A little slow on the uptake, Koren has gotten into trouble a few times for spouting off when he shouldn’t have.

History: Korenmalekh is a Kalashtar who has only recently fled Riedra about 25 years ago. He spent the later part of the Last War in Sharn hobnobbing with nobility and insinuating himself into the high culture there. He has made many friends and contacts in Sharn. (this will be updated with more info hopefully from joint backgrounds with other characters)
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First Post
Name:		Haramir, Babarian Prince of Argonnessen 
Gender:		male
Race:		Human
Class:		Barbarian 
Alignment:      Neutral Good
Deity:          Argonnessen Dragon Cult (?)

[U]Ability	 Score	Mod	Cost	[/U]	Level:	1st	XP:      0
Str:	  15[COLOR=Gold][19][/COLOR]+2[COLOR=Gold][+4][/COLOR]   8 		BAB:	+1	HP:	15[COLOR=Gold][17][/COLOR](1d12+3)
Dex:	  14	+2	 6      	Grap:	+3	AC:	15[COLOR=Gold][13][/COLOR](+2 Dex, +3 Armor)
Con:	  16[COLOR=Gold][20][/COLOR]+3[COLOR=Gold][+5][/COLOR]  10      	Speed:	40'	Touch:  12[COLOR=Gold][10][/COLOR]
Int:	  10	  	 2		Init: 	+2	Flat:   13[COLOR=Gold][11][/COLOR]
Wis:	   8	-1 	  		ACP:    -1             
Cha:	  12	+1  	 4              Action Points: 5

[U]Saves	Total Base	Ability	Feat    Special [/U]           
Fort:	  [B]5[/B]    2	+3	0	0                    
Ref:	  [B]2[/B]    0	+2	0	0       
Will:	 [B]-1[/B][COLOR=Gold][+1][/COLOR]0	-1	0	[COLOR=Gold]+2 while raging[/COLOR]       

[U]Weapons		Attack	Damage	         Critical    Range    Special[/U]
Greataxe         +3[COLOR=Gold][+5][/COLOR] 1d12+4[COLOR=Gold][1d12+8][/COLOR]   20/x3    
Dagger           +3[COLOR=Gold][+5][/COLOR]  1d6+2[COLOR=Gold][1d6+4][/COLOR]    19-20/x2   10 ft.    

Gold Dragon Totem (Fire Resistance 5), Raging Luck 

Fast Movement, illiteracy, Rage (1/day for 8 rounds)

Skill points: 20	

[U]Skills			Total   Ranks	 Ability   Feat    ACP       Special[/U]
Climb                   +5[COLOR=Gold][+7][/COLOR]    3       +2
Intimidate              +5        4       +1
Jump                    +5[COLOR=Gold][+7][/COLOR]    3       +2		
Listen                  +3        4       -1                
Ride                    +3        1       +2                                              
Survival                +3        4       -1    
Swim                    +3[COLOR=Gold][+5][/COLOR]    1       +2     

Argon (Common)

[U]Equipment            Quantity        Cost         Weight[/U]   
Explorers Outfit         1          0  gp   0  lb.
Courtiers Outfit         1          80 gp   0  lb.
(with Jewlery) 

Dagger                   1          2  gp   1  lb.
Greataxe                 1          20 gp   12 lb.
Studded Leather          1          25 gp   20 lb.

Backpack                 1          2  gp   2  lb.
Waterskin                1          1  gp   4  lb.
Bedroll                  1          1  sp   5  lb.
Flint and Steel          1          1  gp   0  lb.
Rope, silk (50 ft.)      1          10 gp   5  lb.
Chalk                   10          1  sp   0  lb.
Sunrod                   1          2  gp   1  lb.
Trail Rations            2          10 sp   2  lb.

Total Weight: 52  lb.

[B]Gold[/B]             15
[B]Silver[/B]            8

[U]Carrying Capacity[/U]
[B]Light Load[/B]  	      58 lb. or less
[B]Medium Load[/B]           59-116 lb.
[B]Heavy Load[/B]            117-175 lb.

[B]Age:[/B]    24
[B]Height:[/B] taller than average
[B]Weight:[/B] muscular and heavy build
[B]Eyes:[/B]   golden with a slanted, reptilian iris
[B]Hair:[/B]   black and oiled
[B]Skin:[/B]   black

Haramir, exiled Barbarian Prince of Argonnessen
A native of the far away land of Argonnessen, Haramir is one of the strange and exotic people one can find only in the City of Towers.

Once, in his homeland, Haramir was a prince of his people, son to the mighty Chief who held council with the Dragons themselfs and destined to reign the fearsome tribe one day. But the land of Argonnessen is no stranger to bloody strife and warfare and while Haramir was still a youth, hunting fish and turtles on the white beaches and climbing palm trees for their fruits, his people fought a desperate war with a rival tribe. A war they would loose.

Still a young man, Haramir had to witness the cruel slaughter of his people, had to see his own father brought down by a score of enemy fighters and carried tooth and nail into the mountains, a sacrifice to the hostile tribes draconic protector.

Haramir would have died than and there at the hands of his enemies, but the other tribes witch, sensing something different, something divine in the young prince halted the enemy chiefs blade and saved Haramirs live. What the spiteful old hag had seen in the young princes eyes is still a mystery to Haramir, but clearly she was afraid of it. So afraid that she wouldn't kill the boy, even though he was the only living heir to a rival bloodline.
(i.e. possibly a dragon bloodline which would be considered divine among the people of Argonnesse, see below.)

Though the witch would not kill Haramir, she still feared him. Calling upon mighty magic, she placed a curse upon young prince, forcing him to leave the land of the dragons and never to return.
And so, Haramir left Argonnesse, living and drifting for a few years among the people who sail the seas, working as deckhand, pirate, navigator and more.
Eventually, Haramir came Sharn and quickly took to the place. His exotic origin and strange tales quickly made him a favorite among the nobles and wanna-be-nobles of Sharn who always seek to surround themselfs with things and people that envy their friends and rival.
For the last few months, he's been living a comfortable life among the rich and famous of Sharn, learning the languages and customs of Khorvaire.
He does know that his presence serves merely a status symbol for the jaded and rich in the city of towers and that he has yet no true friends in this strange land. So far, he hasn't shared the secret of his curse with anyone, but remains on the lookout for people or places that might help him lift this curse.
His greatest dream is still to one day return to his homeland and avenge his father.

Haramir is a broadshouldered, muscled man with ebony skin and a wide and friendly smile. His face and skin hold ritual scars marking his tribe and status among the people of Argonnessen.
He dresses in exotic (and if possible) expensive clothes. His exotic leather cuirass, decorated with thick, bronzen studs serves equally well at a social gathering and amidst pitched fighting.
His most striking feature though are his golden and slightly reptilian eyes that have already seduced quite a few Sharn noblewomen. Haramir is quick to anger, but just as quick to laugh and forgive and usually more cultivated and refined than most people expect from the "barbarian" stranger.
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Tiberian Cortana of Dol Arrah, human male Clr1: HD 1d8+1 (9 hp), Init +0, Spd 20 ft, AC 15 (+5 armor), Base Atk +0, Grp +2, Atk: Halberd +3 melee (1d10+3, x3) or by spell +0 ranged touch, SA Spells, Turn Undead (+0, 1st, 2d6+1), SQ Cast Good spells at +1 caster level, Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 10, AL NG.
Skills and Feats: Craft (weaponsmith) +3, Concentration +5 (defensive: +9), Heal +7, Knowledge - religion +3, Knowledge - history +3, Spellcraft +3. Combat Casting, Combat Expertise.
Gear: Halberd, chain mail, ID papers with portrait, backpack, waterskin, 2 days' rations, cleric's vestments, explorer's outfit, artisan's tools (weaponsmithing), 50' silk rope, 2 sunrods, 17 gp.
Spells: Caster level 1st. DC = 13+spell level. 3/2+1

Well, I imagine him as a hard-bitten ex-soldier - around 25 - from the
Brelish army. He was present at a number of engagements near the war's end,
but he was kept in reserve in these battles thanks, in large part, to his
ability to heal with magic and bandages. Tiberian tended to befriend his
patients... which ended badly on many occasions, as the men and women he had
just healed were killed in the next battle.

He's got a permanent stubble and short dark hair. That and the look in his
eyes makes him seem like someone well over thirty.


First Post
Lancel ir'Zarna: Male human Swashbuckler 1 (Breland); 0 XP; Medium humanoid; HD 1d10; hp 10; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +1; Grp +1; Atk +3 melee (1d6/19-20, shortsword) or +3 melee (1d4/18-20. kukri) or +3 melee (1d6 nonlethal, sap) or Full Atk +1 melee (1d6/19-20, shortsword) and +1 melee (1d4/18-20, kukri) ; AL CG; AP 5; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Balance +5, Bluff +6, Climb -1, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +4, Escape Artist +1, Hide +1, Jump +3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +4, Move Silently +1, Open Lock +3, Sense Motive +4, Survival +1, Swim -2, Tumble +5; Action Boost, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse (B).

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome.

Possessions: short sword, kukri, sap, studded leather armor, backpack, 2 days rations, thieves tools, bullseye lantern, 3 oil, waterskin, flint&steel, ID papers with portrait, explorer's outfit, 4 gp, 7 sp.

Age: 21, Height: 5’11”, Weight 159 lbs. Hair: Blonde, Eyes: Blue.

When I speak this shall be the color of my words!

Lancel is basically a pretty boy at first glance. Upon closer inspection many realise that his eyes practically shine with a gleeful cunning healthily supported by barely restrained arrogance. He keeps his golden, curly hair cut very short. His clothing is generally of the best fashions of the time, but his adventuring gear looks worn, calculatingly worn in fact.

His family's position of favor with the Brelish government earned him an officer's role in the last years of the Last War, there he cultivated his sharp mind, athletic body, and insufferable arrogance into the weapons he wields today.

Voidrunner's Codex

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